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Everything posted by rynodigsmusic

  1. Closet liberal. Its disheartening to be accused of having a mental disorder like liberalism, especially since I worked so hard to achieve credibility, common sense and dignity which they lack. Accordingly, you should be compassionately locked up to protect real conservatives. Are you saying that someone who reaches for understanding is a liberal? I thought it was the other way around? You cant combine a man of understanding with politics... the two do not understand each other. "We didn't start the fire"
  2. damn, this is a good question huh? I like animals, and yes, I am guilty of treating dogs/cats better than I do/have humans. I am also guitly of not understanding how someone could treat their dog/cat better than a human... as is the case in many places... many. I have also been known to nearly kill myself in a car trying not to hit something. (a practice I am trying to change). IF I encounter a dear on a mountain road, Im going to try to hit it instead of swirve... but if I see a human, i think I would rather swirve and let be what will be. So, I think you have to evaluate each case. I just try to follow my heart. If my heart is more for a dog than a human, at the time the "protection" is needed, then so be it. However, I dont think its right to value the life of an animal over the life of a human, but do think it is right to value the life of all living things as best you can. What I find so fascinating is the protection that some animals give humans... to the point of giving their own life (which should go against their natural instincts) to save ours. "We didn't start the fire"
  3. If you have a DZ nearby you can learn how to pack and earn some pretty good money in the busier seasons. At the same time learn a ton about the sport. "We didn't start the fire"
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, but i really don't like the idea of ignorance is bliss. I dont think Ignorance is the same as choosing not to worry about something. "We didn't start the fire"
  5. OP- While things all around us change, so the things inside us change. Worrying about the end of all things is not going to stop it, and you know this already. I want to hit on the news media, as many have. I think they are the worlds largest army, with correspondants all over the world and weapons of propoganda so great they can instigate wars. Also, I think they are born of us, the people... we are the ones who keep them alive and operating. As a mass, we find it almost impossible NOT to know whats going on around us. It is becoming more and more increasingly difficult to just be. While you dont want this to turn to a spiritual thing, you need to at least see that your type of thinking is exactly what leads people to search for the deeper "meaning" of life... and that is a spiritual journey whether you want it to be or not. You may have no idea what your getting into, but that doesnt mean your not getting into it. We have to learn content, its not something that just comes naturally to us humans. Take a look around, we are flooded in blessings and there is so much to be thankful for, yet our minds continuously engage us and tell us that we dont have enough, or that we need more and more ect... Just be careful, your entering a very powerful train of thought and pride IS your worst enemy. "We didn't start the fire"
  6. Yes, expressing an opinion certainly makes him that. No, Hume's arrogance of presuming that his particular religion, into which he became a member mainly by accident of birth, is the superior path to other religions, is what makes him a dick. It's a common human fault, which transcends religions and culture, but Hume is certainly guilty of it. What, are you kidding? I watched that on Sunday and I immediately saw the light! Brit Hume clued us all in on how to get the greatest get out of Hell free card there is (providing that there is a Hell)! All my worries are over with. Look at some of the examples that are now Heaven bound (providing that there is a Heaven) or there already. Ted Haggard-a flaming, meth smoking homosexual, who cheated and lied had once again saw the light. He's on his way. David Berkowitz-Son of Sam, serial killer. Spending life in a New York State Prison he will eventually spend eternal life in Heaven! PRAISE! Karla Fay Tucker-first woman executed in Texas since the Civil War. She became a Christian while on death row and now she is enjoying eternal life along side Jesus in Heaven! Susan Atkins-Manson Family member and killer. Yup she too is basking in the light of Glory! Mark David Chapman-murdered John Lennon. Where is he now? Well, my friend, he is now enjoying 20 years to life in Attica with chance of parole. He wants to spread the good words on he is released! Can I get a GLORY! Some day he will enjoy sing-a-longs in Heaven with all the other good Christians! However, John Lennon went straight to Hell. He was not a Christian. Let his fate be your lesson! Let us not forget to remember all of the good priest who oh so loved all the little children! They too will go to Heaven for they are all Christians! See, if God can