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Everything posted by lister55

  1. A business owner who left an ashtray sitting out in his shop has been fined $6,000 by New York City's health inspector Quote This is a "fair" amount. I mean common, the cigg companies had to pay millions..... so why not punish small business owners to the "full extent of the law". Yet another example of ridiculus government.
  2. About time common sense dictates over lunacy.....too bad it takes a teenager with "a 12-year old mentality" to realize this. good for him!!
  3. Yup. It happens. I've taken a few "breaks" from the sport over the years, primarily because I got burned out after making jumping my job Quote This seems to be what happens the most. I have had to force myself to take a weekend off of working at the DZ and only make "fun" jumps. I have been close to that point myself and it is because you see all your friends making the cool jumps you want to be on, but instead you have to go and film a student. Dont get me wrong I enjoy every jump I make, But some more than others....
  4. This seems to be the consensus. More and more it is looking like I am going to have to purchase something else.
  5. Ok, now I see. I wasnt paying that much attention. Thanks.
  6. Oh that could be the problem. Then what is the special plug sony sends out with the PC-105?
  7. That is close, but I am looking for one that goes from S-video to all 3 components, not just video.
  8. On my stiletto I roll the shit out of the nose (4 and 4) and tuck the center cell way in and bring the slider out about 4 inches in front of the rolled up nose. Next, I roll the tail alot from top to bottom. Then of course I treat it real nice on the ground so my work doesn't come undone. This seems to help. Quote I have tried all of that, and it actually made it worse. Not to mention rolling the nose was giving me way off heading openings. All though I will take that over the slammer openings. My best method I have found is to flake a little, try not to flake it too much, just enough to keep the lines straight and clear. Then wrap the tail around stuff the nose way up inside and wrap the crap out of the tail. Less has been better in findings. This is also what the manufaturer recomends.
  9. WIll do, Ill be there either friday night or early saturday morning. See ya there !!
  10. Are there any mods for the stilletto that will help slow down the openings? The openings are long as me and one other packer pack it. But leave it for someone else and you never know what you are going to get. I have already sent it in the factory to have it checked out. They claim no problem, but they arent the ones with whiplash either. I pack it like they say and use the correct rubber bands and stow sizes and the correct pilot chute.
  11. I would loose the parachute, Or design a better looking one.
  12. Since you are a dealer I will ask you this. Have you had any customers complain about sighting the FF2 in with a ring sight. (The Cross sight) I have to offset mine to get the image to come out in the right place. For whatever reason when I sight it on the ground it is perfect, when I get in the air, the image comes out at top right hand corner. I have compensated for this and can deal with it, But I cant figure this one out. I have heard one other person say he had some similar complaints
  13. One thing though, this is a personal preference, but I'd recommend getting a new chincup for it. The ones they make are sturdy for sure, but I think they're a little uncomfortable because of the kind of padding they use. Quote I agree with this. The chin cups comfort sucks. I hate having to buy another one for this reason, especially after spending so much cash to buy the helmet.
  14. And if he ever wants to have it done later in life -- it will really hurt. I had a friend do it when he was a teenager and itwas sooo painful Quote Any notice that everyone knows someone who had done in thier teens? Yet no one has had it done in thier teens. Is this some sort of urban legend?..
  15. Doin good. Wish I was going to be at the Dublin boogie. But I have to work at SDA this weekend. SInce everyone else is going that doesnt leave many people to shoot videos. So I guess I will them out. Hope I see you there again soon.
  16. One of the big problems now with the uncircumcised men is actually with STD's. The problem is with things like herpes and HPV. Turns out the foreskin forms a nice environment for infections to get pretty bad, and outbreaks to be worse and more often. Quote Of course the solution to this problem is teach your kid not to stick it in things that are not trust worthy.
  17. i have used USPS a few times and twice overseas. I have always been nervous using it.
  18. Why are people always telling me what to do .... man that pisses me off......
  19. yeah......More Racism bullshit to worry about. As if me and my bi-racial child dont have bigger things to worry about. Like keeping food on the table. Or wait is that what racial law suits is about?......WHy bother?
  20. then I'd definitely use the boobage to help me find a ride Quote Boobies!!!!......I knew you couldnt go through a post without talkin about 'em.
  21. Ok.....Im at a loss, what is CODEC?
  22. it sounds like a trip to your local Sony service centre may be in order Quote How do you find the nearest service center? I need to take in my camera for a broken LANC port.
  23. I have been looking for a cable that takes the "round" S-video end and slpits it to the composite ends. Does anyone know of a cable that does this.
  24. I have no problem importing my videos from my PC101 to my PC either under pinnacle v9 or premiere pro and editing them but there is no way I can export beck my final work on a DV tape in my PC101. With premiere the camera starts recording but in fact it does not record anything and in pinnacle it tells me that it is impossible to initialize the DV camera. There must be a parameter that I don't know in my camera. Quote I had this problem untill I read the manaul. You have to set the camera up just like you would if you were going to firewire some footage from someone else. You have to manually start and stop the recording on the camera just like you would if you were firewiring some footage from someone. Basically treat the computer as another video camera. You have to be in REC control mode. Page 3 in the FN menu under VCR mode. This will take care of the intialization problem. Dont try to use premier to start and stop the recording. Just start playing the movie in preimier and manually start and stop your camera. Hope this helps.