
Shayna Richardson SPAM and my response

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First, let me say i'm shocked at the rereaction of this very old story.

The overzealousnous of this group makes me physically sick.

You people have the nerve to judge others based on rhetoric.


You got lucky - you were ultimately able to walk away from this incident. Do yourself a favor and stay on the ground. Do the sport a favor and stay out of the eye of the media. You don't do the sport a favor and your story/knowledge of the sport isn't what it should be to put a positive spin.

I call BS. Evel & Robbie Knievel made decent livings on activities like this. It's not like Shayna delibertably went out ond burned in, get a grip.

Keep it up, don't let it die, maybe you'll be next. Leave Shayna be. Let her get on with her life. Leave the judgement up to God.


I might add, that whether true, or false. Liable and slander are a very serious felonious offenses.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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If they -did- plan to get pregnant without coverage (unless they planned on paying for it with cash) it makes my blood boil. This, and the raping of the disability system by someone who -can- work (he was an instructor who was still jumping, right?), is why this country's disability system is a wreck.

When the government gets his 1099 they can investigate...and if found that he was faking his disability he is eligible for jail...plus mandatory payment back to the state for all his disability benefits.



Shayna has stated they planned on having a baby. this is a fact... although she seems to be full of misinformation at times.
What ever will get them the next meal seems to be the next correct answer.
I think that the state of missouri has intrest in Ricks "work" history, or at least thats word on the street.
I see people like this milk our health care system and society everyday that I work and it makes me angry when others have to foot the bill.


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I might add, that whether true, or false. Liable and slander are a very serious felonious offenses.


If something is true, it is by definition not libelous or slanderous. It has to be false for it to be libel or slander. And last I checked, they were torts, not felonies.

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I really wonder how she is planning on making friends in the skydiving community.

Well she is a World famous skydiver.
Amost more than Lutz :|

Edited to add : cant wait to read UntamedDog's reaction to this thread.:|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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And last I checked, they were torts, not felonies.

Saying this, and proving it beyound a reasonable doubt in a court of law are definitely two entirely different things.

You don't have to prove a civil case "beyond a reasonable doubt." That's only for criminal cases, and defamation is civil, not criminal.

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Oh it gets better...

A picture of a topless jump got loose on the internet, and suddenly she was "jumping for the cure" -- something breast cancer related -- which was pure bullshit, per the photographer.

Her boyfriend / instructor / dude-that-got-her-knocked-up has been politely invited to stay away from area DZs for exercising a repeated pattern of poor judgement.

Shayna failed to recognize a non-emergency situation due to 10th-jump ignorance, and chose a reserve ride. The reserve ride spin was a one-in-a-million tension knot that locked the slider, and could happen to anyone, being no fault of the rigger. That she hit a parking lot was nothing short of a miracle, and probably saved her life that that of her baby.

Virtually without exception, everybody was supportive in her recovery. From that standpoint, we still are. The media show, however, is a different story. This plea for post-accident sponsorship is like opening up a third chapter of the saga, after such a despicable Chapter Two. I, for one, am glad to see her get bitch-slapped by the equipment vendor as a means to an end on this deal. I doubt she'd ever be openly accepted, beyond the requisite condolences, anywhere in the skydiving community. And as for Rick... well, he can jump somewhere else.

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I really wonder how she is planning on making friends in the skydiving community.

Well she is a World famous skydiver.
Amost more than Lutz :|

Edited to add : cant wait to read UntamedDog's reaction to this thread.:|

he's off buying her gear. dog has desires:P
i googled her name to look for *her* jftc (thread above)-- but found this first: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shayna_Richardson

This could have easily been fixed with a controlability check but instead at that point, Richardson

wikipedia?? at least they didn't say "failed to open" anywhere. she needs to concentrate on raising the baby -- any handouts *should* go in that direction.. one would think. :S
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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I really wonder how she is planning on making friends in the skydiving community. We all know who she is and what she's done.

As far as I'm concerned, she is not a skydiver.

Shayna’s TV interviews put a positive spin on the sport which will be solidified when she makes her first jump back after the accident. I plan to show my support and I urge the skydive community to stop “player hating”.

Parochial attitudes have become a pandemic on these forums. Anyone with any true business sense would bend over backwards to sponsor Shayna’s equipment needs in order for her to return safely to this sport.

I have already sent e-mails to Square 1 at Perris Valley who seemed more than eager to participate. The owners have the ability to view the issue on a broader spectrum with more education and wisdom than any of these meretricious low-rent equipment “vendors”.

Publicity sells jump tickets. It is all in the way she chooses to market her persona.

I suggest that Square 1 team up with Shayna to do a “True Life” documentary where Perris will be the backdrop for her triumphant return to the sport. Shortly afterward, a movie script should be fabricated that will be an emotional tear jerking thriller about skydiving.

