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Everything posted by lippy

  1. One thing that really helped me learning to walk again was focussing on heel-toe heel-toe. Especially after getting used to just stomping the cast down and hoping for the best. The crutch coozy (patent pending) helped a lot. Cut a few little holes in a beer coozy and use a pull-up cord to tie it to your crutch. It helps a lot for carrying shit and not having to dig in pockets while balancing strangely. And most importantly....If leaving the DZ after a night of drinking, don't hap-hazzardly throw your crutches in the back of your buddy's truck. It sucks arriving home and realizing that your crutches are somewhere on I-20 and you have to hop up 2 flights of stairs I got nuthin
  2. It's all about paying it forward right? A lot of people helped me 'for free' and for that I like helping newbies with packing or whatever I can in order to give the same favor that somebody gave me in order to get to where I'm at today. But then again, I've never demanded help or got pissed off if somebody said they were too busy to put their livelyhood on hold and run over to hook me up. I got nuthin
  3. I beleive it's the drilling, but we still have a few of our service units on drilling rigs that are owned by expat companies so I'm not sure. As for service companies all the big boys are here as well as quite a few Venezuelan Ma and Pop operations. 6 days from Canada and I can't wait! I got nuthin
  4. This is mostly me bitching about my work, so if you don't want to read somebody bitchin it's a good time to stop reading After almost 6 years working for these guys I think I'm done. I started working for a small oilfield services company back in 2001 fresh out of school and they treated me good. I spent two years in Canada with these guys, a year in Lousianna, 1 in Ft. Worth, 1 year in Odessa TX and now Ojeda Venezuela. Then we got bought out by a slightly bigger company and it was alright, and then we got bought out by a multinational conglomerate and it fucking sucks! Between big company policy and Venezuelan efficiency it's damb near impossible to get anything done, and I'm sick of spending hours and hours to do the simplist of tasks because I've gotta get approval from 8 bosses to buy a fucking wrench. So, next week I'm off to Canada to talk to some people who were smart enough to jump ship when this place started going down hill and now are in pretty nice positions at some pretty nice companies. And for some strange reason they respect me enough after knowing me all these years to offer me work. I'm bummed about leaving Ven and all the cool people I've met here, but with 70-80 hour work weeks, shitty pay and no time off I've had enough. Skydive Venezuela rocks but it's a far-ass trip that gets pretty expensive, and with the frequency I can get out of this town I show up, get a reserve repack, do 4 jumps and realize I've forgotten how to fly, then come back to this shitty town. I'm hoping to move to Calgary where I lived when I learned to jump and the community there is pretty frick'n sweet. One good thing about this last stint was learning Spanish. Now I finally know what that little dog was saying...He wants some Taco Bell I got nuthin
  5. 100Bolivars, about $.03 a Liter with a good exchange rate. Venezuela's got 3 good things...Cheap gas, cheap beer and cheap women I got nuthin
  6. And if a midget who couldn't swim came riding his unicycle down the path??? That, my friends, is when things turn ugly. I got nuthin
  7. That's why it's called 'The Stranger' I got nuthin
  8. I really don't know and I don't understand people who are so ademant in their beliefs on the subject. There's a lot of space out there and it's been there for a long time. That's all we know. I don't agree that this in itself is enough to say we're not alone, and I don't agree that just because we don't have proof yet that means we are alone. If there's proof then cool, but until there is nobody can argue with certainty for either side. I got nuthin
  9. Will Ferrel's version of 'Dust in the Wind' from Old School. No reason really, except for that's what I'd like to listen to in space. I got nuthin
  10. A few years ago in Canada we were 3 in a 182. 2 guys doing some CReW and me on a solo. I opened and realized that I was WAY south of the DZ and was going to land in the woods. I saw a clearing in the trees beside a road with a couple of pickup trucks sitting there and decided that this would be my ride home. There was no wind and I came in with a little swoopy-swoop and stopped about 10' from the trucks. When I looked over this highschool kid was smoking a doobie. He took it out of his mouth long enough to say 'cool' while stifling a cough, then kept on puffin. Seeing as I was done skydiving for the day I helped finish the doobie then they gave me a lift back to the DZ. It was the fastest beer-light transition I've ever had
  11. You may have learned that sooner in life had you ever spent the night with a woman I got nuthin
  12. I spent yesterday afternoon on a lake fixing a generator in a little steel box that's been sitting in 100+ degree temperatures for months. When I fired up the generator and kicked in the AC my coveralls damb near froze stiff I got nuthin
  13. Maybe the camera guy's his friend too! Congrats Dude! That looks like a kick-ass way to bring in 100! I got nuthin
  14. Not. Skydivers are just like everyone else. Some are cool, some are jerks. As a group I think skydivers have an extremely low number of assholes per capita. Of course there's some dicks, but most of them don't stick around too long I got nuthin
  15. True Dat dude! How long are you in Bogota for? If you're killing time, head up to Zona Rosa, in the area of calle 16 and carretera 78. Or just ask a taxi to take you to the Hard Rock Cafe and go walking from there. There's some really cool cafes/bars and restaurants in the streets, all with patios and almost all the people I've met there rock. Some cools shops there too. It's my favorite all-time city, except for knowing that when I'm there it's just to pass through to the jungle I got nuthin
  16. The Niggar Family I got nuthin
  17. Remember, you can't spell analyze without 'anal' I got nuthin
  18. With respect to some of the quick repairs I sometimes have to do at work: 'This is really nothing more then putting a bandaid on a sucking flesh wound' I got nuthin
  19. Yes. Why do you think I'm on To solicit opinions of Vanna White? As long as we're on the subject, what kind of name is Vanna? Were her parents nomadic vegan hippies? I got nuthin
  20. Cool! My illegal immigrant makes no usefull sounds, only muffled screams from the trunk. I got nuthin
  21. You're an extremely bored man aren't you? I got nuthin
  22. lippy


    I normally never send those things but I just sent my pregnant sister the 'try not to let anyone steal your baby. I got nuthin
  23. I remember one Mad TV skit from a few years ago where George W. parachuted into Iraq with pro wrestler HHH to 'Open up a can of whoopass' on Bin Laden. Funny as SHITE!!! Quite a few of the old MadTV folks are tied pretty close with Family Guy too. Alex Borstein is the voice of almost every female character edited because I'm a retard I got nuthin
  24. I've got no pics, but I hope you have a good B-day. And stop dwelling on the bad, think about it as a chance to start your 26th year fresh and have some good times I got nuthin