
HELP!! my eye is driving me insane

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i woke up saturday morning with a twitch in my left eye! it is STILL twitching now. wtf do i have to do to make the insanity stop??? it could have something to do with friday night's activities, but is there a cure for eye twitching? its not constant, but it does it for about 30 secondas at a time and a few times every hour. my friend told me that she once had an eye twitch for alomst 2 weeks. i think if it goes that long, i'll rip it out! i know that eye drops and poking at it dont help, any onther suggestions?
please help.

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Friday night activities? This might help in solving the problem if you detail what said activities were. Do you have any allergies?

Plus video would be helpful too but we'll settle for still pictures ;)
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I had this happen to me for several weeks too recently and nothing helped except for ice and that just worked a little. It drove me fucking batty though. It started right when I got back from Rantoul so it might have something to do with..uh...overex-hurting yourself. :P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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That has happened to me a couple times, always when under prolonged stress at work leading up to a big event I was planning.

It has always gone away a day or two after the stress is gone and I've gotten a couple good nights of sleep.
Killing threads since 2004.

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I've had it happen occasionally for years. As an indicator of stress, it beats headaches, ulcers, and losing your hair hands down. It's never been a big deal. But it did drive me batty when it started. And yes, stress doesn't help.

Wendy W.
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ha, i wish! this week sucks and im sooo looking forward to this weekend in xenia, gosh, its only monday, isnt it? i'll see you soon enough in WV though. hopefully by then my f-ing eye wont be twitching anymore:| i miss you and tecumseh people. is it oct 15th yet?

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When the internet became big Rosey O'donnel had the same problem as did I.

Spending a lot of time at computers? Try taking some time off and the eye will stop twitching. It was the most annoying thing in the world, hope it stops!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Have you recently had a frontal lobotomy? Your condition sound similar to a condition that I myself was inflicted with. Uhh wait, no that was a bottle in front of me and it was my dick that was twitching.
On the advise of my attorney I will no longer be giving out medical advise as I am not a real doctor though I do play one in distant taverns to get laid.
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Have you tried a magnesium supplement? I've found that the little muscle twitches go away with only one pill. They seem to be a sign that the body's lacking something.

Magnesium also helps if you've been having those wonderful leg cramps when you're sleeping.

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i woke up saturday morning with a twitch in my left eye! it is STILL twitching now. wtf do i have to do to make the insanity stop??? it could have something to do with friday night's activities, but is there a cure for eye twitching? its not constant, but it does it for about 30 secondas at a time and a few times every hour. my friend told me that she once had an eye twitch for alomst 2 weeks. i think if it goes that long, i'll rip it out! i know that eye drops and poking at it dont help, any onther suggestions?
please help.

Could be any number of things, stress included. It's not my intention to increase your stress level by mentioning this but several medical conditions (low magnesium is a big one) can cause eye twitching (nystagmus). It's also a common symptom with Multiple Sclerosis and Menieres Disease (characterized by nystagmus, panic attacks, hearing loss, sensitivity to noise, vertigo, headaches and sweating)

It could also be to medications. On physical exam, one of the first manifestations of Dilantin (seizure medication) toxicity is nystagmus.

My money is on low magnesium level and/or low Thiamin (Vit B1). Not sure what you mean by 'friday night activities' but alcohol abuse commonly results in magnesium and Vit B deficiencies.

Finally, I leave you with this advice. Any new onset of nystagmus should receive prompt medical evaluation.

Good luck.


Keep in mind, I have ZERO credibility here, yet wander these boards as a pretender ;)

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I had one for 3 MONTHS!! Just like you said not constant, but would happen about 20 times a day for any where from 30sec to a couple of min. I went to the doctor after a month and he said it was caused by stress, so he told me to go home an relax
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

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wtf do i have to do to make the insanity stop???

Tell your eye to stop twitching. If it doesn't listen poke it out with a stick. If that doesn't appeal to you or you don't have a stick handy try scotch taping it in the open position.
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