In the movie, the community will shun her because of the accident, then they will celebrate her when she returns, proving once and for all that skydivers are a capricious shoal of duplicitous snobs.


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Maybe Scott Lutz can play as the instructor/boyfriend...after all, he did so much good to the sport, too...right?

It's a chance for him to return to his place of glory.

I don't know that a gear vendor gains all that much from a sponsorship with her. A DZ like Perris, near a large metropolis probably would. Even though only 1/10 of the media will cover her return (unless she does it again), that's still good visibility for the dropzone to get more tandems, and some eventual upjumpers. But how will Square1 translate it into sales? There are probably people here who would avoid the vendor on principle after such a promotion.

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wow, if thats all it takes to get free gear, let me try!

dear vender, you may know me in a few months, my name will be in tthe righseeng stars in the perashute magazine, for gettin my A. Perhaps you would be interested in sponsering me , afterall, my name will be in a magazine, and who knows, maybe one day i will be a pro skyfaller. So if you send me this gear, i will put in a good word for it when i am semi-well known, for something other than pulling the cutaway instead of the main and going on tv saying it was the gear, or some other stuffs like not unstowing the breaks in a spin. contact me if you are interested in my offer.
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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When the time comes for me to jump every tv station, magazine, and newspaper that I have talked to already will be there ready to hear from me again.

And no doubt will be far more interested in reporting it if she bangs herself up again, cos that's what makes news.
2 questions: (1) would you want to be the supplier associated with that and (2) it might make your name more famous among TV-watching whuffos but will it help your cause in the skydiving community who are the ones you are relying on for sales?

.... just observation/questions... not judgement...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Oh it gets better...

A picture of a topless jump got loose on the internet, and suddenly she was "jumping for the cure" -- something breast cancer related -- which was pure bullshit, per the photographer.


This is also very true! to add a bit to this there is a video production of home movies her boyfriend is also very proud of.
Shayna was also married to a diffrent person during all of this as well. her divorce has since been finalized.
Wow this thing just keeps getting better all the time..


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When the time comes for me to jump every tv station, magazine, and newspaper that I have talked to already will be there ready to hear from me again.

Legend in her own mind, huh? The world has already forgotten about her, and she has been clumped in with the rest of the skydiving accidents shown on tv. Say the name "Shayna Richardson" to anyone not in skydiving, and you'll get a reply of, "Who?" Sad she thinks people care.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Because I jump in the area where this acident happend people ask about that one girl whos chute did not open!
I thought for sure that this accident had passed and just this Friday I was asked on a white water kayak fourm if I knew that girl who's chute did noy open and she busted her face!>:(
I personally am so sick of her... oh here is another wonderous quote from Shayna.
"I am just so desprate to put this whole accident behind me" as per her words!
And now she is trying to get gear so she can jump and get on more talk shows!
What a liar, but we already know that about her!


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...and what next? Is she going to go cap in hand to al the DZ's asking for free jump tickets, insurance companies to ask for free insurance, gas companies for free petrol to get her to the DZ...

I imagine if they thought that people would give them this stuff, they would. It is really quite sad what America has come to where someone thinks they can play off people's generosity to get something for free instead of getting up off their ass and getting it for themselves. I know that some of the dzo's around the surrounding area have banned her from jumping at thier dz's because they are intelligent enough to realize the possible outcome of having them around if something else should happen. I think that Shayna would get a lot more respect from everyone if she would quit taking advantage of yours and my tax money to pay for her child /medical bills and take care of her business by getting a job.

People haven't forgotten about her outside the skydiving world, I was doing an observation at a vet clinic in KC last week and skydiving came up and the employees all told me that I "was crazy, didn't I see what happened to the girl that smashed her face when her chute didn't open." It is disgusting the lengths people will go to, to get someone else to pay for mishaps. I hope for her recovery and a healthy child but as she continues to milk this for every penny it is worth when she is so desparate to put this behind her, I have a hard time having any sympathy at all anymore.


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Perfect responce to an email which should have never been sent out... I am one person who will not support any vendor who helps her by giving her gear, I think it's a black eye enough already. As far as her wanting to return, well, if she wants to return I'm OK with that, hopefully her ******* boyfriend will not be the instructor, but she can figure out her own finances, take care of her kid, and then figure out how to afford this just like the rest of us.. I know alot of people that would like to jump but dont wanna put in the $$$ to make it happen, I wanted to jump and coughed up the thousands of dollars to make it happen, .. It's a choice, how bad you want it?

Hope her boyfriend gets busted on this whole disability thing, that shit irritates the crap out of me. We all have to pay for assholes like that.

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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It seems to me that one of the biggest problems here is that Shayna seems to think, probably based on Rick being a TM, that skydiving is a right and not a priviledge...and one that she should be able to do even if she can't afford it herself. It doesn't work that way.

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