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Everything posted by millertimeunc

  1. You know, the Armed Forces have been changing their slogans around a lot lately. Maybe they could use a site like this. Let's see... Air Force: "The facts show Air Force is tops!" Army: "Army lasts longer" Navy: "Navy gives it really good" Marines: "Think positive, Think Marines" Brilliant! The best things in life are dangerous.
  2. Let's see...for 4/20 I had Phish's album Rifts playing on my ipod in my car all day. If Earth day was today as well, then I spent that polluting the atmosphere with JP-8 somewhere between 1500 AGL and FL200. Whoops! The best things in life are dangerous.
  3. I've definitely had hallucinations driving back from the DZ late on a Sunday night. Coming back from Palatka on SR-100 in Florida one Sunday, I thought I saw a herd of deer run across the road and I slammed on the brakes...there was nothing there. I've also had thoughts like "wow, I'm pretty tired. I'm sure glad I'm not the one driving back...oh crap, I'm driving right now." The best things in life are dangerous.
  4. 2 Tenderloin steaks cooked slowly over a charcoal grill with mixed vegetables and a rather good 2006 vintage shiraz. Deeeeeeeeelicious!
  5. Suggestion: Agree to watch the movie. Suggest that you open a bottle of wine for the both of you to enjoy. You drink the majority of the bottle. The movie seems more interesting after 3/4 of a bottle of wine. Problem solved.
  6. A pirate walks into a bar with two steering wheels chained to his crotch. The bartender says "hey man, do you know you've got steering wheels chained to your crotch?" The pirate says "Gaaaaaar, they're drivin' me nuts!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  7. Yes, to compensate for a lack of real pilots at the controls who can't seem to land the jet gently to save their lives. I had an instructor from your side in T-6's, and he bitched at me every time I greased a landing on. Dude, in all honesty, I know it's just comparing apples to oranges. You need 50', I need 4K'. The landings will differ. The best things in life are dangerous.
  8. What? Damaged landing gear because the Navy can't land a jet? The best things in life are dangerous.
  9. Disqualified...He's not actually IN uniform. The best things in life are dangerous.
  10. Enjoy every day of getting verbally kicked in the junk every day?!? Kidding, our instructors don't do that (anymore), but there is a lot of stuff to learn. Occasionally, though, you have these moments where you realize how cool your job is. For me, it's usually after I'm done with my part of the sortie, I've swapped seats with the other student, and I'm sitting in the back eating a roast beef sandwich and washing it down with a root beer while my classmate is shooting single engine approaches. Fuck yeah, getting paid to fly, this is the life! The best things in life are dangerous.
  11. Not sure what exactly I did, but I woke up the next day in an apartment block in Bratislava with mystery bruises. DAMN YOU ABSINTHE!!! The best things in life are dangerous.
  12. MARINE: My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment The best things in life are dangerous.
  13. No idea what you're talking about, since I didn't read the whole thread, but commando is the shiznit when you have to wear a flight suit all day in a non-air conditioned building. The best things in life are dangerous.
  14. Dude, don't worry, she's just playing hard to get. As for the whole soulmate question, the comedian Emo Phillips once said that the trick to being happy in a long term relationship is to find that one special woman who will destroy you slower than any other, so that by the time she's completely sucked your soul out, you're, like, 80 or 90 and life's pretty much over anyway. That's kinda how I look at it, too. The best things in life are dangerous.
  15. We were talking about this in the flight room today while (ironically) talking about the effects of wind shear and microbursts. I figure they probably hit a wind shear close to the ground, tried to go around, but the engines couldn't spool up in time or the sink rate was too high. Very sad. The best things in life are dangerous.
  16. Doin' good, how YOU doin'? The best things in life are dangerous.
  17. Yep, I've gotten mistaken for Roger Daltrey, lead singer of The Who. Go figure... The best things in life are dangerous.
  18. Yet another Air Force guy here, currently finishing up the last phase of pilot training here at Columbus AFB. merino007, I'm thinking hard about putting KC-10's on my dream sheet. Maybe we'll end up on the same crew in the future.
  19. I'll be celebrating with y'all in May. Of course, I'm only going from 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt., which really isn't much of a jump since the requirements for promotion are 2 years in service, a pulse, and no DUI's on your record. The best things in life are dangerous.
  20. Ok, I guess I'll throw a couple in here. The first one is a graduation photo for when I finish training here (everyone in the class has one taken). The second one is right before my first solo in the T-6. Good times! The best things in life are dangerous.
  21. Just wanted to say to all the controllers on here, thanks for the job you do. I know how stressful it is, but you guys work hard and even manage save us from ourselves a lot of the time!
  22. millertime24 And yes, I do blame him for the liver damage. The best things in life are dangerous.
  23. Coffee is necessary at 3:30 in the morning. Ouch... The best things in life are dangerous.
  24. It has to do with the structural limitations of the aircraft. For a real world illustration, take a half inflated balloon with you on your next jump. You'll find that on the plane ride up, the balloon expands as the outside pressure becomes lower. Were you to go high enough, the balloon would eventually burst. The same concept applies to pressurized aircraft. You're not so much concerned with the cabin altitude as you are with the difference in pressure between the outside air and the cabin air. That's why pressurized planes have a gauge in the cockpit to measure differential pressure. In the T-6, our cabin altitude would climb with the aircraft until we went past 8k', at which point the cabin altitude would stabilize and your differential pressure would go up. Our limit was 3.9 +/-0.1 psi If the differential gets too high (too much pressure inside the aircraft), things can start to break, seals can rupture, etc. There are warning systems in place to let the pilot know if this is happening. If you're cruising at a high altitude and the differential pressure gets too low (cabin altitude is too high), there's the potential for hypoxia, DCS, and other nasty things. That's why airliners have oxygen masks available for passengers (don't believe that crap you saw in Fight Club, pure Oxygen DOES NOT make you complacent and lethargic.) So anyway, the answer to your question is this: the pressure in the cabin during flight is less than on the ground because they don't want to break things by trying to keep sea level pressure inside an aircraft cruising at 35k feet. Make sense?