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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. Would make more sense, will look into this.
  2. Damn straight. Christians have a history of invading a country and slaughtering the inhabitants, burning all of those peoples writings in an attempt to erase their existence, and then go ahead and steal their celebrations, but rebrand it with their own little twists. Anyone trying to claim the festive holiday as a Christian holiday is doing so ignorantly. While it may be that now to most people because the original societies that created it were all killed by the Christians, the roots (as can be seen by Christmas lights) are still Pagan. But the idea that Christians complaining about things (and many do) that have to do with the original holiday, when they stole it, is quite humorous. Paganism was far more civil.
  3. -Bashes head against desk- Not again with the "If you're not 100% that God doesn't exist you're an agnostic" crap. Just take a second to think about it, for Christ's sake. Atheism is generally a deduction of logic; "I see no evidence of God, therefore God doesn't exist." An Atheist being someone who believes God doesn't exist. There is no clause in the definition stating that he has to be 100% sure God doesn't exist, just sure enough to make a stand on his idea that he doesn't. A direct comparison of how this way of thinking works: "I see no evidence that pigs can fly when no one is watching, therefore pigs can't fly." Now here you have the same principle, you can't prove that pigs can't fly, you can't prove they don't posses any magical powers at night, but just by using logic you can come to the conclusion they don't. You can't be 100% sure, but you can be 99.999999% sure, and this is sure enough to state one does in fact, not believe it. Again: "I see no evidence that unicorns exist, therefore unicorns don't exist." Again, almost the EXACT same concept as with God. An object that can't be proved or disproved, but can be said by some to exist. Now explain to me PLEASE, how it is 'foolish' for someone to state they know unicorns don't exist. So if you're one of those people who claims 'knowing' God isn't in existence is foolish. I sure you don't claim to know that unicorns don't exist, or that faeries don't exist. If you want to apply your pattern of thought to one thing, you should be willing to apply it to all areas where it's fit. Or else majority of atheists are really agnostic, because many of them agree that there's the possibility for God to exist, the possibility is just so low that it's pointless to give it any weight- much like with unicorns or faeries. I see Agnostic most typically as the transition stage between a Theist and an Atheist. Very few people go throughout life as an agnostic, the same happened with me, I was Christian for 17 years, then agnostic for 1 and then only after exploring both sides in great detail was I willing to accept that the evidence of God's existence was small enough to deduce that logically he didn't exist. It annoys me immensely when people have the idea that you need to be 100% about the lack of any greater power in order to be atheist, and not having that makes one an agnostic, that's just not the way it works. I am 99.995% sure there's no greater being- though while being extremely unlikely, to the point of logical deduction that it doesn't exist- I will allow for that .005% that there may be something, not necessarily the Abrahamic God, but I'll give a .005% of something greater existing. And I'm no God damn agnostic!
  4. Hey now... I'm down with the latter part- but this punks been straight edge since '04 ;) Don't sport the Minor Threat ink for nuthin'! But you're welcome to take my share of the alcohol.
  5. Logic is for dirty Atheists... It's all about faith.
  6. Lightweights, I've had 6 kidney stones so far... And I'm 24. On the bright side, the things that used to seem painful before become mere irritations. As for causes of kidney stones, it differs from person to person depending on what type of stone develops. Dehydration is said to be a big factor in it, too many sugary drinks, not enough water. I've also heard from a doctor that red meat is a cause too. Though judging from the different reactions from different doctors, no one seems to actually know. In my case though it was dehydration a few times, and the mistake of no water and only energy drinks for 2 days. Though they're also genetic, so chances increase greatly if someone else in the family has had.
  7. Or just use the public dollars which may be used to fund backwards thinking Christian ideals, like above.
  8. Personally I think removing it from a book is stupid and it will remove the effectiveness of the historic situation to a slight extent. But to those who are crying about black people calling each other 'nigga'. The use of the word among the black community (only a portion of) is a way of taking something that was used against them and making it theirs. The same thing happened with the word 'queer', the idea of 'taking words back' doesn't mean that the word can no longer be offensive and it probably would take many many decades before the original meaning is surpassed by the new way it's used. And the main difference is the way it's said and context. There's many black people that don't mind their white friends saying "whassup my nigga". It's not the same as saying something like "that dirty nigger stole my tv"- 'nigga' is the black 'dude'. And considering terms like 'nigger' are still commonly used in society in a racist degrading way, this is very much a present issue and not something to do with slavery etc. It's offensive to many people, and offensive in ways that you won't understand (makes me think of the south park episode addressing this)- but you won't understand unless you and your family have had a history of discrimination and oppression. And if you're white and tell me you find 'cracker' truly offensive, you're talking shit- there's no reason for you to.
