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Everything posted by boxingrrl

  1. boxingrrl

    funny vid

    Oh my-- too bad you had clean, "normal" linens, though-- I was hoping for some Spongebob sheets
  2. It depends on how much other stuff I should be doing-- the more homework I really ought to do, the more time I spend here.
  3. Congratulations and good luck, girl! It's awesome that you and your husband will be learning together. Skydiving usually makes or breaks a relationship. Just one little word of caution-- don't get too stuck on one instructor. I know that it's easier to build trust and have confidence if you jump with the same person, but there are benefits to having different instructors and their perspectives. The advice above is valid, in terms of listening to your instructor vs. just anyone, but have faith that the others wouldn't be instructors if they didn't have something to offer. When I was learning, I fell into the trap of going with the same jumpmaster. I wanted to go with him, because I felt like I knew him and he knew me, etc., etc,. As it turned out his teaching style and my learning style didn't gel. After I repeated each level at least once, and was on my 3rd or 4th level 7 or 8, some angel intervened. I was so much better off. Of course, that was just my experience, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. Again, congrats and good luck! Can't wait to see you when you're all licensed and at the boogies
  4. Like he, and so many others have said. Do try to take care of yourself through this difficult time. Blessings-- Peace Darius
  5. Not both, OK-- be kind to your liver, it's the only one you've got.
  6. [taking ridalin, and getting back on topic] And good for you! You can walk with your head high, and still be flattered-- without the guilty conscience.
  7. Yes, ladies, I think you're on to something with the intimidation factor. Girls might be intrigued by a guy who does "crazy" things like skydive, but most whuffo guys don't want to have anything to do with a girl that they're thinking might have "bigger balls" than them.
  8. Pilot is probably just fresh back to work from the swoop tour-- forgot he wasn't flying the Xaos 88...
  9. I guess you'd really have the coolest camper on the DZ then, wouldn't ya'?
  10. Paige-- I'm so sorry for your loss and for his friends and family. Remember to take care of yourself as well as you can during this stressful time. Please let me know if there's anything I can do-- now or later-- to help you, or help put the jumping memorial/celebration of life together. Big hugs, vibes and a kiss on the cheek
  11. Schew! I'm not the only one. Size may matter, but it's really a bit overboard.
  12. I know of a couple instances at my DZ, and I caught a twisted up leg strap once, too. The latter happened when the jumper was rushing and gearing up on the way to the plane to make the load. Not the best idea...
  13. OMG-- quick, stub your toe or something, so all of your 3 bad things will be used up. Sorry to hear about your trouble, particularly since you were injured. Take care!
  14. Damn-- Rear Admiral, too. Looks like I'm in pretty good company
  15. 4 way Birdman flock with: *LouDiamond-- because I'd love to meet him/have a flock *Vallerina-- because we never seem to get to jump together *Spy38W-- because he's been gone for too long.
  16. Good ol' Frank's buffalo wing sauce. I use to make a buffalo chicken pizza-- perfect for days like today. Mmmmmm
  17. I'd come help, but by the time I get there, you'd be done anyway... unless you stay on when you oughta' be vacuuming...
  18. Welcome aboard! I'm sure your military training has served you well, but congrats on branching out in the sport in bit. (And thank you, BTW, for serving in the military.) I'm sure you'll find everything you're looking for and more on the forums...
  19. Coulda' been Colin in the hot tub the other day-- the Loch Ness Monster?
  20. Wow, hope everybody's OK. I had a friend lose an axle on his big ol' boat of a car, just as he was rounding the corner at an intersection. Smacked right into an IHOP Before the days of digital photography everywhere, though, darnnit.
  21. In a rare moment of candor, Washington insiders discuss their penis sizes . . .
  22. This whole thread has been terrific! Thanks to every one of you for passing along your knowledge and experience. I think I might print it out and sleep with it under my pillow-- maybe it'll all sink in. I really do appreciate your time and feedback. Blue skies and soft landings, Robin