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Everything posted by wildfan75

  1. Saturday's weather report for Chippewa Falls, WI... "Cloudy most of the time with a stray flurry; breezy. Winds from the W at 13 mph. Realfeel High®: 12°F" Sunday's... "Mainly cloudy, brisk and bitterly cold. Winds from the W at 10 mph.Realfeel High®: 6 °F" I think I might have to get the long underware and winter gloves out for this weekend. Looks like it might be a little chilly this weekend. Hopefully we'll be able to at least do hop 'n pops if its cloudy.
  2. Check these threads for info.. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2529814;search_string=skydiving%20careers;#2529814 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1196770;search_string=skydiving%20careers;#1196770 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=35384;search_string=skydiving%20careers;#35384 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=595074;search_string=job%20skydiving;#595074 It's been discussed once or twice before. There's plenty more threads. Just use the search function.
  3. Here are three from my second eight way. I'm the girl in the blue jumpsuit with pink grippers. 1st picture is me and the base leaving the lead plane. 2nd picture is me and the base waiting for the chase plane jumpers to get to their spots already 3rd is right before we start whipping points.
  4. Since we're talking about cross braced canopies...I have a question... It's my understanding that with a cross braced canopy you give up quite a lot, such as soft predictable openings, etc. What you gain is the ability to do a good swoop. If that's the case, why are there some people that jump a cross braced canopy only to do straight in approaches all the time? If you're going to do a straight in approach, why not just jump a regular canopy? (Sorry if the question is lame....I'm a newbie)
  5. wildfan75


