
Common First AFF Mistakes

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When you spot the plane, make sure you take into account the throw of the plane, the drift due to the upper winds, the canopy drift due to the lower winds, and the total length of the jump run (which is determined by how many groups and how large they are.) Of course if the jump run is offset due to canopy traffic the spotting cone narrows, so be sure to factor that in as well.

The above was a joke. Don't worry too much about how you'll perform; the more relaxed you are on your first jump, and the more you listen to your instructors, the better you will do. The first jump covers some very basic stuff, and you'll have lots of time to practice both on the ground and in the air.

After your first jump you'll have a much better feel for what your strengths and challenges are, and talking about them will be a lot more useful.

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Two words.

Altitude Awareness.

NickD :)

One word.


I ain't talkin' the parachute. The instructors have handles and a harness and grippers that you can use to make their ride a real mess!


Do as they trained you to do and smile, and you'll be alright.
Dropzones are terrible places for inspiration. What does one think when one looks up for a sign only to see a bunch of people falling?

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The three top priorities in skydiving are to

pull at the right altitude
pull while stable

If you do the first two, you're doing well. If you do all three, you're awesome.

There's a lot to learn for your first jump. Be well-rested and relaxed when you get there, feel free to ask questions, eat well and be well hydrated -- whatever you do to put yourself into the best shape to learn.

Practice what they tell you to practice. That practice stuff works. Notice that everyone is telling you what to do -- if we tell you what not to do, you'll focus on it, and think about it. That shit never works.

And yeah, listen to your instructors, relax, and smile. It's only skydiving.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I don't expect to be perfect,

I would start by changing this thought process.
Inheritantly we are all negative people, but if you start to work on it now you will enjoy concentrating on what went well or what you enjoyed more than what did not go so well.
If you set small goals for each jump and accomplish them you will most likely have a smile on your face most of your career. Remember be realistic. Examples have all been given above. How about a nice neutral body position, smooth coordinated movements, altitude awareness, and a solo deployment. Further: good canopy, nice holding area, nice pattern, and a safe landing.
That should be more than enough to worry about.
Good luck and be positive.
" I am going to kick the shit out of my first jump"
repeat x 3 in the mirror.

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I'd like to know what some of the mistakes are that first time solo jumpers make and how to avoid them

Going on line for advice!

Listen to your instructors, take a deep breath, relax and have fun!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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spending money for the AFF course is the biggest mistake

go online, download the free Skydiver Information Manual and read the training material, that way you can skip the 3-4 hours of class time listening to some instructor demonstrate how much he knows

when you get to the DZ just tell them you trained a few weeks ago and got rained out and you couldn't jump, they will assign an instructor to review the main points (that is all you need anyway), anything you learned wrong from the book they will correct and you will be ready to go

if for some reason you actually believe this is a good idea, call the DZ and get your deposit back
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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The biggest problem I had in AFF was remembering to arch when I got out of the plane. There is a disorienting moment when you step out, and you may instinctively kick your legs, or reach for the ground, or ball up because you're falling. If you can remember to relax and arch, that solves a lot of problems. And when you feel unstable, instead of trying to get your feet under you or your hands down (as you would if you were on the ground), arch.

But obviously the most important is to listen to your instructors on everything, including whether or not anything you read online is right.

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A big and easily preventable mistake is not eating and hydrating enough. When the nerves kick in on the ride to the DZ for your first jump it's easy to not eat or drink much.

But your body is going to need a lot of energy when you make that jump. Keep it fed and fueled.

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If you got to jump today, good and I hope everything went well. If for some reason you didn't, there's just two things to keep in mind...

The most common trick your instructors will pull is the old 'exit count' trick. This comes in a few different forms - "Ready, set, go"; "Ready, set, arch", etc. You definitely don't want to fall for this. Once you've done the 'Hotel check' (check in, check out), your instructors will want to know you're really ready. If you wait for the entire 3-count exit, they'll think you're nervous and probably balky. Show them how confident you are and just go on the first 'ready'. Trust me - they'll appreciate the enthusiasm you show for skydiving and will certainly encourage you to jump again.

Oh yeah - the other thing... don't trust any advice you get online.
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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spending money for the AFF course is the biggest mistake

go online, download the free Skydiver Information Manual and read the training material, that way you can skip the 3-4 hours of class time listening to some instructor demonstrate how much he knows

when you get to the DZ just tell them you trained a few weeks ago and got rained out and you couldn't jump, they will assign an instructor to review the main points (that is all you need anyway), anything you learned wrong from the book they will correct and you will be ready to go

if for some reason you actually believe this is a good idea, call the DZ and get your deposit back

:D:D:D Thanks for that!
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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If you got some friends that jump and can fake 30-40 jumps in a log book, you can skip all that student stuff and go straight to the fun stuff, like jumping with your friends.B|

Seriously, arch, watch your altitude, and pull at the right time. They'll teach you all you need to know. :)

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I'm sorry for the hijack but I can't let this go by...

I noticed "Infectious Disease Production Chemist" in your profile.

So...THIS is where all those infections diseases come from, eh? You PRODUCE them?

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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1) Eat a good lunch.
2) Drink lots of fluids.
3) Breath deep
4) Relax
6) Practice PLF's off of chairs and stuff around the DZ.
7) KEEP YOUR FEET TOGETHER WHEN YOU COME IN FOR A LANDING! That's what got me. The Ginger Bread man landing....not good! Toes and ankles together!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Made my AFF1 jump yesterday. 1st mistake was the exit count. I just couldn't seem to get my body out of the plane. When I left the plane, I wasn't arched and tumbled once... which was fun as heck to me. Got my wits about me and arched and my body snapped into the correct position. 2nd mistake was landing in the wrong direction. Initially, I was to land to the south and had rehearsed that in my mind. They changed the landing direction at the last minute. Once I pulled, I noticed several guys landing to the south so I stayed in their playground. Wasn't a big deal as there almost no wind, but I was disappointed in myself. The 3rd mistake I made was due to pride. My course instructor told me that I would flare too early because all students flare to early. I was determined not to flare too early so.... I flared too late. Slid in nicely on my butt though.

Other than that, I did well and will do AFF2 in a couple of weeks.

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