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Everything posted by jumpy

  1. Packing a main is NOT a repair or alteration to the harness/container/reserve system... Hmm the dudes got a point... Its not a repair but if packed improperly "could interfear with the inflation and flying characteristics".
  2. Here in oz we have something like that... You have to do a jump with an instructor to demonstrate braked turns, etc. to get ur B license. Also in the litte license holder that you get there's this card that your supposed to get signed off for higher wingloadings but i'm not really sure if its actually used. Still good idea's all the same
  3. Container: Vector I student rigs (I think) Canopy: Raven 228 PC: Spring Loaded (ohh so fun to pack) AAD: FXC And i still jump it untill i get off my lazy ass and get a rig
  4. jumpy


    I slept out the front of a shop for 3 days for my electric guitar Used to play clarinet for a while as well but doubt I could remember much of that anymore....
  5. Yep still have a savings account...The only thing is that i'm saving to go on a jumping holiday when i finish school
  6. Definetely Mountain Biking! You know those dudes that ride down really steep hills? lol Givin it a shot next week so 20 bucks i come back with a broken legs
  7. Don't really have much or any insight on this but i'll share anyway. I got given a Bev suit while on student status...so its not tailor made for me or anything but it seems pretty damn sturdy to me. Considering it's pretty damn likely that i'm around the 5th person to own it and absolutely no rips or tears.
  8. My sister once asked me while I was watching tv "Does my hair make me look fat??" I then almost laughed myself into unconsciousness
  9. In photo's of the new Mindwarp with the internal audable port it looks like its pretty damn big! Does it get in the way of anything at all? Hit on the risers under canopy or anything like that?
  10. Ahh its a though job but someone would have to do it!
  11. jumpy


    You seen the movie? I love it when Gollum's having the conversation between 'Gollum' and 'Smegals'. Its classic!!
  12. Dude thats not cool!! My dog had to be put down when i was 5. We would have kept her if we could but you have no idea how much pain she was in. Carefull not to fall off of that high horse your on there!
  13. Hell yeah i would!! Infact i have a plan. I finish school around the end of 2004, around halfway through 2005 i should have enough money to travel and then i'm goin jumping all around the world Visit a few friends in different places..coupla road trips across america and europe I say if ya wanna do it then do it...you only live once so why not have a blast while ur at it
  14. Its a 100km round trip and takes about 45min to an hour each way. Wish i lived closer but what ya gonna do...i like were i live
  15. ? The cameraman would've been hit by the bag only... Hardly enough to kill IMO. True..the bag would not... But flying through an open canopy could really ruin your day
  16. I agree with Hooks opinion. There's no way a cameraman could have taken that and lived...probably woulda destroyed the canopy going through it as well....
  17. I always thought the Gath was a little flimsy as well but I have one as a loaner until i can afford myown helmet and they aren't really all that bad. It stops your head from being scrated or a chunk being taken out on exit and will at least help you a little if being kicked in the head...maybe not a freefly speeds though... Personally i don't really plan on biffing in hard on landing but i guess we have to account for the things that we don't really plan on.
  18. dude at the dz was tellin me bout one time when on a night jump thought he'd be cool and swoop the bonfire. he lifted 10 feet in the air and then sunk down to a rolling finish on the other side
  19. Refused once myself on a static line jump..for some reason in my head the 10 second delay was alot scarier then a 7 second one Anyway i'm never riding the plane down again..our pilots suck at the landing!!
  20. jumpy


    Thats pretty damn cool! The only thing i don't like about those instructions is the term Desired IMPACT point Not the best term for skydiving related activities...
  21. jumpy

    Jail Chow

    Because then your a mile away and you've got his shoes
  22. new rig for me and all my buddes a brand spanking new otter of my own lol and i dunno..lotsa cars..lol i reckon a good thing to do would be that whenever any poor student turned up to the dz struggling to pay for there jumps i'd fully pay there aff and maybe set em up with a new rig
  23. sweet!! It would be very intersting to land though...the dudes bigger then the canopy! lol