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Everything posted by boxingrrl

  1. Good luck with your jumping! I hope the weather cooperates. If you're ever in Ohio, we'll have to do a jump or three.
  2. I think this is the winner, folks-- thanks for your time and comments-- well, most of them. At least now I'm prepared. My hairdresser will be coming back into town from a big Vidal Sassoon show the day before he sees me. Hopefully, he won't be too wacky-inspired. Yeah, chaoskitty!!!
  3. I wish more political ads were done as well as that one. It's a shame it won't see much airplay-- or perhaps it will via other outlets.
  4. Aw shucks, Lee Can't wait to see you guys-- don't forget our barrels of sunshine
  5. That's so awesome! I'm glad he's basically OK. Stories like that make my eyes well up-- so many friends in the service in scary places now. Many thanks to your friend, and all the other servicemen and women out there
  6. I used to drive from New Hampshire to Dayton, OH by myself-- it's about 900 miles... usually did it in about 16 hours. Once, in a snowstorm, it took a full 24. It's all about keeping the window down and the radio loud!
  7. How else was I going to get a bunch of skydivers to tell what to do with my frickin-frackin hair?
  8. My hair, that is... I can't decide! It's almost always up, anyway.... Here are some pics to give you an idea. The only thing about going short is that girls hit on me-- a lot. Thanks a bunch!
  9. and it would be bad to have really skilled fingers?
  10. (Please don't let this be a re-post) Here's the exercise program I am using to get in shape for next year. You might want to take it easy at first, then do it faster as you become more proficient. It may be too strenuous for some. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING ANY EXERCISE PROGRAM. NOW SCROLL DOWN... NOW SCROLL UP... That's enough for the first day.
  11. EEEEEWWWW-- I'm not sure what's worse-- the act, or the lingerie
  12. Oh, girl-- I did cutaway a parachute that I probably didn't have to on my 33rd jump. The instructors, for the most part, were very reassuring, and supportive of my decision. One, though, made me feel like an ass for having done it, so I understand your anxiety. The bottomline for me, though, was that at 33 jumps, I didn't think I could safely land the canopy, which was turning, closed on one end, and had a knot in one brake line that prevented me from being able to use the toggle. I don't regret having done it, nor having had the experience. (never finding the freebag or the handles is another story...) While it was happening, I was in that hyperaware state-- checked altitude, executed procedures-- just like I was taught. You obviously have yours down pat-- just like you were taught. Give yourself some credit for doing the right thing. Having a dytter is never a bad thing, as far as I'm concerned. I hope that it gives you some confidence/comfort. I think that having had the experience will make you more altitude conscious and aware, should you ever have another problem. You will identify it. You will know that it's happening. And you'll deal with it... you've obviously been trained well. You're going to be OK. I'm with all those in favor of a slight case of nerves... so much better than overconfident and complacent.
  13. Woohoo!! Nice guys don't finish last... all the time. I'm glad I kept reading before I chimed in my .02. sounds like you handled it great and are being rewarded for your patience with more skydives! Aint life grand?
  14. Great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. We're so lucky to have folks from all walks and professions who are able to share their wisdom with us. It's awesome.
  15. The best of luck to you! (as long as the pay is good, you have weekends off, and they don't mind if you take your vacation during WFFC...)
  16. boxingrrl

    Math problem

    Does your school offer "developmental" math classes? My community college requires that you take one before taking college algebra if you don't score so well on the assessment. They can be really helpful. Also, investigate whether the school has a "math learning room" or math lab. Either place may provide worksheets and assistance as necessary. The sucky part about math is that you really just have to do it-- and practice doing it over and over, to get it. I'm struggling through a Business Calculus class right now, but it wasn't long ago that I took the Algebras after being away from school for over 10 years. You can do it! Congrats and good luck!
  17. OK-- that's at least the second time someone has mentioned flying tandems with booties. It seems like a reasonable approach to me, but I've known some folks who are against it, for reasons I'm unclear about. What would the downside of flying tandems with booties be? Can you have too much control? If you're flying big, is it the potential for too much forward input?
  18. Just get out there and do something, Val! IMHO, it's a little easier to pick up skiing than boarding, but if you're going to take a lesson right off, you'll be fine either way. Really, it's all just an excuse to drink yummy spiked hot cocoa drinks at the lodge apres ski/board anyway. You'll have a blast! Good luck
  19. Now, Eric, I wasn't going to name any names... But seriously, you are not even close to being the worst. Part of my concern comes from being a vidiot, but I want my students to get awesome videos, too. It's good to hear that I don't have to worry about it too much.
  20. That's a pretty expensive photo-op edited because I can't type as fast as I think I can
  21. Wow-- everyone has been sharing some great stuff! I have seen the side-spin video (my husband is the TI/E, so we have our very own copy). That does concern me a bit, but I guess, like the rest of skydiving, you train for it, recognize it and deal with it. I will mostly be exiting out of a CASA or Otter, but will probably get a 206 tandem in now and again. What was that about bent reserve pins? How do you fly with video? I'm concerned that I'm going to be super-floaty. My suit is big-- control surface-- and I'm pretty tall (5'11" or so). How much do you adjust for videographers or do you just make 'em fly their butts off? I've really only video'd a small pool of tandem masters, and some were definitely easier than others. Suggestions?
  22. What've you learned the hard way? And, any particular advice for women as tandem masters? Thanks so much! ***Experience is something you get just after you need it***
  23. That's a sweet look! Stick with the black-- my .02