forgive the most vile of the vile then poor little Tiger can also be saved! Hell, if you really want to get in good with Heaven, become a Catholic. Confessional will assure you the best seat in the house. Works for Mafioso's, should work for you too! Good Luck with that! Heaven is not about where you go after you die, not as Jesus explains it anyway. He specifies that it is within you. There is the nature of Heaven and there is the idea of Heaven. If someone lives only for the idea of Heaven, but does not know the nature of Heaven, then they have not entered Heaven at all, and worse yet, they think they are "still going". We dont "go" anywhere, we become. Hell (whether eternal punishiment or not) is about judgement, and exists because humans, by nature, are very judgemental. Anytime you judge someone, your judging yourself. Heaven is about grace, truth, and perseverance. We can argue/worry about Hell for the rest of our lives, but it wont get us closer to Heaven. And yes, In Christ, all sins are forgiven in the heart of the believer... some people are stronger than others, but a hypocrite calling another a hypocrite is still a hypocrite. So, while you (seemingly) mock Christians, you mock yourself, unless you alone are a perfect man? "We didn't start the fire"
  7. Islam and Judaism are very similar. They are both based on the Torah... the first 5 books of the Bible. The Torah is much older than the Koran but they are both Abrahamic religions. To the OP. Study Abraham (Abram) if you want a greater understanding of the faiths. I tell you bro, its all about Abraham, who is revered in both religions as the man of the covenants. Read Genesis 16 and 17 (King James will be fine, but NIV is easier to read) for an intorduction into whats going on, keeping in mind the radical time difference between the Torah and the Koran. Fundamental Islam is based on Ishmael, and fundamental Judaism is based on Issac. Mohammad is a decendant of Ishmael, David is the descendant of Issac, Jesus is the decendant of David, therefore Christianity is also based on Abraham, but in a much different way. "We didn't start the fire"
  8. 83,854+300=84,154 181+1=182 84,154/182=462.3 "We didn't start the fire"
  9. Seems like just yesterday... damn 10 years go fast huh? I was in Prague drunk off absinthe with some really great friends. Got pick pocketed got fireworks dropped into my coat pockets! It was such an awesome time. edited to add: I am pretty sure I didnt even have an email account then, much less bank online. "We didn't start the fire"
  10. Damn man, thats just cool. "We didn't start the fire"
  11. Grand congratulations!!! A feat many have never seen through and hopefully you will be rewarded with everythig you deserve. peace "We didn't start the fire"
  12. Serioulsy bro, why would you even waste the time to write this? Go to another forum. Do you honestly think anyone here cares how many jumps you have, or how great a skydiver you are? Hopefully DZ.com will have a skygod forum someday, thats where you and many belong. People on these forums are exceptional people, you however, clearly, are not. If your not the exception, and dont know how to appreciate other people breaking down physical/mental barriers, specified or not, as they relate to skydiving, then like I said before, post somewhere else. "We didn't start the fire"
  13. 5 yrs USAF C130 Crew Chief. Lots of travel, Lots of great experiences, no not all great experiences are "good". Lots of work after 2001 (enlisted 98-03). What I tell people all the time is that I do not regret going in, but I do not regret getting out either. I would do it again and encourgage people who might think it would help to go as well. One thing to consider is that with the US military, you volunteer to serve. If you keep that in perspective, its easier to keep it all in perspective. "We didn't start the fire"
  14. Hey there! Been following your posts for the past week and just wanted to send you a heart felt congratulations!!! You are a true inspiration brother and welcome to the sky!!! Again, just awesome man. Peace and blues. "We didn't start the fire"
  15. Change is inevitable and always working to satisfy its purpose. I am not a perfect man, at all. Its the heart that changes that is important, and I believe if you know someone long enough, you will see whats in their heart. I am convicted in my behavior, and just as fast as that, I am reminded that it is grace that gives life. I especially dont like conceit, but I am afraid that is a behavior trait that I am working on, learning from, and hopefully that desire to change is at least recognized by someone. I am a sinner, and sinners are not always welcome in church, but, they are welcome in Christ, as he is one body, one life, one God. Sinners who understand grace have hard times trying to portray the love that was given them, with the face of falseness staring us down... I know I do. Back to the point though... Just because you dont see the change that brings true glory to God, doesnt mean it isnt working in them. It is easy to judge someone when you feel you are not judged yourself, j'ustified" or not, but when grace is working in the heart of the believer,( as