
Ok, who isn't jumping right now, and why?

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my aff-i kicked me in freefall when i wasn't tracking straight enough...oh no, just kidding. ;)

i hurt it pretty bad on a crash landing several weeks ago but thought it was fine now... somehow i managed to strain/tear/dislocate it in freefall. you know, those barrell rolls can be wild sometimes...:P i could not pull at all and had to go silver, and then try to land it on my left hand - but i still had a radio and they talked me down.

saw the doctor this morning, who put me on vicodin and referred me to the orthopedist on monday morning. the guys at the dz recommended one that tends to help our peeps. it's getting more painful and difficult to move as time goes on.
maybe we need to start a shoulder injury thread.

but hey, i graduated. :)
life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
(helen keller)

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maybe we need to start a shoulder injury thread

Wow, a lot of shoulder issues here...

Better yet, I think we should form a shoulder injury support group for skydivers!

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Personally, my back is causing problems, which the chiropractor almost has in order enough to jump.

Otherwise, we have a 'new' Caravan this year that is still in the process of being retro-fitted for jumping, and it's been a lengthy process and nobody wants to jump out of the 182 regardless of what beautiful weather we might have.

If it weren't for the back I would be shaming someone into 182 jumps. It's time to get back in the air.

Next weekend for sure.

. . . . .
"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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I'm not jumping because I had my almost my whole top of my mouth ripped out and had dental implants placed. I'm a hurtin pup. but in the end it will be so much nicer...yea!!!!

edited to add. that my sentences didn't look quite right....too much drugs I guess.:)

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Head cold here also for the last 5 days...

Hoping to be ready by tommorow and drive to Richland WA,,, have a new wing suit that needs to be jumped~~ Our DZ has been closed since October, next weekend is hopefully going to be the first and with a Caravan instead of Gonzo, the Turbine 207 now in Toledo,, were all stoked for it,, just pray we don't have more rain!!

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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My excuse: Just had spine surgery.

lame excuse...

you could have just got a cold or something...

But NO... you always have to do things bette/biggerr than everyone else... :|

Hope everything is doing fine.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Low clouds, little league practice for one kid, school play for another, mowed the lawn in between. Yikes., I'm totally suburban. [:/]

Next thing you know, I'll be playing golf. :o

You're such a great huband and dad, John:)


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to windy..team dosent want to train...made one today though

Tell Keith I said he's a baby;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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