  9. My one dog used to be convinced that things only exist in shadow form. If it wasn't a shadow it wasn't worth chasing. Other dog used to (both deceased) believe that it is madness to lay down without crossing his front paws. Currently both of our small dogs think they're a lot more intimidating than they are. And that it's not weird at all to chase a bird and then run away crying when it squawks.
  10. I can't speak for anyone else but here is the reason why I try to talk religious people out of their beliefs. They are holding back social evolution. People try to use the line "religion is personal, it should be the persons choice whether to believe in God or not"- Well it's not personal, that's a very cute way of thinking, makes me feel all warm and cuddly- but that's not how the world works. We live in a world where religion is pushed onto others through almost every avenue. And until that is destroyed, religion should be seen as the enemy of man, and no this isn't some militant way of trying to get people to think like me, this is a case of people like me trying to get the religious people to stop trying to make everyone think like THEM. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "In God we trust" "God Save the Queen" Religion controls the world, and Christians like to pretend that it isn't so. If it were truly a case of people having their own opinions and society not being force fed religious ideals you wouldn't see almost every section of society riddled with openly religious messages. This even happens at schools where you are forced to sing songs with religious messages, if you're of another religion such as Jewish or Muslim you are excused from such things- but if you're an Atheist then you're still forced to as it seems majority think that it's okay to believe in a God, just don't believe in no god. I dare not even venture into the history Christians have had in setting back science because it was deemed witchcraft and blasphemy. Religions have a history of setting back the logical thinking people and their endeavours and they continue to do so today. In large protesting stem cell research and oppressing homosexual couples. The US is more likely to see a convicted rapist become president than an open Atheist, just as long as that rapist believes there's a God. Religion is a shackle that is tied around society as a whole, but as such it's only those that try to walk forward that will feel it's oppressing effects, while the content souls will sit and not complain about it because they have no need to. Religion can become a personal thing when people are able to look at society without seeing religion everywhere as it is today. When money no longer bares the word "God", when you are no longer expected to confess that your country is under the control of God. But it is still far from being a personal issue when it runs society on such a huge level. I see religion as man's ultimate enemy. And as such I will always argue against a religious persons beliefs, though will never turn to violence to get my point across. You see, one may now state something along the lines of 'If you're trying to convert people how are you different than the christians' - Quite simple... Religious people have been converting actively for centuries, through pro-active and violent means, I'm not trying to convert people to Theistic Satanism, I'm trying to just get people neuteral again after centuries of brain washing. Religions scare me. In the sense that they control almost all areas of society and nobody even dares to question it, even some of the Atheists (most of them) don't dare to attack the thoughts of the majority. Oh dear, what if you offend that Christian!? Religious people love defriending people because they are blasphemous or offensive to THEIR religion. I know this from personal experience. Religion offers nothing of value to society, look at Scandinavia where around 20% of the population are religious and yet the crime rates are amongst the lowest, the unemployment is amongst the lowest, life expectency is the highest. Now look where I live in South Africa where more than 80% of the population is religious... Huge unemployment rates, one of the most violent countries in the world and lowest life expectencies. I love it when Christians try state that religion brings peace when all the countries with the least crime have the lowest religious population and visa versa. So as I've said, I'll stop mocking Christian beliefs when your Christian beliefs aren't pushed into my face in every area of society.
  11. As much of a need for him as new age hippies need their existence of faeries in their subconscious. Faith is the religious man's great trump card. You can't say anything when a person uses the whole 'faith' thing, but thing is it's the same tactic that can be used by any crazy. The man who believes in faeries can use the faith card too, so can the man who thinks the government watches his every move and the Muslim, Hindu and every other religious sect. Faith doesn't help ones cause at all, it just levels it into an untouchable ground of all things which have so little logical support that it's the only way for it to make any 'sense'. Basically faith is used by those whom are to stubborn to look at facts but will refuse to give in to logic, it is void of all common sense. And if I had to say: I have faith that Satan is the real master of man, the true Lord and the only one to offer mankind any potential- there is no way to conclude that your faith is correct and mine is not. We would both be on the exact same level. Faith is retarded- 'nuff said.
  12. Hi, Thanks for letting me know, I'll be sure to change this.
  13. Fucking whiny wankers. Again... I'm offended by speedos at the beach. Come`on Government, that's at least 5 levels worse than what's visible at the back of boxers. One need only have an IQ level above retardation to see the real reason behind the complaints. AIN'T NO 'THUGS' ALLOWED.