Jesus says 'God is always at work') judgement is being transformed into mercy. Some believers are better than others at certain things, (as Jesus apportions grace) but hopefully we are at least doing something with the grace. I hope you understood that, and at least tried to get the love. Its hear and Love loves the give, and yes, humans are weak in it, but it doesnt mean its not there. It is hard for a sinning Christian to break free and live for grace because there is falseness everywehere, but still, faith, hope and love are the goals. Behavior is something that is part of the world, as its not truly you. There is alot of negative influence that can inspire behavior, and lets be honest, we ALL have things in our lives that affect our behavior negaively, certain moments that maybe in retrospect we were a little at fault for and "could have" mis-behaved a little (whoever defines misbehavior anyway)? I dont know, thats just me... But I believe Christians are trying to give grace, without judgement, in a world that doesnt know grace and feels judged already because of the name Jesus, and of course continues to feel justified judging the Christian and not themsleves. Judgement in Christ offers truth and grace, which is an incredible journey into the deeper revelations of Gods unfailing love... or its not and doesnt even exist. So, what you have is an ever-changing grace filled heart, in a world that is full of judgement... I could go on, but... Just try not to accuse those, who arent judging you, of judging you, because that pulls bitter energy near, and that bitterness will take you further and further away from grace. I actually wrote a song about that very thing belive it or not! I like to think im trying, im not sure what else I can do, and I think others feel like this as well. Its just that God is the love of my life, and I dont mind how that sounds. Yes, im completely unworthy, and its not a "safe" thing for me to spell out all my weaknesses on an open forum, (there is something very special about a forum of skydivers).... But, the point is, judgement is everywhere, I think Im at least trying. The path to grace seems to be a path of perseverance. I know I wrote too much as usual, but I cant help it for some reason. "We didn't start the fire"
  16. Rest is one of the desires of the soul. And what is this soul you speak of? Sorry man, you'll know if it ever hungers. Just relax and take it all in stride, stay open, and follow your heart. "We didn't start the fire"
  17. I remember you had a hard time with this a couple of years ago and I remember exactly what you said (if you like you can test me). But... I want to hear what your heart says, and if its the same as before, then that question may be increasingly difficult for you to have answered. How do you know that you love anything without belief? Oh its a mental state alright... but one that has not even come close to fading. The revelation, at least for me was not without a deep and ever giving experience of perfect love. If a drug could've taken me there, I would be promoting it, instead of Jesus. No, not at all. What Im saying is that if you found what many have found in Christ, then you wouldnt have to ask what power I was speaking about. But, yes, that power is extremely unique and personally fulfilling with each individual. We all have different weaknesses, some similar of course, but different minds, different perceptions... Think of the sun as its light spreads across a field of flowers. Each flower is unique, similar, different, but the light that makes them grow is the same. "We didn't start the fire"
  18. Because I love God you seem to assume that he has always been "good" to me? The truth is that pain has been a big part of my life, and I wouldnt want anyone to have to go through any of it, but, I would go through it all again to find what I found, that is for sure. Still, you expected an answer for one of the most difficult questions... now lets hear yours. The balance? Clearly you have not read many of my posts. I am a strong believer in the balance. Cut and Dry it anyway you like, Jesus offers hope and you (we) offer nothing, but a vague attempt of "explanation" that favors your opprotunistic lifestyle, and not the truth. The truth is that you and I are both greedy... in fact, all sinful man is. Now, I ask you why? Why are we greedy? You have said becasue we were bred into it, and I still maintain that not just us (this particualr generation). I have said that light requires dark to be recongized, therefore content requires greeed, grace requires sin, and so forth. Both a poor man and a rich man can find content, likewise a healthy man and a sick man can find hope. I dont think our hearts are very different when it comes to empathy, but you have a very strong bitterness with the most empathetic man who ever lived... and that is confusing me. Christians in Australia must be stabbing one another and stealing from the poor or something? "We didn't start the fire"
