
The Pilot canopy and bad/hard openings

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Has anyone ever experienced a bad/ hard or unusual opening on Aerodyne Pilot, Thank you

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My best friend had just under 300 jumps on his and did not have 1 hard opening. He had 1 line twist (packing).

Funny thing, he just bought a smaller Rage and on the 2nd jump had to cut it away because it twisted up and put him on his back....probably packing again - this time on a brand-new canopy.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I wish I could say no. 270 jumps and two hard openings.

1st hard opening... 1st jump ever on the canopy, 1st pack job on that canopy (meaning I did it with limited experience, not a pro who is used to brand new fabric). I bet it was my fault 100% in the packing as the fabric was explosive to say the least while trying to get it in the bag. It was a symmetric hard opening... I had black and blue bruises where my harness leg straps were for a month. I had a rigger inspect every part of the rig for damage... Ouch.

2nd hard opening.... Saturday (two days ago). One side of the canopy inflated early for some reason - insta-left-canopy. My left riser went ka-boom. I have pulled muscles all over my left side, and my neck muscles are sore. I was dazed for about 10 seconds after the opening as my head was slamed down to the right.

Perhaps the fact the D-bag came out of the container twice between jumps (for maintenance of the risers) or just random luck on how the fabric met the air... I don't know... But ouch... The riser slap left a crack on my pro-track and helmet... Had a few twists that I flew out of without kicking because my body was still swinging around on its own....>:(

But, other than those openings - the rest have been very trustworthy and nice... Some line twists, but never causing a chop...

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Approx 800 jumps on a Pilot 140; first 50 or so were mine and the rest were Amy's. No hard openings. A few off-heading.

Approx 100 jumps on a Pilot 117 (me) - no hard openings.

Approx 50 jumps on a Pilot 150; no hard openings. But that's not really valid because it's my wingsuit canopy, and they're all soft. I'll be using this one at World Team this year.

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Most of my jumps have been on pilots. a couple of wierd openings (noticeably asymmetric inflation and dives on opening) caused by packing - but most of them very smooth, can take a while to full deployment. But certainly never a hard opening.
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