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Everything posted by BMFin

  1. BMFin

    NEW AAD!!!

    Where did you find about the 20 year lifespan ? By that do you mean a 20 year battery lifespan ?
  2. Anyone know if there are any lists of Cypres misfires ? I heard SSK has kept records, but they are not public. Any estimates on how many misfires has occured so far ?
  3. Nice one. I like the profile of the odyssey. I see you got the loop cutaway handle and soft reserve ripcord... Intresting combo.
  4. Very true... What caught my attention the most was : This may be very true. In Finland we have restricted our wingloading
  5. No need to shout my friend. We have different system in Finland. We get A licence after about 10 jumps. B-licence after about 30 jumps. And C-licence at the end of our student career. (about 50-60 jumps.) C-licence in Finland means we are allowed to jump independently. D-licence comes automatically after 500jumps.
  6. I think this list of yours is pretty close to what I think is a good way to see if one is ready. Sadly most people here just sees the jump numbers.. Agreed. I would like to emphasize the word reasonably.
  7. I agree. Though I do not agree with the way most people are making sure that a person is ready to downsize. I also may have a bit different opinions on where to draw the line of safety. Remember, jumping out of an airplane is never safe.
  8. As much as I wish I wouldn´t have seen anyone getting hurt, I have.
  9. (source, billvon) That looks pretty good. Only thing im not 100% sure about is landing with rear risers...
  10. and that's a valid point. I'd be willing to bet: 1) You learn on a higer-winloading from the git-go 2) receive more thorough canopy instruction on student status 3) MAYBE have a slightly less swoop-happy culture (reaching on this one) Problem is that most places in the states teach on big canopies with WAY LESS than a 1:1 loading to protect students from student fuckups and poor canopy control coaching.... then they get out into the real world and truly have no business loading somethinig up at 1.3... especially something as small as a 120. ***You learn on a higer-winloading from the git-go During student status I have flown (about) : Navigator 280 1 jump Navigator 240 5 jumps Navigator 200 20 jumps Sabre 170 5 jumps Sabre 150 20 jumps Yes, our training is much more comprehensive than in the U.S. (Average jump numbers before off-student status are around 50-60 jumps.) But is this really a reason why we would be better canopy flyers ? We dont really recieve any significant coaching conserning canopy-flying after our FJC, if you are reaching the landing area good enough. Do you mean we like to swoop less ? I dont think so..
  11. and your point is.....? Point is: Where to draw the line of safety ??
  12. Yes and accidents at 20 are generally a lot less severe than accidents at 60.
  13. But can't we stop (or at least advise against, when asked) people from downsizing too fast 100%? Hook I have nothing against reasonable advises towards downsizing. My main point was : Is the right place to ask these questions ? Also, What is downsizing too fast ? In Finland we have totally different downsizing culture. Me flying a 120 Hornet @ 1.3 with 50 jumps is totally normal in Finland. Im sure we have no more accidents here than in the U.S .
  14. There are things we cannot prevent 100%. We cant stop traffic accidents 100% Sure we can set the speed limits close to nothing but is that the optimum ?
  15. The most popular topic at seems to be someone asking if he/she is ready to downsize. For a while i have been wondering why is this ? Nearly always the only comments these people get is "dont do it" , "why to downsize ?" "your gonna get hurt bad". Pretty rarely I see someone saying : Thats a pretty large canopy. Are sure you wont get bored with it quickly ? My advise for the people asking these questions on the net is rather listen to the instructors / DZO´s at your DZ . They know you and they have seen you land. They can see a lot more then just the jumpnumbers. And most of all LISTEN TO YOUR SELF. Different people really do develop at different level. Im sure the canopy-nazis here have all the best intentions, but come on ... Loosen up a bit. I think everyone who´s asking opinions about downsizing alreasy knows the feedback they are going to get. So why to bother ? Let the flaiming begin.
  16. No! Don't threaten her.... she won't like that. Oops ... I ofcourse ment to say TREAT her well... Im just a Finn
  17. This is not really related but where does the name stevens come from ? Is he / she the inventor of the RSL-system ? What else has he / she done ? Is he/she still jumping ?
  18. Thats gotta be one of the nicest rigs I have ever seen... Threat her well and welcome to the club Now what do you like about the d-bag ? Have you tried packing yet ? IGOLOW: About that lumbar support.. It is supposed to be included, so contact your dealer if you didnt get one. e-mailing mirage isnt a good idea since they never answer.
  19. Anyway this would be a cool stunt. And it wouldnt be the first one for Felix. I don´t understand why everyone is always dissing him.. propably just jelous.
  20. Why is Grega´s handle not okay ?? He also has a G4.1 manufactured recently...
  21. My reserve ripcord says : P/N : SH01-27 S/N: Jm005344 Is it okay ?
  22. I just love my G4. In my opinion the shape is much nicer compared to the G3. I belive it also is more aerodynamical then the G3. Packing is actually very easy with the split d-bag. I havent tried those old ones with the 4+1 grommets , but I have the 3+1 grommet bag. My riggers really didnt have anything but positive comments about the G4 after they had packed it. 300 $ aint that much, because you get the "deluxe back-pad" with this extra money.
  23. It was my dealer who told me this on the phone. Hes a master rigger too. But I dont want to be liable for any bag-locks... Yes I didnt get the unisyn. But I have the hip-rings.. Exactly.. At least the canopy nazi´s will be pleased to hear about me loosing weight...