  19. Not to be argumentive, but that sounds more like an effect rather than a cause. The question is more of a why. Why does the universe continously move, adapt, create, destroy... change, and still all without purpose? This is a fundamental question for anyone seeking truth in life. Could there possibly be something, not nothing, but something that is intelligently a part of these phenomeon? Yes, No, maybe... how one decides this for themselves is of great importance to what they become in relation to all things... not difinitivly of course, but also not without impact in regard to the balance of creativity and destruction. Building thoery after theory, and proving them, does not seem to be able to address the fundamental question of why. Unless I just totally missed your point? I would argue against that personally. Perhaps better to say the ability to see (experience) it may not have been. Nope, I agree, but also beauty. So, we know there is ugliness and beauty in us... no point in the glass half empty here (this discussion) anyway. I may have to find the heart to forgive and understand my murderer, and my murderer may find grace through my murder. So beauty can be found even in ugliness, as both the victim and the murderer can find grace through an act of ugliness. Sorry I went so extreme with the analogy. Yeah, I think we all do that from time to time huh?! So we all have life, and it seems that life has desires and drives that are common to that which it inhabits. I think we are agreeing here, but i dont want you to assume Im telling you what you beleive. And so we sort of agree that there is a morality or conscience in the higher-self. I believe that is a trait of life in our being, you may feel differently... nevertheless, it is there for some (possibly all)... that conscience thing. Merely survival and instinct or not, but powerful and moving nonetheless. I would just replace intinct with life and say that we have the ability to understand some of nature as it relates to life itself rather than that it gives life to. If we all stand together becasue we all have life, we may find sacredness in life itself, rather than in our own lives (not that there isnt sacredness in those)... That is, no one could say that their life is more sacred than someone elses. Unity is one of Jesus' greatest lessons, as love by its very nature is a uniting force that goes way beyond superficial differences. Im starting to think you may have missed my intial point in those statements, because i do believe we are not simply creatures of instinct. I do believe that we must be instinctive before we can be spiritual ("must be born of water and spirit"). I was presenting an argument for those who think we are merely creatures of instinct... clearly you are not one of them, and neither am I. Whats more is that I am an avid believer that Gods plan for sinful man was to create a being with the power (ability) to commune with his perfection (or stand in his glory), and that in this (or any) existance, this can only be done by grace. That is God gives us his power to commune with him. Im sure you remember somewehre in the Bible where (moses?) asked to see the Glory of God and was told that he would die if he did? Ill have to find it again. but to fathom such an awesome power of the universe is unfathomable without an eternal timeline. It would be like an extreme overload of the mind without the ability to retain, process, understand, or even use the information. Wisdom, Love and power in such a magnitude would be like trying to touch the sun. There is a glory in life that we are all apart of, but it doesnt exist because we do, it exists because life does. There is alot to say on this, but... What man can become is not a testament to man, but to the glory of life in man. >Not everything is meant to be understood. I disagree. If we do not understand something, it is because we are not smart enough or perceptive enough to understand it - not because there are things that have been 'designed' to be beyond us. It is our lot in life to never understand everything - but the best among us get us a little closer to that point. Once again, I think we are saying the same thing. If not, then I strongly disagree with you. We will never understand everything unless everything wants to be understood. In fact, I believe our minds were/are designed not to. The one who looks for understanding in everything may miss one of lifes greatest revelations... love. Some people at times feel quite "unlovable" and could never truly understand why anyone would love them, but that does not mean they arent loved... this is true even if you are not a follower of Jesus, but definitely moreso if you are, as it is the essence of grace. You and I have very different revelations of peace. A oneness with the universe... in the direct center of the balance... a perfect existance with a perfect creator... a rock that cannot be moved... a treasure that cannot be taken.. a hope that is pure, real, and true... a life in rest. Sorry about all the poetic stuff, but... I dont believe that peace exists only becasue we do, because when we die, the peace does not die with us, nor does the truth. You and I will just have to disagree on this one. Certainly wont be the first time. Right or Wrong, with good intent or misguided intent, hope is something that is great and cannot be taken, although I believe it can be given away by the influence of the theif (that which tries to take it) "We didn't start the fire"
