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Everything posted by gravitysurfer

  1. I'm anxious to see how the old guy (Modano) they acquired does also. GO WINGS! aloha.
  2. Well said, Don! [Wings vs Penguins 7:00pm EST - 9/22/10] aloha.
  3. Edit to add: you can also sign up for a daily e-newsletter that covers major aviation news links and a mini-photo gallery (which at times includes skydiving related photos). aloha.
  4. If you see Kay - April Wine [looong before Britney] aloha.
  5. Farewell and RIP Bob Probert. I hope the battle with your earthly demons is over. aloha.
  6. *Why do women have vaginas? So men will talk to them. *How many women with PMS does it take to screw in a light bulb? Ten. Why so many? JUST BECAUSE!!!!! aloha.
  7. ...and we can start calling it the Hossa Curse aloha.
  8. You may try here>> Towards the bottom of the main forum page is a Trading Post section that includes Land Sale--Buy--Lease. Most of it is hunting/camping type property if that's what you're seeking. You may have to join forum to view images(free). aloha.
  9. Darwin is quite patient. Just sayin. aloha.
  10. Have you tried the folks who made it? aloha.
  11. +1 ! And hopefully that regrouping won't require any training of a new/young goalie because Howard now has playoff combat under his belt. Sad day all around for the City of Detroit yesterday. Wings-loss, Tigers-loss, Ernie- now gone. GO WINGS! aloha.
  12. - and awarded by Hollywood. aloha.
  13. I worked on the Pearl Harbor Submarine Base between 2000 and 2005. I quite often met veterans who were taking a family tour with an escort. Not sure what the security policy might be today. You may try contacting MWR here >> aloha.
  14. My boy and his first fish! :) aloha.
  15. Yep. That's a Mexican Boot Snake for sure. Years ago, when I worked at Eloy, I saw those nasty things all the time. Local conservationists blamed them for killing off most of the Sand Trout populations from the dry river beds. aloha.
  16. aloha.
  17. swoopfly: And I think it's pretty crappy when a post hits the World Wide Web without the use of spellcheck or proper grammar. Wendy: As always, good post.
  18. Welcome back and thank you!! If you have a minute, jump over HERE for a look at what you were helping to protect. aloha.
  19. "In God's Hands" (1998) w/Shane Dorian aloha.
  20. He put up a long fight for sure. RIP Scott. *Much love to you Stephanie. aloha.