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Everything posted by wildfan75

  1. That makes three of us! I got my license yesterday! How fun were those backloops and front loops?!?! I also had two really good four ways this weekend. I'm definitely looking forward to learning more and more!
  2. Jump #6--I didn't quite make it to the arch position after pulling my RC, hands went down the front of my body on the hard opening and my thumb caught my reserve handle. 2 out, cutaway and I was so nervous about just getting to the ground I ended up landing with the wind, which I didn't know until the next weekend when someone mentioned it to me. Luckily I walked away with not even a scratch.
  3. How many experienced jumpers go out of their way to jump with the low time jumpers? ] Obviously you haven't jumped at Skydive Wissota!
  4. There is nothing that I could say or write that could give you the full scope of all the positives of Skydive Wissota. You'll feel like family from day one. You'll never be afraid to ask a question, and you'll never have a shortage of people, with an incrediable amount of experience, that will help. It's also the most cost effective way around to get licensed or to just come and jump. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.
  5. 2/25/05--Drunk in a bar with my aunt in Orlando, Fl. Decided we needed to do something cool in September for her 45th and my 30th. I blurt out "Skydiving!" and she said "We're there!". I regreted opening my mouth until 9/17/05. I hate airplanes!?!? What was I thinking!?!? 9/17/05, 12pm--1st tandem. Landed and thought, definitely have to do that again sometime. I was the person that was pacing waiting for my load and asking if anyone's ever done the three P's. Did I mention I hate airplanes?!?! 9/17/05, 8pm--Totally have to do that again NOW! 10/22/05--2nd tandem (too late in the season to start to learn on my own--it gets a little cold in MN & WI during the winter so I did one more tandem to hold me through until spring. 4/22/06--Started statice line and now I've only got four more jumps until class A! Woo hoo!!!
  6. Welcome! You are going to love it! I'm defiantly afraid of airplane but opened my big drunk mouth when my aunt asked what we shoulddo to celebrate our birthday's last September (her 45th, my 30th). I will tell you that the absolute worst part of my first jump was when the door opened. Then I jumped and didn't think about the door opening thing until my JM yelled "Door?" on my second jump. Two tandems and 20 solo jumps (and counting) later, I love it when the door flies open! It means time to jump! HAVE FUN!
  7. You won't be disappointed at Wissota. I just started skydiving April 22. I live in the Twin Cities and have made the trip past the Baldwin exit to Skydive Wissota six of the last seven weekends. I can't say anything bad about Baldwin becauase I've never jumped there, but I only have good things to say about Wissota!
  8. Bert-Man--Did your reserve eventually deploy? Matt--No problem on the tips on what not to do. On my next jump, I don't think I ever arched so hard after pulling. My elbows were locked so tight that even Hulk Hogan couldn't have bent them!
  9. Have you ever accidently pulled your reserve?!?! On my 7th total freefall this weekend I had a big "whoopsie"! I pulled my rip cord and didn't go back to arching. It was a hard opening, and my hands went down the front of my chest and my left thumb caught the reserve handle (Note: Students, this is why we arch after we pull!). The wire didn't come all the way out and in my moment of denial thought/hoped maybe I was okay and put the reserve handle back in the harness. The I felt something not normal and looked up and saw two canopies. My first thought was, "F*%k" and second was "Evaluate". Since the canopies weren't in a biplane (like the malfunction videos say is flyable) and more side by side (slightly overlaped but not much), I made sure that the main was clear of the reserve and cutaway. I even landed (keeping an eye on where the main was landing so I wouldn't have to buy a new one for the club) within "20 meters" of the peas, good enough to qualify for my class A requirements. And yes, I was able to hang on to all the equipment (rip cord and cutaway handle). I know I owe beer, and probably a bottle of something to the rigger who packed the reserve (and saved my life). I even heard all the one liners ("Wow, it took me 1,000 jumps before I had confidence in my reserve", "I knew you didn't believe me when I told you that the reserve was orange", etc). Has anyone ever done this? I'd love to hear your story. That's if you're not too embarrassed to share (my pride definitely took a hit but most importantly, I landed safely!).
  10. Whoooa...not a cheesehead. From Minnesota, just jump in Wisconsin. But I don't care if you're a Packer fan. I'm more concerned about hockey (Go WILD!). I did meet some people from East Troy last year that came up for the pumpkin toss. The only person's name that I can remember is Mo.
  11. Hehe, my second tandem last fall was during the pumpkin toss weekend and they told me the story then. They left him by the target when they bailed after the bowling ball was headed straight towards him. He said it was the best experience ever. Good story! And I'm already starting to the get eye roll at work. I'll be sitting there with a huge smile on my face and they'll ask me what I'm smiling for. When I say skydiving, I get the eye roll (especially today after my 10k jump. All I would have to say is "ten thousand" and I'd get the eye roll). Their loss for not understanding. Can it be the weekend yet? Although I do need some time to recover from the mental aspect and oh, let's call them extra curricular activities!
  12. Thanks and Totally! After having a taste of the FF on the tandems I couldn't wait to get through my S/L and get a little air. I've got some work to do on my boxman though. I'm stable but turning, can't keep my heading. It'll come though.
  13. Hey everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to the site. Never did I imagine after doing my first tandem last fall for my 30th birthday that I would be on my way towards my class A license, but I am loving every minute of it. I'm jumping out of Skydive Wissota in Chippewa Falls, WI (kudos to the experienced jumpers there for all their knowledge and help!! If anyone from the area is debating which drop zone to go to...Wissota. No only won't you regret it, you think it was the smartest thing you ever did (other than pull your ripcord anyway)). So far I have, in addition to my two tandems last fall, five S/L and six FF. My first FF was Friday (yes, I brought a case of beer for the occasion) and ended up doing an AFF on Sunday from 10,000ft! One word: OBSESSION! Blue skies, Lynn
  14. wildfan75

    Skydive Wissota

    The Indianhead Sport Parachute Club has been in the skydiving sport for over forty years. We are a registered USPA Group Member Drop Zone with trained instructors ready to assist you in the adventure of a lifetime. Skydiving is more than just jumping from a plane. It's stepping out into a different world, a world where people fly without wings. Come and leave your troubles on the ground, COME SKYDIVE WISSOTA!