  14. What I've been listening to for the past while (mostly raw black metal and punk bands): Behexen - Where The Devil Spoke ( ) Satanic Warmaster - Where Eternity Awaits ( ) Shining - Ren Djävla Angest ( ) PissChrist - Fight Back ( ) G.B.H - Big Women ( )
  15. Alright, so my original idea was to revive an old Skyride thread and just post in there, since the last thing anyone wants to see is ANOTHER Skyride thread, but I think I'll make this one sticky for a bit to make sure people understand. I'll begin by stating what we have stated many times before: We at do NOT support Skyride as a business in any way, we are completely against what they do. As such we have been diligent in removing all Skyride related google ads from the site, we want to try prevent the ability for Skyride to scam the unaware out of their money. With this said, we do not take action against dropzones who are affiliated with Skyride. While we are obviously disappointed that dropzones decide to take this route and support a 'company' like Skyride, this is a decision that they make, and we're not going to bully them because of what we deem bad decisions. When I say that we do not take action against, I mean we will not remove a dropzone listing from our database because they operate in affiliation with Skyride, we will also not allow vigilante attacks on the dropzones through means of We understand that there are many of you who feel strongly against the removal of anything Skyride related, though one should note that while a dropzone may cater to Skyride, the dropzone itself is in many cases much larger than just the Skyride related section of the business. I've received numerous e-mails from both dropzone owners and from those trying to fight the Skyride business scams. I'm going to highlight some of the questions that have been brought forward, as well as the best way of handling them. Q: There is a Skyride related google ad on, what do I have to do to get it removed? A: If you see a Skyride related google ad on the site, please take a screenshot of the advert and contact an administrator or moderator requesting they bring the issue up in the team room. We will then work at getting it blacklisted from the site as soon as we can. Q: There is a Skyride advert in the classifieds section of the site? A: If you come across a direct Skyride related sale on the classifieds, you may flag this as a scam. NOTE: This does not mean you may flag classified sales from Skyride affiliated dropzones. The ad has to be for a direct Skyride sale. Q: A Skyride affiliated dropzone has a history of negative reviews regarding some of their ethics used in sales or otherwise, can I flag their classifieds as scams? A: No. It is vital that only true scammers are flagged as such in the database. If you received an item that was in slightly different condition than was interpreted via the ad this would not warrant a level 5 scam report. While we understand that it is frustrating for users to receive items that they may have had misunderstanding on, we request that any flagging is done with the intent of the flagging system in mind, and to use common sense. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for whatever reason, it is best to communicate directly with the seller about this issue. Q: A Skyride related dropzone has a history of mistreating their staff and they have a classified ad up looking for TIs, may I flag this as a scam? A: No. Again, hearsay about what has happened between any dropzone and it's employees does not warrant a flagging as a scammer in the classifieds. You can discuss issues with a dropzone in the forum to allow other users to understand the risks involved, but flagging them as a dropzone will not be allowed. Q: May I post a warning message in the classifieds to alert people as to a dropzone's negative actions. A: No, while we understand the desire to help others avoid some of the misfortune others may have had, this would not be allowed. Q: I'm a dropzone owner who currently operates a Skyride affiliated dropzone, I'm being abused by the anti-Skyride crowd and have my listings flagged or fake negative reviews made, what can I do? A: We suggest that you contact the dropzone administrative team and explain the situation. We will do what we can to ensure that the measures taken by the anti-Skride members are not over the line. If they are, we will reverse the effects and send out warnings to the parties involved. Note: I am considering bringing up the idea of a separate area in the forums where users can discuss in a forum environment certain aspects of negative business within dropzones. This would allow a special place for skyride related topics of conversation as well as those related to employee issues. At the same time it would free up some of the 10000 Skyride threads from the General Skydiving section. The bottom line being, that while we are willing to help fight against scams and taking advantage of those unaware. We are not going to personally get involved in every issue everyone has regarding a dropzone. We are not here to play mediator between two parties. Please use logic and discretion in matters of this concern.
  16. How dare anyone wear something that clashes with the image of America being white fences and green suburban lawns. How dare anyone ruin the image of perfect America.... How dare they break the ar... I'll stop there before it turns into SC. Seriously, do people really need to find something new to bitch about ALL THE TIME. Who gives a shit how someone wears their clothes. Seriously, are people that bored with their own lives, or are they just scared of the sagged pants... God damn it, I can't even go into that since we're in Bonfire. Please name a reason why you should care about how someone wears their pants? And don't try to pull the 'It offends me to see their underwear', because I can assure you majority who bitch about sagged pants have no problem with a girls thong sticking out. Not to mention wearing a speedo on the beach reveals a LOT more than the top half of someone's boxers. If there are campaigns to stop sagging pants, I say use that energy to protest against banana hamocks at the beach. I don't sag my pants, but seeing people whining about it and trying to remove people's freedoms regarding dress sense makes me want to do it... Just to show that one has (or should have) the right to dress however they so desire. Jesus Christ, people need to stop crying about other peoples lives and go do something with their own. You don't see me trying to ban all the douchebag losers who pop their collars, because that shit offends me!
  17. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  18. We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with one of our service providers. We are aware of the problem and everything is being done to ensure things are back up to normal as soon as possible.
  19. Everyone knows never to fuck with a Russian.
  20. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  21. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  22. :| You need to realize the absolute lack of value biblical quotes have when the post is directed at a non-believer.