  20. Rest is one of the desires of the soul. "We didn't start the fire"
  21. Agreed. But wouldnt the consequences of our actions still exist (indirectly or directly) even if we refused to see them or not? For example.. just because we dont think we hurt someone, doesnt mean we didnt You may be suprised. I fully acknowledge that similar influencial substances have been in existance since the beginning, and also have had great impact on man, both in good and bad ways. And yes, as a very curious creature, I have tried mushrooms... nothing like what your describing has ever happened, but I have heard stories of course, and do not at all doubt your experience or question your validity. I wasnt in the outback when I went to Australia, I was at Byron Bay getting my AFF and diving the reef! I really could care less what the origin of life is. Jesus didnt come preaching the origin of life... he came preaching life itself. What good is it to know how life began if you cant use the greater qualities of goodness in it? Lets just say you and I know without a doubt, 100 percent for sure the origin of life. Okay, now what? Does love, compassion, joy, sensativity, hope, faith, unity, truth, mercy, understanding, peace (just to name a few) just fall by the wayside? Do you see my point? Why im not at all interested in the beginning or actual origin of life? You speak about an out of body experience. Anyone who has truly ever been in love feels alive... moreso than most have ever felt before. Love will make someone see that life is simply greater and something more than just being alive. If I am alive but have no life in me, then im actually closer to death but im not dead. The point is that there is life beyond just being alive, and there is a death beyond just dying. Now, I know many wont understand that at all, but its the closest I can get to explaining what life is for me, and as you can see, it has nothing to do with the scientific/physical origin. "We didn't start the fire"
  22. Depends what you consider 3rd world... you mean where Americas heading?? (relax JK)... Without getting into it, yes I have been to enough 3rd's to know the truth. No matter where you go there are the "less fortunate", and Jesus says we can help them anytime we like... I welcome all advancements in medicine, healing, and helping others... but im no saint either, I would rather pay for a jump than send that money to people who really need it, again, none of us are perfectly good. However, if anyone comes to me I will tell them of the the beautiful hope I found in the love of God. But blaming the suffering of the world on God is only going to take you further from him. Being blameless is one of the greatest lessons in life. I will however say, that no measure of goodwill toward men will find the grace of God. The grace of God has to be believed and recieved. The days of "earning your way into Heaven" are over. Buy a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will teach others, and they will all eat as long as there are fish. Give out of genuine love, not to prove to yourself that you dont need God to do good. You may not, but others, especially the ones you mentioned... do. I still dont understand the benifit of blaming God for others' "misfourtune" while at the same time not aknowledging any of your own blessings... Its like being bitter toward the opprotuntiy you had becasue others did not have the same opprotunities, instead of finding gratitude for what you do have and empathy for what others do not... but your right, it makes for a very convincing argument for those who may never understand that hope is found through suffering... that the light is found through the darkness, that life is found through death, that love is found through rejection, that the spirit is found through the flesh... of course I could go on... but im sure you cant wait to call that bullshit as well Consider it this way... if you were wrong, and there really is a reason to hope, then you stood for something that goes against hope, thinking the whole time just the opposite. Do you think that your going to stop the problems and the suffering in the world by "getting rid" of Jesus? If they gave you an award for understanding the Gospel, I have to question how based on some of the things you say and think about Christ (no offense intended). And the envioronment is everyones responsiblity and fault. Blaming it on Christians just sounds way unfair man. What, do you live in a tent out in the middle of nowhere or something? I know you skydive, so at least we know you make a living off of Jet A or JP8... plus, the hydraulic fluid, oil, grease, rubber, surely some anti-seize, and any good mechanic is gonna have some epoxy handy! The enviornment was handed down to us, our "job" is to do our part, other than that, no matter how much worry or concern you put into the matter, no matter how much blame you post, we have become far too dependant on the very things that are destroying the envioronment. The way I see it, is do what you can, then stop worrying and let be, be. But