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Everything posted by millertimeunc

  1. Look out below, I have to poop! The best things in life are dangerous.
  2. New FLAMING LAWN DARTS! from Fisher Price The best things in life are dangerous.
  3. I know a guy with over 3000 who has never had a cutaway, except the intentional ones you need to have for your tandem rating. The best things in life are dangerous.
  4. I've got a friend who had a cutaway on a rig equipped with a skyhook. The way he tells it, the cables had just barely cleared the loop that holds the risers on and he was already under a good reserve. Pretty cool system. The best things in life are dangerous.
  5. "Less susceptible to being shot down by the enemy than pigeons, the Dutch army experiments with flying messenger-bricks." The best things in life are dangerous.
  6. What you can't see is that I'm actually jumping a Para Dactyl. The best things in life are dangerous.
  7. Can't...move...hands...stuck in...risers!!! The best things in life are dangerous.
  8. It's the cover of the next Pink Floyd album!!! The best things in life are dangerous.
  9. "I'm ejecting you from the game, get outta here!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  10. Posting an intentionally inflammatory picture making fun on someone's religion in the SC is ok, and if you get offended you need to lighten up. Cracking jokes about an obviously doctored photo of a celebrity is unforgiveable and means we're all insensitive. Yeah, there's a double-standard. The best things in life are dangerous.
  11. Level 11, baby! The best things in life are dangerous.
  12. "Pull!" "You First!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  13. "I could pee on the spectators down there, and they'll never know..." The best things in life are dangerous.
  14. There's only one black eye, so I guess Brad only had to tell her once. The best things in life are dangerous.
  15. "Oh shit! I pulled the red handle and nothing happened...but I'm cool with that." The best things in life are dangerous.
  16. "I've heard I can survive this if I grab the grass when I hit..." The best things in life are dangerous.
  17. OH SHIT, this parachute is really a knapsack!!! The best things in life are dangerous.
  18. I'm a big fan of Cragganmore, Talisker, and Laphroaig. I'm sippin' on som Jura right now, though. It's (almost) all good! The best things in life are dangerous.
  19. "Fuck this wingsuit, I want a refund!" The best things in life are dangerous.
  20. That's the military for ya! They're huge on safety. If you think that's an extreme response, you should see what happens when one of the miniguns jams on our helicopters. The best things in life are dangerous.
  21. Subtle. The bait is tempting, but I'm not biting. You can PM me if you want. The best things in life are dangerous.
  22. At the jump course they teach at the Academy, they taught us to do a controllability check, make no turns with more than 1/2 brake input, and prepare to PLF the landing. Of course, that was with 300+ square foot canopies, so I'm not sure how it would work with a sport canopy. I'd probably just do a controllability check and then reassess the situation after that. Edit to add: The rigs we used were SOS with spring-loaded pilot chutes. The best things in life are dangerous.
  23. Any money spent on frivilous items for your pets is usually a waste. I spent quite a bit on toys and scratching posts for my cats, and they still insist on playing with pull-up cords and scratching the couch. And as far as water purifiers for the dog, Larry the Cable Guy said it best: "Hell, he just ate a turd 5 minutes ago." The best things in life are dangerous.
  24. No, my post is consistent with someone who is a human being. We all make mistakes, they just get a lot more costly when you're skydiving. Case in point, I personally know someone who, with over 5 times as many jumps as your profile says you have, boarded a jump plane without a rig because he was so fatigued at the end of a long day of jumping that he forgot it. Does that make him less experienced than you because he "didn't learn it early on?" Your opinon is worth to me exactly what I paid for it. IMHO of course. The best things in life are dangerous.
  25. Actually, if you just peeled out of the door with your wings collapsed and flared once you were clear of the tail on a high speed exit from a King Air, would the forward throw still be enough give you a short climb, or would your speed have bled off too much by then? Hmmm... Still don't want to try it!