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Everything posted by justme12001

  1. I watch discovery channel and history channel and others with science type shows about the universe. It bothers me that you always hear them talking about multiple universes and such. Is not the definition of universe.......everything, the totality of existence, so of coarse the universe is infinite. It has to be by definition.
  2. I think it tastes alot like beef bouillon......not watered down. Like if you were to lick one of the cubes. But, with a little butter on bread, it's pretty good
  3. Not really an everyday object, but......I don't chew gum, just don't like it.
  4. I actually like vegimite(am american)but you are definitely correct, it is an acquired taste. And you should start with VERY small amounts, not spoonfuls LOL
  5. It's an older design, and it's a hybrid. Top skin is ZP and bottom skin is F-111 It is a great canopy for a beginner. I had a 190 as my second canopy, and loaded it at 1.3(probably not the best idea), I had not problems at that wingloading Disclaimer: I am not recommending going over the manufacturers posted limits!!
  6. It's an older design, and it's a hybrid. Top skin is ZP and bottom skin is F-111 It is a great canopy for a beginner. I had a 190 as my second canopy, and loaded it at 1.3(probably not the best idea), I had not problems at that wingloading
  7. glenfiddich 18 yr is my usual scotch, the wife got me a 21 yr for our anniversary wild turkey "rare breed" is pretty good too
  8. I've got about 2600 over 8 years, 0- chops on sport rigs, mostly packed myself, but a few done by packers 2- chops on tandems, both set 366, both packed by packers(the same one both times I believe) the first was #1380 the second was about #1500
  9. I can't remember which Suunto I had, maybe Core(think it was the Vector though), but it seemed to work pretty well for freefall. I used mine for about a year with no problems. You do need to keep in mind that they don't refresh as fast as an actual alti, and mine tended to be about 500ft behind in freefall Mine didn't have a graph function so sorry can't help you there.
  10. justme12001


    I think we found a troll mole!!
  11. You could roll the paper up, and then actually beat the rock
  12. Look me up when you get there, I'll be happy to take you up!
  13. Guess I have to take back my comment about not needing anything over 366 ;) reserve ride time is a good reason for a large canopy
  14. I'll buy that, I know several people that usually like the smaller canopies that will switch to a 400 or whatever is the largest tandem canopy the DZ has if they get a older or otherwise disabled person. Me personally I like to stick with what I usually jump(depends on DZ). I personally feel that a 366 has more flare power and can shut down better than a 400.
  15. I have no Tandems on F-111, I am pro rated, and jump my fair share of F-111 for demos. I have a falcon 265 and a startrak II(290)that I use for large flags and tight areas. Edit.. I have two tandem reserve rides, both on Sets. Are Masters F-111?
  16. Actually, I have(well maybe not as many, maybe more, no way to know). Largest being 260, and a few 240 thrown in for good measure. The 260 guy was actually one of my five level 2 jumps. The TI-I said he wanted me to take a light person and a heavy person, and guy said he was 235, then told me after landing he was 260 :/ I prefer the larger students, not that I mind the little girls ;). I like a heavy wingloading, my regular canopy is a velo loaded at 2.2. I like the Set 366(yes I actually like it) as an all around for everybody canopy, and I like the Icarus 330 as an all around canopy. In my defense, I am a larger(pretty strong) guy myself, so the toggle pressure isn't the problem that it can be for others. I also like to build a little speed for landing, and the heavy ones help with this :)
  17. I'm gonna bump this thread instead of starting a new one. Not directed at 'lauraliscious" just picked you to respond to. The Hobbit, desolation of smaug, sucked ass!! I'm going to try not to add any spoiler alerts,but... The LOTR movies pretty much followed the story line of the books, not exactly but close enough for a movie. The first part of The Hobbit pretty much followed the story line of the book, with some extras thrown in as filler. This new movie only very loosely follows the story line of the book. Makes it very hard to watch if you know the story. It also has entirely to much not in the book filler. It is very hard to watch, is just a bad movie overall. Not nearly as good as the LOTR or the first hobbit. I came very close to walking out of the theatre. That is all.
  18. Winds play a factor. If you jump somewhere with consistent high winds, I would want a tandem canopy on the smaller end. I really don't see the need for any of the larger ones (over say 366), but that's just me.
  19. I have found if you explain to your primary physician(if you have a good one) about the third class medical, they can prescribe certain drugs and state that it is for something other than what it is usually(or actually) prescribed for. IE, my wife takes an anti-depressant, but its not for depression, but for her trouble sleeping. Lots of drugs have unusual side effects and can prescribed for those side effects.
  20. because every canopy is different. you could probably get two sabre 2 150's(or any two of the same canopy) and you would notice different flight characteristics on both
  21. under armour cold gear gloves and neoprene gloves are great. I've also found that you can find some pretty good gloves at backpacking stores, they tend to keep them thin and lightweight as well as warm, water and windproof. All stuff a backpacker needs as well as a skydiver I just got a pair by seirus, they were $35 so about the same a under armour and they work pretty well
  22. Thanks, I looked on Mirage's site and didn't see the TSO, I did see that it was rated for low speed aircraft. I guess I assumed wrong that all the TSO's had a weight limit along with speed. So just for my own knowledge, is it 23b has a speed limit, 23c has the 254 lbs weight limit and speed limit, and then 23d has the 300 lb limit and speed limit?
  23. It's actually 1.05, but that said you should be fine at that wingloading. Us bigger guys tend to be a little better at being at a slightly higher wingloading than the little skinny folks that break easy :) that is assuming you are an in shape 265 and not a tubby 265.......just my $.02 My only question is, is your rig TSO'd for your weight?