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Everything posted by jumpy

  1. can't wait till it comes out here in oz! i can tell two towers is gonna really rock
  2. I totally agree. We are some of the richest people in the world! I pity those poor bastards that are rich with nice alpha romeo's and mansions yet don't skydive. Money ain't really the answer to anything. Money lets you do what ya wanna do and as long as you can do that your set Happyness is much better then money
  3. "In our race women to not fight our battles for us, they are mearly there to procreate our race." - Sexist alien on 'Plan 9 from Outerspace'
  4. ahahahahahaha! what a classic!
  5. jumpy

    Partial eclipse

    Got a coupla friends there but i dunno if they saw it or not... the clouds were covering it for a while. Pretty mad thing though
  6. What an idiot! "bah they can't send those pilots through courses for years for any particular reason
  7. jumpy

    The color of money

    Yep our Aussie notes have got little clear windows and a cirlce that has to ligne up on both sides. Can't remember when it changed to the 'plastic' stuff exactly.. something like 10 years ago i guess. I was pretty little. They where massive to. Anyone seen pacific money..all of the stuff seems like its counterfeit! In New Caledonia there 1 and 2 franc coins are literally plastic!
  8. jumpy


    can you imagine working at a place like that?? the breaks! the beer! the not opening on days with really nice weather!
  9. Plus safetly wise as i understand it no skydiving helmet is rated. Just read inside a factory diver or any helmet like that.. can't remember what it says exactly but something along the lines of it 'may' not supply any protection from injury and stuff like that.
  10. I'm really not sure anymore... a couple of years ago definetly but now i ain't sure. Its really weird... i used to rock climb and never had a problem with heights at all but a while ago was on this massive bridge kinda viewing platform thing...say 30 meters off the ground and it was all wiggy... the only way i can figure it is skydiving has made me scared of LITTLE heights but i'm fine with BIG ones...go figure
  11. fun exit and while where on the subject can anyone gimmi a tip on how to do a forward roll not on exit? I've tried tucking my arms into my body (someone said this would work) but i just kinda started going head down but nothing happened. other then that really.
  12. If everyone's in a broke boat then how come it hasn't sunk by now??!?! GROAN Yeah I know but I couldn't resist
  13. If everyone's in a broke boat then how come it hasn't sunk by now??!?!
  14. ahh not queensland..i just assumed lol are you the ?blonde? chick standing in the background...how did you discover you where in it?? But well done
  15. From what i read of that article the mantis position is to increase manevrability rather then increase speed?... Please correct me if i'm wrong.
  16. jumpy

    Weekend #s

    1 (the number of planes we had this weekend :2:0 Well this weekend our Nomad was temporarily dead so all we had was the 206, and since the tandems and aff's took priority only go two in...not to bad i guess.
  17. jumpy

    Lava Lamp

    hmm..would someone like to inform me on this cord thing?
  18. This is my desktop...no idea who's it is though. Someone posted it on here a while ago and i think it was from the wffc. Mad as
  19. Yeah we got a rigger that stoped jumping bout 10 years ago i guess so just packs student rigs and reserves now. We was telling me that after he broke his colar bone jumping he'd gotten all out of jumping that he wanted.
  20. Nah we don't own it yet..we were trialing it Not really sure how to describe it but it has the engine from a Cessna 206 in it but its wider and a little longer. A fat 206 if you will With six of us in it, it was mad. No packup at all! We had our legs outstretched relaxing I'll scan ya a pick later if ya like
  21. jumpy

    lowest pulled

    In going with this topic what is the lowest anyone would cutaway. Its my understanding that a reserve opens in around 500ft so dependent on circumstances there's no way i'd cutaway below 1000. That said I am always open by 2 grand or a little over. Just wondering what you guys would do?..
  22. 2 (number of out landings this weekend ):5:0 What a weekend ! On friday we jumped outa a GA8 20 hours old!! and yesterday got to 14 grand. Kept on checkin my alti and it was still only 7 grand
  23. jumpy

    Packing tool

    Has anyone got the square1 powertool and what do they think of it? or are all of them much on a muchness. I wanna get me one...tons easier then a pullup!
  24. jumpy


    Infact its a pretty easy exit...basicly a poised exit. You sit with half your ass in the plane and half out. Your legs are curled under the plane, then you PUNCH (