
7 Years Sober Today

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Hey Ed,

Seriously - congrats. Its alot harder than people who aren't in the program understand. My mother gave up 10 years of sobriety late in '04 because she thought she was'rehabilitated' (she hadn't been going to AA meetings in years). Today marks 7 DAYS sober for her... I hope she can reach the same milestone as you :)

Arianna Frances

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Congrats to You. Chili Releno was passing thru town one day and had a beer offense. He told everyone he was sober and wouldn't buy beer, but what he would do is run down to the store and get some root beer and ice cream and make everyone root beer floats. And, that's what he did. He stood behind the table and filled everyone's order. Personally, I thought it more time consuming and probably more costly; but what I found even more intriguing was that everyone thought it was cool to do, enjoyed themselves and actually partied less that night; hence, we started skydiving earlier the next day.

Again congrats...
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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your talking to skydivers who gives a shit ? buy a case of beer and get another token at AA

Shrek, don't be such a bully, of course there are skydivers who care! >:( Just because we enjoy a few beers at the end of the day doesn't mean we can't be compassionate and kind to those who struggle with alcohol addiction.

Congrats, Ed, you done good. I wish I could have that much willpower when it comes to laying off chocolate!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Good work, Ed.
I hope it continues to make the path with contentment a little easier.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That's awesome. Congratulations, and all good wishes for many years of sobriety to come.

It's the best gift you can ever give to yourself and those around you.


As always, she has made a very good point. Addiction affects so many more people than just the individual with the addiction.

I come from a family where drug and alcohol addiction is the norm, not the exception. I cry whenever the sober ones are able to pick up another chip.

I have also been around a few people at the dz that don't drink for various reasons. One person always brought a case of gatorade when he owed a case beer. Personally, I really enjoyed that because there was usually some in the fridge for those hot days where you're sweating your ass off and don't want to go to the store.

Congrats to those that have managed to stay sober. You are to be admired and you have my respect. :)

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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quit it myself eight years ago. I found that sobriety is about as strange a place as any. When I made the decision to quit, it occured to me that there might be some DZ peer pressure untill I remembered who I hung out with. There was never any pressure but only partly because they're my friends. The real reason was, of course, that what I didn't drink became more for someone else. Hell, I was thanked! Love those guys.

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Hey Ed!

Nice one! If you ever come to Germany I invite you to a nonalcoholic beer... but uhm...

seriously, those taste like cat piss! So I think you are better off with a nice nonalcoholic cocktail.

congrats for the 7 years


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7 months on Jan 14 for me. But first xmas & new year so a big milestone. (At least I can remember this one!)

Dude, Do not underestimate your 7 months. You're just as sober as dropdeded! You're 7 months into your sobriety, which is an awesome fete. Congratulations to you too and keep the faith!B|



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