    The best bed I ever slept in had a bottle of whiskey and two Tylenol PM's on the night stand next to it. Damn I slept good!
  6. I'm sure that eventually I'll have a dream or stay asleep long enough to "see" myself go in. I used to only have the never ending snivel dream. They've now progressed to wear I take action and start pulling handles and doing EPs. I'm sure a bounce dream is not far behind.
  7. If the directors are acting like petty little dictators, then the homeowners should and CAN do something about it. Fact is, is that it's easier for homeowners to whine and cry about something and not do anything about it. I chose to do the opposite. I volunteer to be on my board because I want to do something about it, I want to make my home a better place, not just sit on my ass and let someone else do it and then bitch when they don't do it to my liking. And congrats!! I did read what the article said, and my beef wasn't with the article or the situation. It was with all these poeple attacking HOA's without a clue. Well, that's pretty harsh to say that but I can't think of a better way to say it right now...I'm at work..I'm busy!
  8. Warning...president of my townhome association... Everyone has a choice in whether or not to buy a home that is part of an HOA. Period. It is a choice. When you buy into an HOA you are told up front what rules and regulations you must abide by. Whether or not you chose to read them or just blindly sign on the dotted line is again, your choice. But quite frankly, it's a vast waste of my time when we have to spend time at meetings talking about reimbursing Johnny Dipshit for having his car towed out of guest parking when 1)there are signs that clearly state that guest parking is for guests only, owner's will be towed, 2) he was told up front that owner's can not park in guest parking and 2) after parking there, he received a warning that said, "Park here again, it's getting towed" because Johnny Dipshit didn't read the rules and regulations. I hardly doubt that this HOA president "fired" all the members of the committee. How many times have we read an article on a skydiving incident and the facts are all wrong or incorrectly reported? My guess is that this is some liberal newspaper trying to stir the pot. Just because it's in black and white doesn't make it true. I hardly doubt that the covenants and bylaws give authority to the president to "fire" people. I would guess that in order to remove a board member, they would need a vote of more than 50% of the membership. That is standard. And if homeowner's don't like the rules, regulation, bylaws and convenants, all they have to do is get together and get whatever percentage the bylaws require of owner's and get them changed. I wonder what percentage of the membership actually attend board meetings. My complex is 156 units. We have five board members. You know how many people show up for monthly board meetings? FIVE (the BOD). You know how many people showed up for our last annual meeting? 11 (including the board). That's 11 out of 156. Do I like the fact that there are five people making decisions about our complex for 156? Absolutely not. Do I wish that we'd have more input from homeowner's? Absolutely. I would make my volunteered, non-paid position a hell of a lot easier. So before we go bashing the board, we would need to find out how many people are actually actively involved in the HOA. If you're not involved and didn't read the rules, don't go bitching because we took down your football field sized political sign on your postage stamp lawn! And this is the second HOA home I've owned, and participation was pretty much the same there. As for the wreath, it all depends on what the rules are and interpretation. But I can't help but think this newspaper is trying blow things out of proportion in order sell copies.
  9. I'm 31 and still get carded for all liquor and tobacco purchases. I love when they ask, "Are you 18 (or 21)?" and I respond with "No, I'm 31". I know one day I won't get carded and I'll be offended so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. I once got carded going into Mall of America to drink one night (back in the day when there were actually bars worth going to on the 4th floor, I was about 23). The security guard stopped us and asked to see ID because it didn't allow people under the age of 16 in the mall after a certain time without a parent.
  10. Hey! Good luck! You'll have a blast. I see you're in Stuart, FL. I have relatives that live in Stuart and have been there a few times. Nice area. Do you know any Sweets? My friend Kenzie and I are thinking of going down to the PMS boogie in February at SDS. Maybe we'll see ya there!
  11. Black, white, grey...for this instance yes. In real life no. Black, grey and blue would look cool.
  12. Tony, I personally wouldn't go with anymore than three colors, with black being the main color. You're first rig will go through quite a bit (or at least mine has anyway). I think that rigs that are simple in their color schemes are sharp. The busy ones, I THINK, are fugly. But go with what you like...you're the one that gets to wear it. FYI...I voted for #1. If you're thinking of a Wing's container...talk to Todd. He's a Wing's rep. See you next weekend?
  13. Very good time at Skydive Chicago...except for the fact that I couldn't really jump!
  14. Just a wanted to give one last "good game" to all the people at Skydive Chicago for the great hospitality this weekend. I was (and still am) pretty bummed about my ear and didn't have the opportunity to jump with you all with the amazing weather we had. Next trip!
  15. Perhaps consider getting a second hand main to start with? It will still be trickier than F1-11 but not as bad as something brand new... It'll also be cheaper, which will help when you get bored of it and want to downsize. You might not get your perfect colours but I reckon that it is a small price to pay. This is really, really, REALLY good advice. I'm sitting at Skydive Chicago right now (unable to jump due to ear issues but that's a whole 'nother thread) and there is a newbie absoulely struggling to pack because he just had to have a new canopy. I keep hearing him mutter under his breathe, "I should have listened. I should have gotten a used canopy". Another reason to go used...you'll likely out grow your new canopy about the time when it will start to be manageable. So you just spend a shit load of money on a brand new canopy only to want to downsize. I'm sure the next guy who buys your canopy will be very greatful to you for breaking in his new canopy!
  16. Did the thought that her bid might have come in less? After all, it's a fact that women do get paid less than men for the same job.
  17. How did your company notify you? Via email? You know what a bitch email can be and how things can get lost or stuck in cyber space. Go! I need to get back to my co-workers. We're trying to devise a plan for a gas leak without actually blowing up the building. Cutting the electrical is out of the question...we'd lose all the samples in the freezer and cooler.
  18. Mike Michigan absolutely makes slow suits. I own one. I have the worst body shape for a skydiver (short and fat) so I fall like a rock. Enter Michigan Suit...I still need to work on arching less but I no longer need to wear a t-shirt over my jumpsuit to be able to fall without having other bend themselves in half to stay with me.
  19. I've said it before and I'll say it again ... I HEART ROLI!!!! GOILERS!!!!
  20. I've had my Michigan for about eight months now. I've had to get the bottom of my booties professionally re-attached (the rubber part to the bootie starting coming off), the stitching around the zipper has come undone in two places (one at the bottom of the zipper and one up by my chest), and had the seam come undone on both outside knees (were the cordura bootie meet the upper leg fabric and back of leg fabric) which needed repair after two different slid in landings. Tough part about the repairs was that there wasn't enough fabric allowance in the seams to go just anywhere and have it fixed. The third place I went to finally was able to do it. They look great but after jumping it a little longer, I'm some what disappointed. But this is my first jumpsuit (I've stood up 99% of my landings in this suit so I haven't been hard on it), so I guess I don't have anything to compare it to.
  21. I agree with this 100%. Unfortunately the golden rule only works if both parties agree to it. I will always extend a peaceful hand and I judge everyone as individuals. But it is hard not to sterotype, especially when those that are enjoying the benefits and freedoms that America provides by talking anti-American rehetoric before boarding a plane. If you don't like the country, leave. After all we are a free country, which includes the freedom to leave.
  22. That is not the same. You're comparing apples to oranges. Do you think that if a group of Americans were waiting for a plane in Iran, talking about anti-Iranian rehetoric, and following the path of Jesus of self sacrifice would have been allowed to get on the plane? HELL NO! They would have been shot before they were allowed on the plane. And that is comparing apples to apples.
  23. wildfan75


  24. It wasn't just their praying that raised suspicions... From www.startribune.com (the local paper)