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Everything posted by boxingrrl

  1. I believe Newsweek has several great articles in their most recent issue re: Atkins, South Beach, etc., that are well researched and written. Definitely worth checking out. I'll see if I can find them online and figure out how to post 'em-- but in the meantime, might be worth the $2 investment next time you're out (or free at the library). It's the cover story, so you can't miss it...
  2. And a few other things-- Tempting though they may be, I'd really recommend that you stay away from the OTC diet pills. There is no standardization for so much of that stuff that you really don't know what you're getting and how much-- from pill to pill, even. It's mostly caffeine, often disguised in herbal form(s). That will increase your levels of stress hormones, deplete your adrenals, make you cranky, potentially depressed, could give you panic attacks, stroke or worse. Just watch what you eat, and exercise. (and I'm an ACE certified personal trainer. Feel free to PM me with any other questions.)
  3. Use all of the cardio equipment that you can-- cross-training is ideal. To build muscle, you really need to do some resistance work-- either lift some weights or do some bodyweight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and abs.) Pilates is excellent and should balance out your routine with some flexibility. Work yourself into it, though. If you go nuts the first couple of days, you'll get so sore you'll want to quit. Diet is about 80% of the weight-loss game. We all know what are good-for-you foods. Don't sweat all the high protein/low carb hype. Everything in moderation, I say. Good luck and congrats!!!
  4. That wouldn't be so bad, except the two most likely causes of death are cancer and a horrible accident. Hmmmm...
  5. Mine just seemed like a good idea at the time. Plus, it's funny for the people who know me, most of whom think I never swear. Maybe it'll help me combat that wholesome image
  6. Good luck with your interview. I think the danger in working at Best Buy would be spending one's entire paycheck on new toys. I hope the employee discount isn't too nice
  7. Way to go! Welcome and good luck on the rest of your student training
  8. I absolutely agree, Phree. I've been fortunate enough not to have to make any of those calls re: skydiving, but have in other sports. It's incredibly frustrating when the info isn't accurate or helpful, and it really does the injured a disservice in terms of their quality of care, etc, as you mention above. Spread the word folks, and fill out those waivers responsibly this year!
  9. Lew, if I had one, it would be yours, sister. Sorry.
  10. I hate to read too much into this, but you said that you were not the one who has lost faith... Are you sure that the SO isn't just playing the distance card in order to break it to you gently? I hate to be so un-romantic... what kind of reaction would you're picking and moving receive? If it's less than ecstatic, I'd be wary. But, what do I know????
  11. Your Love Is Better Than Ice Cream by Sarah McLachlan not a first dance, but used it at my wedding reception for that first dance
  12. SITFLY? If that's what you're in to... I like JUMPER, personally, but that's mine
  13. Welcome! As long as you keep that sense of humor, you'll do fine, I'm sure.
  14. Oh, to have too much time on my hands...
  15. They had one in a little gift shop here in town (Xenia, OH)-- but it's the pink jumpsuit thing--ewww!
  16. Wow-- that's a lot. Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for doing what has to be done. Please be safe and hurry home to play in the blue skies
  17. boxingrrl

    hate winter?

    I'd make one myself if I could chip through the damn ice
  18. And without the mickey he would've had the good sense to stay away from himself?
  19. You bring up a lot of good points-- I think someone already said that it comes down to time or money. For working skydivers, sometimes the choice is to pay a packer so he/she can keep working (and make more $). There are some folks who physically couldn't jump as much if they had to pack for themselves-- some of the POPs come to mind. And then, of course, there are people who just have $ to burn.
  20. Mine was 16381-- 57% have a purer soul than me. And then?