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Everything posted by BMFin

  1. What OS are you running ? I mostly use MacInntosh and it plays MPEG´s and WMV´s really choppy becouse of the UNIX based OS. But if you use windows... I can´t tell... EDIT: OH.. yeah... Some BAD-ASS flying there..
  2. Its a jump where you hop&pop with a passanger holding on to you. You spend some time under heavily loaded canopy and when the time comes the passanger drops away and enjoys the zero-air...
  3. BMFin


    What exactly makes PDR more reliable than Tempo ?
  4. I just ordered a new G4 . I had made the design in mirage website and it looked good in the monitor, but after I posted the order to my dealer the next night I had a nightmare : the colors were too much different to what it looked on the screen. In the morning I called my Dealer who was 10 minutes away from sending the order to Mirage and had a talk to him. He suggested me that he would post me a color-map of all the colors. I got the color-map the next day and I was really happy that we hadent made the order yet. The colors really look different in the monitor than in real-life. Lesson learned: If you are about to order a container (especially if its your 1st ) be aware that the colors in the websites differ a lot in real-life. Thats all... -Ville-
  5. Im sorry to hear that m8 ! Be aware of those Italians there. I hear this Oz (Oswald penitentiary) is not just another kindergarden...
  6. Well thats different. Swooping with rear risers, thats something you could call advanced swooping, but letting go of toggles, no way !
  7. Have you tried any anti-fogging liquids ? (If you dont wanna spend any money on it, try soap ) I havent tried but I think it might help...
  8. Good question... I would guess that the name "freefly handle" sells better than some other not so sexy name. Some of us like to drive sports cars also even if we dont drive them in the track. Sure you can use the freefly handle also if you are falling in the opening position all the way
  9. Dont forget to post pics when you get them...
  10. No, not legally responsible. Ethically responsible. This is skydiving; I'd never say that someone was legally responsible for anyone else's injury or death, even if I thought they were. Sorry.. My bad . What I ment to say that the GUN had been sold legally...
  11. Is the person who sold you the gun ( legally ) responsible for the murder you have done with the gun ? (or in this case killed your self)
  12. Allthough most of the people are recommending the metal, I still decided to take the soft. IMHO. (to some degree) This might be a situation where some people like to recommend the traditional way, becouse thats the way it has been always done. I tried to gather as much facts about this subject and chose what best fits me. i.e. Personally Im more afraid of the handle snagging than not finding the handle. Also I trust that mirage has a bit more advanced design in the handle than some other older designs were / are. But now I know what I will have to take into account when jumping the rig. At lest I could do some "peel & pull" - practise before the first reserve pack.
  13. Thanks for the info everyone. Good opinions here. I now have made my order.
  14. I know there are other threads about this subject, but I just wanted to make a poll to see your opinions in a diagram. Please do not choose your alternative only because you have one, but because you have a reason you prefer one. Im about to order my harness, but can´t make up my mind about the handle.
  15. I heard PISA is no longer manufacturing sport parachutes, only military. Is this true ?
  16. BMFin


    Here is the link to the movie at
  17. BMFin


    The same vid should also be availeable at At least if downloading from europe this could be faster...
  18. Why has noone filed a lawsuit against a packer yet ? Or has this been done allready ( sorry had to ask) Are there any written rules concerning paid packers. I wouldn´t know since everyone packs their own here. (only sometimes we throw a beer to a friend if were too tired)