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Everything posted by millertimeunc

  1. You dipshit, you're out of your fuckin' mind! Us Baptists use the most damn swear words of anybody. The best things in life are dangerous.
  2. An engineering student is walking to class one day, when he comes across a frog. The frog says "if you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful woman." The student picks the frog up, puts it in his pocket, and goes on his way. A few seconds later, the frog, says "Hey, if you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful woman, and you can have your way with me for a whole night." The student says nothing and continues on his way to class. The frog is getting annoyed at this point and says "Aren't you listening to me?!? If you take me out of your pocket and kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful woman, I'll be your girlfriend, and you can have me anytime you want." The student takes the frog out of his pocket and says "look, I'm an engineering student, which means I don't have time for a girlfriend...but a talking frog is pretty cool to have!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  3. You're entitled to your opinion. Personally, I think your kinetic energy/time idea is flawed. The point I was trying to make (albeit sarcastically) was that these so called assault weapons, to the law abiding citizen, are recreational items used in an enjoyable past time that should remain a legal right. The best things in life are dangerous.
  4. You know what, you're right. And while we're at it, let's place restrictions...or better yet bans on fast cars. Surely there's no need to have the ability to go 175 mph and take a 20 mph corner at twice the legal speed limit. Yep, no more Porsches, Ferraris, Corvettes, or BMW's. No need for that kind of power in the hands of the average American. If you buy that kind of car, it MUST mean that you intend to break the traffic laws all the time and endanger yourself and those around you. Let's not forget, as we all well know, that only people who are insecure about their manhood buy flashy fast cars. Nope, nothing to do with the fact that they may just like to drive a precision built machine with some pedigree and occasionally use that pedigree in a safe and controlled manner (i.e. club race circuit on the weekend, or an auto-x). No, take away the sports cars and make us all drive hybrids, and America will be a much safer place. The same logic applies to the gun argument. The anti-assault weapon crowd just doesn't seem to understand the simple fact that I don't NEED the kind of firepower provided by a semi-automatic assault rifle. But maybe, just maybe, I enjoy taking it to a range once or twice a month and using it in a safe, controlled environment because it is fun and it is my right as an American to do so. The best things in life are dangerous.
  5. I use 5 altimeters: One audible in my helmet, a wrist mounted alti-master, a wrist mounted neptune, and another neptune usually kept in a cargo pocket on my pants (I use the one on my wrist for altitude awareness as well as data, and compare the data with the one I keep in my pocket). The fifth one is the Mk. 1 eyeball: I use 2 of those. The best things in life are dangerous.
  6. I can't say for sure, but I don't think you can jump with them whenever you want. If you're on a jump billet, maybe you can. I worked for 8 months in a CSAR squadron at a time when I had around 250 jumps, and they wouldn't let me go up with them simply because I hadn't been through THEIR freefall training program. It's a big game of CYA, and also they don't want you to take the risk if it doesn't directly pertain to your job. The best things in life are dangerous.
  7. It costs the same as a civilian would pay. Only a few DZ's I've jumped at offered a military discount, something like 5% if memory serves. If you are talking about jumping for the Air Force, you would need to be assigned to an AFSC which does that sort of thing, and the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are freefall instructors at the academy or some sort of special forces career field. The best things in life are dangerous.
  8. No worries there. I've heard that they're not dropping any fighters for FY09, so now is not a good time to want to be a fighter pilot. The best things in life are dangerous.
  9. Happy Birthday! I'll have a cold one for you! I'm studying (not really) for my next test, prolly going to bed soon. Take it easy, and if it's easy...take it twice. The best things in life are dangerous.
  10. Update: It's an old thread, I know, but I'm excited and wanted to update for anyone who cares to read. I finished my last ride in T-6's on February 6th. We had our red carpet day (family gets to come see the flight line, our flight room, and poke around on the planes) on February 11th, and that same evening we had track select at the O-club. Track select is where we find out what we fly next, and thus what we will potentially get assigned to in the Air Force. I selected T-1's, which is basically a Beechcraft 400, which will set me up for airlift/air refueling. I'm looking at flying C-17's or possibly the AC-130. It blows my mind what the military can teach you in 100 short hours in an aircraft. 100 hours is nothing in aviation, but we went from simple stalls, to simple aerobatics, to advanced aerobatics, to formation/tactical formation and instruments. It's a cool road ahead, and I can't wait! BTW, PM me about our class patch if you want to hear a funny anecdote. The best things in life are dangerous.
  11. Lesson learned- Your are NOT, repeat NOT Bear Grylls, no matter how much you've had to drink. The best things in life are dangerous.
  12. No doubt! I'm usually a pretty straight-laced sort of guy, but after I got my wisdom teeth cut out and was on the vicodin, I turned into "the dude." I may have even said "hey, man, there's a beverage here!" when someone bumped into me. The best things in life are dangerous.
  13. I did a couple jumps on a Safire2 189 a while ago, loaded at 1.1. I remember the canopy opening incredibly soft. Other than that, +1 to everything Billvon said. I think you'll like it. The best things in life are dangerous.
  14. Thank God for that, I'd be upset if I had to get rid of all my sleeveless T-shirts! The best things in life are dangerous.
  15. "Manos: Hands Of Fate" Look it up. The best things in life are dangerous.
  16. Mine would definitely be an action comedy. It would be like Top Gun meets Airplane! and Police Academy, except there are no guns or missiles, and the main characters are still learning how to not crash into each other and the ground. The best things in life are dangerous.
  17. Without giving the ending away, I didn't like what happened to certain characters. After I thought about it, though, and looked at the entire movie as a work of cinematography and acting, and also thought about the story (such a violent country really IS no country for old men), I began to appreciate it for what it was. The best things in life are dangerous.
  18. I would have given it a 1 after I first saw it, just because of the way it ended. After thinking about it for a while, though, I think it's one of the best movies I have ever seen, and would give it a solid 8.5 The best things in life are dangerous.
  19. How YOU doin'? The best things in life are dangerous.
  20. Or you could join the Air Force, just be careful you don't lose an eye in an office paper clip fight. The best things in life are dangerous.
  21. May 12, 2007, millertime24 and I were coming back from my commissioning ceremony. I was feeling pretty good about being a brand new 2Lt in the Air Force. We stopped to fill up my gas tank, and an elderly woman approached us and not only thanked us, but we got hugged as well! She asked how long we had been serving. Imagine how awkward it was for me to tell her "Errrrrm, about 2 hours, ma'am!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  22. I watched it with some friends yesterday evening. They kept looking over at me saying things like "you really do that stuff?!?" and "you're crazy!" The best was when my buddy's wife saw the BASE jumps and said "oh no, why is he flying so close to the cliff? That looks dangerous!" Awesome segment, and very well done!
  23. Err, what? +1. Why would the suit with the lesser GR win in no wind? Suit 1 will lose the overall distance contest. Suit 2 may have a faster fall rate, but that just means it will get to its target distance quicker than Suit 1 due to its higher glide ratio. The best things in life are dangerous.
  24. Dang, that pic makes me want to go and crack open that bottle of Bushmills Black I've got sitting at home, just to be on the safe side. The best things in life are dangerous.
  25. What's Joe's last name? There's a Sean in my class who used to jump at X-Keys quite a bit. The best things in life are dangerous.