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Coreece last won the day on December 12 2021

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  1. wow, black lives matter loses another supporter. I think BLM's point there is that Harris said she was going to "work hard" for the nomination, then she comes back just 24 hours later saying she whipped up enough delegates. (Apparently they don't think that's hard work, just in case you couldn't get that)
  2. Given your public confession of being a troll, I'm sure you're desperate enough to say anything.
  3. Well you should be since the argument you responded to came from BLM. Maybe you didn't know it was BLM, but it's too late, that cat's out of the bag. I mean aren't you the least bit curious as to why the BLM of all groups would actually say something like that? Of course you aren't, you just get triggered and lash out calling the argument stupid and racist. Now you're deflecting and blaming it on MAGA. lmao, try explaing how BLM is now pushing a republican agenda? Is it only racist when republicans say that the democrats are anti-democratic hypocrites, but not racist when BLM says it? Maybe you should just leave the race baiting to the professional hustlers, you look a bit green. Ya, you watch them on TV while basking in a liberal bubble bath. Biden recently gave a commencement speech at a black college where he said that" blacks are dying in the streets, you have to work 10 times harder then everyone else and you love your country even though it doesn't love you back." The look on some of their faces was heartbreaking, while others actually stood up with their chairs and literally turned their back to him. Bet you didn't see that one. Then you have idiots like Sen. Kevin Parker fanning the flames on twitter/facebook bullshiting everyone about how police violence is the leading cause of death for blacks. And then the Dems have the balls to tell conservatives to lower the temperature and be more responsible with our words - gtfoof It's no wonder Biden was losing support from blacks. And then there are people like you. The U.S isn't your new Rhodesia, no matter how bad you want it to be - that's all just more presentism and reeks of cultural bias. The rest of your post is just pathetically patronizing and sounds desperate. Good luck winning people over with that.
  4. I figured that Harris would naturally be first on the Dems list for obvious reasons. It was probably inevitable at that point. Pelosi basically grabbed Joe by the balls and told him it's only going to get more painful - then they would've 25th'd him if they had to, but that would've made everyone look bad. Practically the entire Biden/Harris admin along with the liberal state media lied to your face for at least 1-2 years about Biden's mental condition. Even weeks before the infamous debate you had people like Harris, Mayorkas, Joe scarborough, etc., telling you guys that he's in control, cogent, beyond cogent, sharp, detailed oriented and probing, the best Joe Biden ever, at his best! Then when we tried telling you that he's not, they said oh, it's just a studder, conservatives are manipulating videos, bad angles out of context, they're cheap fakes! And that cheap fakes one came right from KJP during a press conference. When she was called out on it after the debate, she said that it didn't come from her, not her podium, that was the media, lmao. And they would've ran with Joe all the way through the election if they could've, but their lies caught up with them on the international stage.
  5. Just because you're afraid to criticize BLM doesn't make it a gotcha. The only gotcha here is you reducing yourself to making unwarranted PA's. And again, you're the only one here that has publicly admitted that you identify as a troll, and your post supports that fact. Nigel clearly called the argument stupid and reflects racism, but it's not an argument that I ever made, nor a position I ever held - It was BLM's. Maybe he really thought it was my argument, but I doubt it. Either way, it was telling to see how he really feels about them. It's typical that the minute the left disagrees with minorities or no longer has use for them, they just shit all over and forget them, just like the democrats do every 4 years after an election. Which explains why practically every democrat run inner city remains violent, poverty stricken hellholes and have stayed that way since the 60s.
  6. For some reason, all of a sudden a bunch of folks who were fond of saying that we are a republic not a democracy have a problem with being a republic not a democracy. When did BLM ever say that we are a republic and not a democracy?
  7. Hmm, calling BLM drama queens? We never heard that before.
  8. That’s clutching at straws and a stupid argument that simply reflects racism and bigotry. I'm simply offering an example of popcorn worthy "tom-fuckery" just as Lippy said there will be. But it's interesting how the minute you disagree with BLM you lash out and call them racists with stupid arguments - funny how that works.
  9. "Black Lives Matter Timeline of Events Sunday •Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination. Monday •Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night). "A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites. We call on the @DNCto create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates."
  10. No, it wasn't the radical left this time. I was watching RFK's press conference after Biden dropped out and he flat out said that "today president Trump has announced that in his new Administration should he win this election that Jamie Diamon will be his choice as Commerce Secretary and that Larry Fink the director of Black Rock will run the treasury Department" I don't know if RFK just made it up or misinterpreted this New York Post article by Fox Business contributor Charles Gaspirino that was just posted on Saturday. There were also some reddit posts that were quickly deleted by the author when they realised it was misleading. Anyway the important thing is that it's been confirmed that neither of these guys have been selected. . . They both scoffed at bitcoin and blockchain technology not too long ago, but now suddenly they're on board and regret their comments. They don't see Bitcoin as a currency anymore, they see see it as a platform for digital asset storage. Blackrock recently started their iShares Bitcoin Trust ETFs, and the SEC just approved Ether ETF's just the other day. These are the stepping stones for the programmable, surveilable, tokenization of Real World Assets. You will own nothing and you'll be happy. Tokenized, Inc: BlackRock's Plan To Own The Fractionalized World In the aftermath of the recent Bitcoin ETF approvals, BlackRock's Larry Fink revealed that soon everything will be "ETF'd" and tokenized, threatening to fractionalize not just existing assets and commodities, but the natural world, reducing most living things into Wall Street financial products to be traded on a single, universal ledger. . . . It's a long read, but it's important to familiarize and protect yourself from this use case of blockchain technology and it's relation to Enviornmental Social Governance(ESG), Carbon markets and how it'll affect you.
  11. It was the WSJ that reported he was donating $45M/mth, citing "people familiar with the matter." Apparently you're one of those people. Just another reason to distrust ANY story that doesn't cite a clear, specific source. In other Fake News: Trump Picks Larry Fink as Secretary of the Treasury.
  12. That’s nice. I have stopped going to nostalgia shows with aged performers myself. It's crazy. When I was a kid I remember my parents going to the Rolling Stones first "nostalgia" comeback tour back in 1990. . .
  13. Then, in the same post he writes the following: So now it should be apparent to all that it was actually you "spewing the bullshit" all along. Are you going to own up to it, or just run away and ignore that blatant lie? . . .Unless of course you were actually that ill-informed to begin with, brainwashed in a liberal bubble bath?
  14. So this is clearly a different thing. You get that, right? Ya, pro hamas.
  15. Well I'm specifically talking about all the antisemitic protests, so I see no reason to say that antisemitic protests are not antisemitic. But ya, If you're now finally acknowledging the "very fine people," then great - you are making progress, and starting to see beyond a moral stance that lacks principled consistency, confined by partisan boundaries.