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Everything posted by Rover

  1. To date I've tried to not capture the 'chraf' in the hope that I could still sell the vid. 100% fail on on the sales so the next one will filmed. Thanks for the tip on camera placement. I wasn't wearing a jumpsuit on the last one and copped it all over my right arm - got a free T shirt from the boss for my troubles though. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  2. 1500 jumps with 1 chop on a Reflex. No complaints. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  3. Was chucked on again today. Have a tandem to chuck ratio of 1 in 750. 2 males, 2 females. What are your 'stats'? 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  4. A friend here in NZ in in his 70s and has been jumping since the 70s. He has developed Parkinsons and has had to change his gear from BOC to a leg pouch because he can't reach the BOC anymore. Legend. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  5. Buy a Gopro & record your jumps for self analysis. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  6. Also known as the Caspian Sea Monster. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  7. It was a Crossfire 2 129 flown by a sub 300 jump person with cameras on to vid tandems. It was her 2nd jump on the canopy. The person in question had - in my opinion - a rather inflated belief in her abilities and is to this day paying the price. Don't let your ambitions get in the way of your abilities.... 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  8. You are only as old as the woman you feel. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  9. Buy a pen and write more in your log book. Lots of others have done it. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  10. Stating nothing but fact - although I wish there was a sarcasm 'smiley' 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  11. Why do you need 'camera training' for Lodi? I know for a fact that jumpers with less than 300 jumps have done camera for tandems at Lodi. With your jump numbers, you should be able to walk straight into a job. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  12. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  13. And with a post to jump ratio of 30 to 1, maybe you are one of them... 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  14. I used to have a Racer and therefore I had a 2 pin Cypres. When I retired the Racer there was no problem using the AAD with 1 cutter stashed away, or if you got keen I guess you could use both cutters on 1 closing loop. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  15. Possibly technology prevents Darwins theory of evolution from working effectively 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  16. Lets hope you are as diligent at telling people what to do at your own DZ; This place look familiar? I dont see any handle check and I see a backfilp on exit... Oooh look a handicam jump AT_YOUR_DZ... ... No blue handle check! no reserve handle touch Fancy that.. Here is another and another , this one has a couple or 3 backflips. Need I go on? Shit with a dropzone as loose as that, using crappy go pro cameras to boot, must not ever service their planes, and be complete money hungry scum with no safety standards..., by your rationale anyway. You should stop jumping there immediately before you all get sued. You should all hand in your ratings as well, knowing about something illegal and not reporting it is a crime in itself. Better dob your mates in the the manufacturers real quick!!!! Are you the S&TA? G0 practice what you preach at your own DZ then come back to us with you bullshit artist super_on_line_good_guy tactics. Yea baby, yeaaa. I'm so happy that I don't live and work in the US with all it's PC litagous crap! I'm off to go throw a drogue and do a handscam jump - and do my handle checks in the plane and the RHS in freefall. However in order to keep it safe, I'll wear a helmet (as I always do) because I'm concerned for my, and therefore my punters safety. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  17. Very difficult to do as the handcam is worn on the left hand and the drogue is deployed with the right. If the drogue were to entangle with the handcam on the left hand some other serious shit is going down. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  18. I'm going to work now, chucking drogues, hauling punters - not taking students -and I'll hand cam them all. Got a gopro set in photo mode so I can sell photos taken every 2 seconds from the same single POV as the video. I'll use copyrighted music on the DVDs and I'll sell as many as I can. When I've finished I'll have a cold beer and count the cash. I'll sleep well tonight knowing that I haven't forced anyone to buy something that they didn't want and that I can feed my family for another few days. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  19. To bad if you want to jump in Mississippi. You'll have to wait til you're 21. What a fuck up. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  20. North Korea is a basket case that exists due to the invasion of the Korean peninsular by the Japanese in 1912. After WW2 finished the territory the Japanese occupied part went to America / allies and the communists / resistance got the north. Skip to 2010 and the North still does not recognise the South - they are still technically at war - and the North hates Japan. If push comes to shove they have the ability and the will to park one on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. That will get everybodies attention...... 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  21. You could say that to a friend of mine who had been junping for 30 years before he nearly went in feeling for his floating pull out that was pretty much 'in tow proof'. He switched to BOC and bought an AAD 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  22. Great colour selection as well... 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  23. Look around you, see what system the majority of people are using, and ask yourself why. If you decide to go with a 'pull-out' do yourself a favour and buy an AAD... 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  24. I have to say that I was very happy with the service I received when I dealt with him. 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.
  25. A few more and you can get your B licence 2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.