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  1. Hi, Here are two good sources of help: Try and see what they can do for ya! Cheers, Gus Marinho Gus Marinho
  2. Hi, There are pretty much 2 ways to measure the main risers. 1 - overall length of webbing. Mirage, UPT... 2 - overall length of webbing plus the bottom ring. SunPath... Standard risers are normally 20" long. Blues, Gus Marinho
  3. We can't wait to see everybody. Phsycobob and I will be cooking our traditional chili maybe on Sunday night at the DZ. Everybody is invited! Cheers, Gus Marinho
  4. What does a container manufacturer know about reserves? Ooops, I thought I read reserve PC. You're right! Still, contact the manufacturer!!! Gus Marinho
  5. I suggest you to contact the manufacturer of your container. I truly believe only them can answer your question. Cheers, Gus Marinho
  6. Hi, Maybe you have been on their website, but just in case. I suggest you to contact the manufacturer! Cheers, Gus Marinho
  7. Hey Chris, stop by at our place for a beer. Bring your rig and let me see if I can help you. Cheers, hey Gus, I'm about ready for a repack. Do I get a beer to? Hey Bill, what about beer and a couple shots of moonshine?! Gus Marinho
  8. Hey Chris, stop by at our place for a beer. Bring your rig and let me see if I can help you. Cheers, Gus Marinho
  9. Hi, Try this: Let me know, Gus Marinho
  10. I've attached 2 pictures. Note that on the 1st one it shows the following: One small plier for #0 and a bigger one for #2 and up. Also a screw driver to cut open grommets. The second picture show a more detailed view of the plier. They're just cutting pliers that I worked to make that shape. There are 2 types of grommets inserting tools, one for nickel and brass and one for ss grommets. I have Stimpson of New York and they are very good for #0, 2 and 4. They are also a good tool for ss rolled rim grommet, long shank used for risers. They pretty much roll the spur top not leaving a sharp edge. I hope it helps Gus Marinho
  11. I normally use a special plier that I made. Have you seen one of those? If not, let me know and I'll take a picture of it. I have 2 sizes of pliers, one for #0 and one for the other sizes. Depending of which tool was used to install the grommet, I also use just a flat screw driver and a hammer, taking good attention to not damage the stiffener Let me know, Gus Marinho
  12. Hi Tim, Just for the matter of discussion, Jump Shack(PL) uses webbing type 13 on most of their harnesses. They use type 8 on the diagonal or "V", rear riser and chest strap only! Take care, Gus Marinho
  13. Hi Steven, Try this: Option 1 - contact dave at SunPath Option 2 - Put another elastic keeper on the legstrap. Put the rig on, tight the legstraps and put one elastic keeper close to the hardware and the one just to keep the remaining strap in the legpouch. Then arch and see if it still does that. This problem is the relation between the webbing treatment/color "R" and hardware type. Let us know. Good luck! ps.: Don't listen to J. He doesn't know anything about Sun Path! Gus Marinho