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Everything posted by wildfan75

  1. There should have also been another option that would read something like this: Funny as hell except when it's winter, you're in a 182 going to full altitude, and Todd (L.O.) had Mexican the night before. That is not funny. Breath taking and eye watering, yes. But funny, no. Editted to add: Good advice...don't ever be on Todd's first jump of the day load, or at least plan to exit the plan by 7000'. 7500' is about when the "shit starts hitting the fan".
  2. Directions say to peel the corner, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes at 50% power, stir the mashed potatoes and stuffing, recover and cook an additional minute at 100% power. But I don't know, depends on my microwave. I found a way to ditch both sides of my family this year! I'm very excited. This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever! I wonder if Chipotle is open.
  3. "With this rig, I thee wed". Sounds good to me.
  4. There is an email out to those that are going (and whose email address I had. Todd was told to forward it to those I didn't have). If you're interested in going and haven't got the email...PM me. We're going to check with Bob to see if we can take the Gang Green bus. If we can take the bus, we'll leave from Wissota early early Friday AM. If we can't take the bus, we'll have to organize loads dependent on where people are coming from and what time their leaving. Plan is to stay in the bunk house. If you want to hotel it, let me know. Todd will be taking one of his space heaters so we'll have heat in the bunk house. Pray for blue skies!!!
  5. 3:5:2 First (and last for awhile) on a 150 (Winds were good for me to demo the 150. Stood up the landing but wow, a little more canopy (or I should say little too little canopy) for me to handle right now). And there are two new members of the Pink Mafia Sisters! Another big thank you to Merriah from me and Kenzie for doing our Barbie jump!!
  6. RR #1 Self Inflicted Two Out, SBS, cutaway, landed downwind (but didn't know it until two weeks later when the instructor brought it up in casual conversation) I owed A LOT of beer for that jump!
  7. Diet and exercise. Only way to loose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Count calories. It will blow your mind how many calories some things have. I did that starting 1/1/05 and by 7/30/05 I had lost 60lbs. I kept it all off until starting April of this summer (when I started skydiving every weekend) and gained 9 over the summer. I go back to counting calories again 12/1/06. And get a scale. Studies show that those who weight themselves at least once a week are less likely to gain weight.
  8. Dang girl! Eat up! They have jumpsuits now that can fix your fall rate when you've had too much Chipotle, and it would adjust your wing loading without having to buy a new canopy!! It's a win-win! Just don't want you to be one of those girls that I cringe for everytime there is a gust of wind. Editted to add smileys to ensure that humor was evident.
  9. We've talked about this...no rigging for sex, no sex for rigging. You don't get out of it that easy! I gave you my list two weeks ago. You should have had my canopy and container on order by now! Men... [eyeroll] And it wouldn't be cool if we got each other the same thing, and since you've already ordered my new rig, I guess I'll have to figure something else out. Maybe a frying pan...
  10. I'm still waiting for the money that my mom promised to give me instead of doing a high school graduation party. Now I can only hope she has good life insurance and she hasn't taken me off her policy.
  11. Thanks Jen! You just made me feel so much better but just getting a card from my grandparents when I graduated from college. You'd think everyone would have been a little happier that we finally had a female graduate from college in the family!
  12. I'm going back to my corner...
  13. No, no, no...Follow the other two's advice. Believe you me, speaking from experience, the iron thing works. I spilled black candle wax none the less on my carpet the day I put my house up for sale. I almost commited suicide right there but then I thought I probably shouldn't, then I'd have blood on the carpet too. Anything pourous will work, newspaper, brown paper bag, towel (that you plan to throw away after), napkins, etc. It will work.
  14. Welcome. Where are you from? Check to see if there are any dropzones that offer static line (let the debate begin). Static line is generally less expensive that AFF, and the s/l jumps do count towards your A license.
  15. Clouds were low for my 100th and I didn't want to sit around all day long not jumping, so I only got to do a hop 'n pop (See profile picture). You should think about doing a naked jump. I got talked into it for someone's 400th. It's amazing how quickly you forget that your naked as soon as you start to climb out. Although I didn't want to land right in front of the clubhouse, but I almost landed in the corn field, which would not have been very good. Thank God for last minute forward drive! Just wear shorts over your leg straps/rig. Take your shorts off right before you exit. Don't bother with covering your boobs...those will get you extra altitude! I can't wait until it's warm enough to do more naked jumps!!
  16. Or to western Wisconsin, where we jump year round...and definitely bring your friends
  17. If you want a dog, get a dog. If you want a cat, get a cat. But don't get a dog the size of cat so you can try to appear normal. Any dogs, and all cats for that matter, that you can throw just as far as you can a football should not exist. Proud Parent of an English Springer Spaniel!
  18. 1. Get my C license. 2. Do something bigger than an 8 way. 3. Go to the WFFC. 4. Sell house, quit job, move about 130 miles east, find job, buy house. And yes, that's skydiving related! It would put me near the dz and eliminate the 2 hour each way commute I make every weekend, and yes, it's every weekend. 5. Start doing CReW
  19. 3:2:1 Couldn't get the plane off the runway on Saturday (a litle too much snow to go through and the ground was too soft to be able to plow it), so no jumping on Saturday. Beer for my first landing in snow on Sunday!
  20. That's why I dug it up. Come back in three years and many of the passionate responses here will be silent. t I was noticing that many that posted 3 years ago stopped logging on shortly after they posted. I just wanted to make sure that I posted something so when this gets dug up in three years from now, I be able to say, "See, there I was then. Here I am now!", but hopefully with hundreds of more jumps and just as much passion. Note to self in 2009--You had 128 jumps (B, Silhouette 170), largest formation dive 8 way (twice), 1 naked jump, and only one reserve ride (the two out jump).
  21. Many of us wouldn't have made it to jump 26 without AFF-1 at the front. It was the lure that got us to do one jump (in my case #3, but first without a TI attached) and then decide to get good enough to fall with purpose. Back then, the lure of a SL jump would have been minimal. In hindsight, might have been different. But you don't get that knowledge until after it's too late. And many probably wouldn't have made it to jump #26 if they didn't do static line. I know I wouldn't have made it through AFF for the financial aspect of it. Goes both ways. Question was for instructors who have seen the long term effects of both, not which retains more students. I figure if someone's going to stick with it, they're going to stick with it no matter how they learn, 'cause either you have the passion or you don't.
  22. Welcome! I see you're a Minnesotan also. I jump out of Skydive Wissota in Chippewa Falls, WI. Before you jump in to AFF, check out doing static line at Wissota. 5 static line jumps and 20 freefalls are $740 at Wissota (gets you to your class A). AFF at Baldwin (for just the AFF jumps) are over $1200. Plus you'll get to jump with the best (two world team members) and not end up doing a bunch of solos when you graduate from AFF. We'll have you doing 4 ways (unless you really really really suck) by the time you get your A license. Also, we've got a google group for car pooling from the Twin Cities to Wissota on the weekends. PM "jeremy_o" for more info. Feel free to PM me or "L.O." (our S&TA) if you have any questions or want more info. We're open all year 'round so come out and visit us during the winter.
  23. I used to work for the foodservice broker that represented Ken's Foods in the Minnesota market. Would it make you all jealous if I told you guys that I could order as many samples jars and PC's in any flavor I wanted? Ken's dressings and the restuarant are two different companies. Since the restuarant was not in my market I don't know if the restuarant is even using the Ken's foods dressings. I imagine that they would but I've seen goofier things in the foodservice world. You can buy any of their varieties online at www.kensfoods.com.