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Everything posted by fanya

  1. Meh, I'm 6'3 and my plane mate is 6'1 and we are in a narrow body straight tail 182. I've never had a problem with it.
  2. Are you an INTP? Not that you were asking me but I'm and INTJ and I'm really good at making my own life a living hell in my own mind. Most days I wish I could just shut it all off. :/
  3. Gone crazy? maybe Lost almost all forms of politeness? Yes I long for the old days of manners and politeness, I love modern life but I'm a romantic at heart. If I could only find a lady that appreciated such things.
  4. I'm glad you are getting PRK instead of LASIK, good choice. I had mine done in Sept, the first three days were the most miserable experience of my life, plan on doing nothing but sitting in the darkest room you can possibly find and laying with a towel over your eyes, ideally you will have someone to wait on you hand and foot, the next week after that was aggravating (don't plan on using a computer for more than an hour or two) and it got better from there. I drove during the night of day 5 but I wouldn't recommend that, it was quite scary. Night vision was back to acceptable standards after 2.5 weeks to the point I made a base jump before I even had my 3 week follow up I was back in the air 4 weeks to the day doing tandems again. I used eye drops for two or three months and haven't used them since. Best money ever spent. Good luck with AFF, have confidence in yourself but always respect the sport.
  5. I had a Sabre1 150 that I don't have any clue how many jumps it had on it but you could see through the silver center cell on the area that you laid on it to cocoon it. I put another 400 on it and then sold rig and I'm pretty sure the canopy is still flying. I'd say it had to have had a couple thousand jumps on it, I could be wrong but it packed like a rag and I've never seen another canopy you could see through the cell like that. I'm not sure if I could have passed a weight test but it flared and landed great for me.
  6. As long as you keep the slider on the stops it'll open like butter.
  7. I don't understand how a 3 ring system for a drogue release is an "upgrade" over a sigma. I'm sure some smart individual could screw up the closing of a sigma, I personally can't figure out how other than putting the pin the wrong side up and all that does is just make the pull force suck. Now a 3 ring system that is put together wrong that isn't caught before boarding is going to really make your day suck. I'll be sticking with sigmas and don't ever see a reason to get a strong rating (or this rigs rating). YMMV
  8. Not jumping with a camera is a kind of suffering, now? Did you read the other stickied thread I posted? I also like how you flipped his loss of altitude awareness to being a "decision". He didn't decide shit, he got distracted by the camera and ended up a handful of seconds away from bouncing. Here's the video, if you'd like to see a fellow skygod in action. Wow this is a fantastic example of what not to do.
  9. I was told through the grapevine I had twin in spaceland, I see now that it is true.
  10. I have a belt from Lee, amazing quality and has the ergonomic back thing going on, I highly recommend it.
  11. fanya

    TI Q

    I'm not saying you did anything wrong, it was a question But I've seen video on a sigma with a baglock where the collapsed drogue wouldn't clear the magnetic risers...
  12. fanya

    TI Q

    I commend your performance and being able to get you and your passenger down safely after that shit fest but isn't it SOP to disconnect the rsl before cutting away from a bag lock?
  13. Since no one else has linked it, here's some reading material with posts that are eerily similar to yours. Look for the posts specifically made by Sangi and what everyone else was saying to him and about him.;post=4192725;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; And the aftermath;post=4203276;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; Hope it all works out for you.
  14. Instead of some vague post how about some specifics on where to avoid and why so others that haven't been around as long as you can have some insight. And I watch all the ads that roll through and some dzs pop up more than others and it always makes me wonder why, I don't mind working for assholes as long as the workload is there personally. I figure it's a coin flip between asshole dzos and not enough work to live.
  15. Very popular where I jump "Manufactured by Chris Warnock of Funjump Rigging" The chutingstar glove you linked is gopro1/2 I have a glove by Chris, great glove, works well. To the OP: I'd think twice about going to a gopro3 atm, not only are they expensive they haven't gotten good reviews, seems to be very glitchy, check out amazon reviews I personally think that the gopro2 is sufficient for the work we put out and you can find some deals on them here and there, I just picked up one for back up new in box for 200$, which makes 3, thinking about buying another for one of those just in case I trash both cameras moment. But hey, it's up to you.
  16. Well then, that was an interesting video. It's like sanji all over again. I'll take august 17
  17. Entitlement is americas biggest problem.
  18. It will help with general body awareness. It will be a greater help in BASE if you decide to do aerials, I know BASE jumpers that have gone and gotten diving coaching to work on still air maneuvers. And I know for me personally when I started BASE I felt it helped having been in diving for years in high school and countless still air exits off bridges.
  19. I've found baseball batting gloves work best for me, thin to provide that tactile feel you need and warm enough so your hands remain useful.
  20. Bagging does not make a significant difference on sniveling. I do wolmari pack too, but it does not make my snivel time shorter or longer. My personal experience is it speeds up openings, YMMV. Also to the OP, I've found that a cleanly packed parachute opens slightly faster than a trash packed one that has to "sort" itself out a bit more, once again YMMV.
  21. The link that I had is down but if you can find someone that knows the " wolmar pack" style it'll speed up your openings, I can tell you from personal experience it does, I pack my spectre this way... but would never pack my sabre1 like that. Basically once you lay your canopy down in a nice neat triangle instead of cocooning it you fold the canopy on top of its self. Hard to describe without pictures but with cocooning you are rolling the excess outside fabric in front of the nose where with the " wolmar pack" you are folding the excess on top of the top skin. Maybe I'll mspaint something up tomorrow.
  22. I got PRK eight days ago, I went in and requested it (they told me I was a great candidate for lasik), my doctor also told me that me recommends PRK for those in contact sports. Just cause it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't/won't happen and I go with the prepare for the worst scenario.
  23. I practiced my PLFs off the 16 foot bouldering wall at the climbing gym for about 3 months, it ended up saving my ass a couple months later because when I needed it I was able to instinctively react instead of having to think about how to do it.
  24. I would say this is accurate, when I got my rating my evaluator made specific mention of this incident and how important it was that even turning loads that harnesses will be loose and need to be adjusted before boarding the aircraft. The instructor on this jump was in the 50-75 tandem range and had his ratings pulled from what I was told. If you want to sling shit at Lodi you have plenty of things to pick from but this was TI negligence, I don't see how this can be blamed on Bill, and as far as equipment, all of Bill's tandem equipment is less than 2 years old, it's the best equipment I've gotten to jump so far in the several places I've worked.