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Everything posted by boxingrrl

  1. Yep-- flying camera and doing back to back tandem videos I often have to pay a packer (and/or borrow my honey's rig) to keep up. And then there's just the end of the day laziness...
  2. The fuschia risers are perfect-- just brilliant, but you really need to use more product in your hair, find some shoes and a handbag-- I mean gearbag-- to match.
  3. Suppose the Fab Five from Queer Eye will relocate to Chicago-- redecorating all the way? Their new mission will be to eliminate slovenly jumpers with mismatched gear.
  4. The ring is beautiful. It sounds like you've got it all worked out-- it's better than the one she really liked, it's not a diamond, and you won't be giving it to her on Valentine's Day. She doesn't read the forums, does she?
  5. boxingrrl


    I've been drinking the Diet Rite, too, and using some Splenda at home. I've just been waiting for the other shoe to drop. For a while, Nutrasweet was the miracle sweetener, but then long term studies came out. I don't even know how long Splenda has been around, but so far I've only heard good things
  6. boxingrrl


    It depends on what you mean by "process" and "not as well". The bottom line is that your body will process, or digest, refined sugars, and your body will process, or digest, natural sugars. Some people believe that fruit sugars are somehow better or different, but from what I understand, they both, meaning fruit or refined, break down into the same or very similar sugar molecules. Now, some fruit sugars, if they are still actually in fruit, may take longer to hit your blood stream. That is mostly a function of the complex carbohydrates contained in the fruit, plus the fiber, that slows down the sugar's absorption. This is a better option for those with issues regarding blood sugar/insulin response. Some people think that "raw cane" sugar and brown rice syrups have nutritional content, trace minerals and whatnot that regular white sugar doesn't. They do, but the amounts are so small, that unless you eat an unhealthy amount of those products, you won't be getting enough trace anything to do any good. You'd be better off laying off the sugar altogether and eating a well balanced meal and/or or taking a good quality multivitamin.
  7. Is without sugar the same as with half and half? Hope so, or I've just ruined your scientific investigation.
  8. I think it might have something to do with the compatability of sexual primes. Women don't hit their peak until 30's, 40's-- and they might be looking for fellas who can, um, keep up.
  9. Are they yours? How long did it take you to get that shot? They're so cute!!!!
  10. boxingrrl


    A lot of companies want to market their products as "natural foods". Basically, Clif Bar and others use raw cane sugar and brown rice syrup, so they don't have to put high fructose corn syrup on their labels. Their "sugars" are still just sugars. Your body will digest them just fine, as it would plain old white table sugar, or the sugar from a banana or apple juice. It's really a question of how much sugar do you want in your diet? And would you rather have more sugar (from natural sources or not) or eat products that employ aspartame or saccharin, etc for sweetness. From what I understand, though, the new stuff, Splenda, is not supposed to be as scary as Nutrasweet and it's predecessors (Equal, sweet n' low). Anyone know much about it?
  11. boxingrrl


    Really, it's a matter of how processed the final product is, and how you feel about that. Some of the "natural" products are truly just less refined. Most have about the same calories, and similar rates of absorbtion into your bloodstream (impact on your blood sugar levels/glycemic index.) The artificial sweeteners may be very low or no calorie, but they are chemically based. Are you looking for something "healthy" and sweet, or something low calorie and sweet? Remembering, of course, that consuming too many calories, even from naturally sweetened foods can increase your risk for health issues. I vote for everything in moderation.
  12. There are happy seats in the CASA, too-- too bad most of the tandem instructors are guys and don't appreciate them.
  13. My experience is that booties rock-- love the powersteering analogy. I got them on my first jumpsuit (at about 70 jumps), and have them on my camera suit now. If someone has money to burn, they could get a suit without and then fix it later, but I think it's cheaper to just do it all at once, and learn to fly 'em. The bottom line, though, is that you still need to be able to fly your body, not a suit.
  14. I'm with bch7773, especially on the chewing gum part. I always have some at the dz with me.
  15. It comes and goes for me... I have a little over 500 jumps now. Sometimes I just have to make myself think of something else in order to fall asleep. If you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed, that could be contributing. I used to relive all of my mistakes, "bad dives" or stupid landings. As I progressed in my training, I'd keep thinking about new techniques I wanted to master, which can be good-- but not at 3 a.m. when you've got to work the next day. Forgive yourself your errors. You haven't done anything as a new skydiver that someone else hasn't done before (or worse). Take a deep breath and think about your most boring teacher ever-- you'll be snoozing in no time.
  16. I have dreams all the time where the canopy opens just as I'm touching the ground. But the funniest skydiving dream I've had occurred when I was doing my training to be a tandem master. My husband is an Instructor/Examiner and I had taken him on some of my practice jumps. I dreamt that we had an uneventful freefall and opening, but I discovered on canopy check that something was really wrong (can't remember what, now.) So, I said in my biggest instructor voice, (which approaches Minnie Mouse) "Hands in your harness, head back" and prepared to cutaway the main, and my husband starting arguing with me "You are not cutting away this canopy!" , etc., etc. I just repeated myself, grabbed his arms, put his back and away we went... I woke up laughing my ass off.
  17. Ok-- Here are some pictures from our wedding this past September. We got married in the CASA on the way to altitude, then jumped with our witnesses and minister (and 4 cameramen). The dress was a 2 piece that I bought off the rack at a bridal shop for less than $200. I wore pants and freefall friendly shoes underneath; put the pants, top and rig on, then the skirt. When the ceremony was finished, I whipped off the skirt and pearls, and my new husband carried me over the threshold. Some things to consider-- how is the top going to react in freefall? I had sticky strapped the top around my chest, but forgot about the bottom edge, so I was flashing some belly in freefall. (They sell the sticky straps in most dress shops-- they only hurt a little when you rip 'em off ) Also-- if you're going to do the skirt thing-- take your rig with you to try dresses on. You'll need extra room for your leg straps under there, and some cuts will drape better than others. My skirt was actually a little big without the rig on, and I did have it hemmed up a little for the reception. If there's anything else I be of assistance with, just holler. Good luck and congratulations!
  18. Well...Thanks, Lee... I'd be happy to share my experience with any interested parties. I'll email to the above address. Robin
  19. Lew, Cajones, and compadres-- We are so sorry to hear about this. Please let us know what, short of hitting the lotto, that we can do to help. If you'd like PM me; perhaps we can work something out for gear until Spring. We'll be thinking of you and hoping for a speedy positive outcome of the investigation and insurance settlement. Oh, so sorry... I've never been to Elsinore, but it makes me want to cry. (and then kick someone's ass.) Robin
  20. If it's my rig, no worries 'til opening time. If it's club/student gear, it gets discreetly repacked before it goes back on the rack.
  21. Our DZ pays packers $5 for student rigs, $10 for tandems. Any work done for the Club is 1099'd-- independent contractror income reported, but nothing withheld. Sport rigs for up-jumpers are also $5, but that's left up to you to report or not...