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Everything posted by lippy

  1. Congrats dude! This thread got me thinking, I've never seen any online video of an SCR ceremony. I did a quick search on google, youtube and, but didn't find anything. I'd love to be able to show some whuffos a what it's all about. Anybody got some they could upload? I got nuthin
  2. Call me an idiot, but WTF is an FTP? I got nuthin
  3. Maybe park in the street and walk into the DZ? I got nuthin
  4. Home is where the heart it Holy Freefall face Batman! I got nuthin
  5. I've got two from either side, all from 182s. We set it up on the step, with somebody holding Sluggo's PC IAD style. We just grabbed hold as well as we could on lift webs (obviously with great care to not grab handles or knock out Sluggo's pin) and rolled off, with Mr. Bill facing the pilot and Sluggo facing the wingtip. Did it 3 times with Mantas and 1 with a sabre 135. The Mantas are definitely the way to go if you've got a choice of the two I got nuthin
  6. The best advice anybody online can give you is to listen to your AFF instructors and let them know any concerns you've got. There's a lot of stuff you're gonna be nervous about. Just trust that your instructors have given you the tools to do the job you're there to do, and remember to have some fun...After all, that's what it's all about I got nuthin
  7. While getting your left foot as far out on the step as possible, but still using it to support your weight, just lift up your right leg till the relative wind is on the back of it. Then step off with the left and let the wind take you up...EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASY I got nuthin
  8. Not to re-kindle a dead hijacking on a good thread, but I've seen turbine babies in a Cessna when the clouds were low and we were doing hop-n-pops, who didn't even look out the door, just looked at the pilot and asked if it was good to get out, then bailed. I got nuthin
  9. You forgot the most important part.........FLATULENCE I got nuthin
  10. I'm kind of on a break right now, as my work has me living in Venezuela. It's frustrating to spend a shitload of money to go over to Skydive Venezuela when I can sneak away once every 3 months, only to realize that I forgot a whole lot of shit. I'm hoping to get a transfer to somewhere where I can fly again real soon. Reading is both keeping me sane and making me stir-crazy. I got nuthin
  11. I hope a real skydiver gave him a good hard kick in the nuts after he gave his 'brush with death interview'. It looked like his left riser hung up on release. Was that an RSL that didn't pull the reserve pin for some reason? I got nuthin
  12. #1 due to tension knots, it was nice and slow and calm, I just couldn't steer the thing. #2 was a spinner, I had a bag lock but I had dumped at 4500 so I had time to skake it out. The bag was spinning so when I finally got the damb canopy out it started taking me for a ride. I tried to get out of it for a bit but that shit wasn't happenin, so chopchop I got nuthin
  13. [golf clap] Well done sir! [/golf clap] I gotta get back to TX! I got nuthin
  14. For fuck's sake dude, don't forget to smile! Oh, and don't die I got nuthin
  15. It had to be the Bullet student container out of Flying High in Canada. It's a testament to Al MacDonald's work that we were jumping these things in 2002, some 22 years after they were made, but F$%K they were ugly and uncomfortable as hell! Other then that, it'd have to be a dolphin. They're not that bad, but I wouldn't recommend a Cross-country with a dolphin and a .75 wingloading. I didn't even finish my beer before I lost feeling in my legs I got nuthin
  16. I think I once heard something about the gas cylinders being in reference to an OLD AAD. Didn't the Sentinal have some type of gas cylinder inside it? I got nuthin
  17. I've tried a few times to carry-on my rig flying out of Edmonton. They were serious dicks, they just told me that I couldn't take a parachute on an airplane, that'd be crazy. They totally refused to check any regulations or call any supervisors, they just said flat-out 'no' and made me check it. That was a few years ago, so maybe they've gotten their heads outta their asses already I got nuthin
  18. Sept.4 2005 - I'd just hung up the phone with my sister, congradulating her on my first niece, and I got invited on a 6-way with the BIG BOYS, some of the best skydivers at Skydive Dallas. I still have no idea what I did to get in on that group! We turned 16 points (or they turned 16 points while simultainously flying my skinny ass). Also, halloween later that year, a 3-point 28-way at Spaceland...FRICKIN AWESOME!!! I miss Texas I got nuthin
  19. I always wanted to call our team 'I'm a stupid manifestor' I got nuthin
  20. Maybe they based the spot on where they thought the duck would fly to I got nuthin
  21. I always had problems in Texas. When I lived there I never got a DL from Texas, I just had one from Canada and one from Louisiana. I got denied from ignorant people who told me that I needed a TX license to buy beer, cigs and hardcore interspecies porn more times then I can remember I got nuthin
  22. Hey, I'm considering a job opportunity in Ojeda, Venezuela, which I understand is close to Mariciabo. I think this is a pretty far drive from Skydive Ven, and was wondering if anybody knows of another DZ that may be closer, or how long of a trip it would be from Ojeda to Skydive Ven. Thanks, Roger I got nuthin
  23. In the name of comedy, I could use the spanish translation of 'I really, really love goats'. I got nuthin
  24. I'd call the stories around the DZ some long-term grief, and 4 jumps pretty short-term by comparison. If it was five tiks though, I'd be all over that action I got nuthin
  25. Okanagan Skydive Adventures in Vernon, BC, Canada is one of the most scenic DZs I've ever jumped at. Alberta Skydivers, just north of Calgary, Alberta also has a nice view of the rockies. I guess both are a little outta the way for you, but if you ever get a chance I recommend both places. I got nuthin