if you insist on blaming someone, make sure to blame yourself at the same time Agreed... but change is ineveitable. Jesus is the Messiah (the teacher) but maybe your education might leave his lessons out? Why not blame technology while your at it, and therefore not teach that advancement... or any number of changes that brought us to where we are in this moment? Fair enough. I dont think we came into the world without pain, and unfortunately, I dont think we can leave it without pain as well... maybe some can I guess. If nature has taught me anything, its that even with life and death we can still find peace. If peace can be found here, in death, then it must be quite a powerful phenonmenon and most likely has been quite underestimated as well... but, we can go ahead and blame that on Jesus also. (sorry, couldnt resist) The theme is the love of God for those who believe that God is love. Freindship with others through a freindship with God. Love for others through a love for God... but grace as the seal. Meaning not your love for God, but his love for you. Not your friendship with God, but his with you... Not your life for God, but his life for us... Designed or not, the story is very real in my life, but my testimony means little to nothing here, which is completely understandable. But no hope? Im sorry, but you didnt understand much of the Gospel or its purpose, as your arguing against much of the same things your arguing for.... but I know, I know... thats bullshit. Still, a very Merry Christmas to you as well. "We didn't start the fire"
  23. Are you trying to trick me here? As when Jesus walked the earth, then yes, you could see and touch his spirit as it indwelled the physical body? In the Gospels, people were just touching him and being healed. But no, as to the physical nature of God, he is invisible spirit and henceforth cannot be seen in a physical nature as we see or touch. However, his power can be seen and touched... I cant believe I said henceforth. One of the greatest revelations of God for me was his light. There seems to be not otherway of describing it, but everything just sort of lights up, literally. I never saw the way I saw after I repented and prayed for the Holy Spirit... it was like I was seeing everything in its pure and beautiful nature for the first time. I cannot speak against the light that fascinates my eyes and brings something incredible into my being. Its like communing with nature, as nature... the light makes everything more beautiful... as it is in nature. Its not photons emitted from the energy being displaced in the sun, or something like that... Its so much deeper, at least for me. If I could relay that to you, you definitely wouldnt have to ask.. I wish I could brother, believe me... I can tell you however, that it goes beyond emotions, and even feelings. The best way I can put it, is if you have a cut on your flesh, its easy to see and treat,,,, but if you have a cut on your soul, seeing it is a little more elusive, and treating it is sometimes the difference between life and death. Similarly, when the cut on the soul is treated, there is an indescribable healing that begins... the power is somewhere connected with all of it. Sorry man, thats all I got. Merry Christmas nonetheless. "We didn't start the fire"
  24. From what I have heard from many atheists is that life has no purpose. From what many have heard from Christians is that everyone who doesnt believe is going to hell. Either way, if life has purpose then it seems reasonable to believe it has wisdom as well. Explain please. You've made a good point, surely you dont think I didnt know that? But, I dont see it as "we're" evolved, but life in us. So you and I see things differently in this regard. As the earth destroys, it creates, as it creates, it destroys and continues to create. The hostilities should be more a testement to the adaptable wisdom of life, rather than an example of why you think the earth does not sustain life. In any event, death is a necessary part of life. See, I dont believe that. A knowledgeable man understands how, the wise man uses that understanding as wisdom intended. Evolutionary or not, beauty has been around from the beginning. Its one of the greatest revelations of God. If you can see it, food or not, just give thanks because you know that it is possible that nature sees beauty in us as well. There it is. Creatures of instinct, and thats it. Not creatures with the ability to commune with God in a deep and inexpressible way? Its funny to me how many believe we have only evolved instinctively and not spiritually, even though survival can be quite a spiritual experience. Agreed. Not everything is meant to be understood. If you say the earth is quite violent and inhospitable, yet still find beauty and peace there, then the universe can be the same way. There is peace through the violence... not in an extremely literal way, but as you stated above... the violence has its role. Is your point becoming that both the universe and the earth are un-fit for peaceful existance? There was something extremely violent and peaceful in the death of Christ as well. Yeah, he was pretty funny. "We didn't start the fire"