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Everything posted by CygnusX-1

  1. "Sand people" are Tusken Raiders and live on the planet Tatooine. "Sand niggers" are people from Casino (or was it Good Fellas) - either way a Joe Pesci reference. Thanks for playing movie trivia.
  2. But those are all filled with "brown" people. We don't really care about them. And besides if the natives get restless, we can always bomb them into submission which is good for us (government contractors) and our military. It also will help keep the natives here in line by allowing us to propagate fear of said brown people. So until there is food shortages here in the good old USA (or one of our allies who look like us), there isn't a problem. And of course we are going to be the last location on earth that will suffer from food shortages. What kills me the most in discussions is people spouting the "fear" that making changes will be devastating to the economy but without any proof. They always want proof from the "other" side. But supply none for their predictions. I've seen prices for fuel and energy go up and down in my lifetime. None of the times where it was higher has there been civil unrest. Yes for some people it was harder to do stuff. But the overall economy didn't come crashing down. People adjusted and moved on with their lives. My opinion is this is that it is better to make small to moderate changes now even if it really doesn't make a great difference. (I'm doing this in my own life, btw.) Then to wait until it is too late and then have to make drastic changes which may or may not prevent the pending "doom". To me this is the only rational choice.
  3. But Bill, you have it all wrong. I paid in my $10 to social security. I DESERVE my $1,000 back out. You just don't understand.
  4. So what you are saying is that I just "happen" to be out here on one of the 9 days that it rains? I frankly don't believe you. According to my scientific data, it has rained 100% of the time I've been here. It will continue to rain according to the reports I've seen. I also have walked past this soccer fiield with a very green and well maintained field. It clearly is not suffering from lack of water. Therefore there is no sign of a long term drought. My data is conclusive evidence. Your data MUST be faulty.
  5. I was worried how water restrictions would interfere with my trip out here. I just landed in San Diego and guess what - it's raining! There is an no drought out here. Goes to show you that you can't trust the media and the alarmists about anything.
  6. This is a fallacy. Every time you jump with someone you are trusting your safety to others. If you didn't trust your safety to others, maybe you should be jumping alone. Don't believe me? On a jump I could end up going low on the formation and deploy right below you (while you are filming the formation). You may or may not see me deploy. Your safety is in danger. You could be part of the formation or filming it and I'm a late diver. I'm late and trying to make up time and come in at 180 MPH and plow right into your back (from behind). Your safety is in danger. I could be learning to swoop and am setting up for that awesome 540 degree turn. I don't see you in the landing pattern below me and - you can guess the rest. Your safety is in danger. Moral of the story. DSE - you better trust me with your safety if you want to jump with me.
  7. You see, you can't be uncertain. Because they are exactly the same thing. On one hand you agree that people shouldn't be forced to put "Happy Kristallnacht anniversary!" on a cake, but then question refusal to put to brides on top of a wedding cake. Or maybe even a better example is if someone wanted to buy a cake saying "Happy Anniversary, Neil and Bob". Does the owner get to refuse to make a cake for Neil and Bob?
  8. What amazes me about threads like this is the people actually think that One Clinton equals Two Bushes. Take that comment however you want. I'm sure both sides will look at that one comment differently. And independents will make some type of sex joke.
  9. This is just sad. Here we complain about how the media can't get skydiving reports correct and yet in our own community we have people writing articles who can't get the story correct. "Instructor Heroics Gets Main Deployed at 4000 feet". Watch the video again. It is the reserve, not the main. Your credibility has been completely destroyed if you don't know the difference between the main "handle" and the reserve.
  10. What we need to do to prevent this is to pass a law forcing our young women to dress from head to toe in a robe. Or outlaw all skirts. They can only dress in pants. This is how you stop this behavior. It will be much easier to arrest women who do not abide by the dress code then to try and find all the hidden cameras.
  11. Just another case showing the superiority of the American education system. USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! caveat: (I know, strange looking word that some people may not understand its meaning.) I'm deducing that the OP is from the US because that is the country they put in their profile.
  12. Or better yet President Bush or Cheney or Obama. Hey it is just freedom of speech, right? Think people in the gov would have a different take if it was about killing our leaders?
  13. Since you are from a small DZ, it should be fun. We will probably have the skyvan and/or otter running. And hurry up and get comfortable with more people in the air. While you are here (if you want), we will get you your SCR and SCS awards. Oh, and make sure you bring money for . (I feel I have to say even though I don't drink.)
  14. So it seems you are going to miss the Turkey dinner at the DZ on Thurs. Yes, please bring good weather we need some. Also if you want "cheaper" jumps, bring cash/check/debit card. And let yourself be known! Us locals see so many new faces that we usually don't ask you to join us. (Unless you are a hot girl - they have all the luck .) If the weather is good, there will probably be organizers there of all disciplines, RW/FS, FF, wingsuit, etc. (CReW - you probably will have to go somewhere else...)
  15. Because it has been shown time and time again that if you don't tax or lower taxes or even give people money back that those people will not take 100% or even 60% of that money and turn around and donate that money to ministries. Most people take the money and save it or spend it on themselves. Not give it to the poor. So the government has to take your money and give it to the poor since you (the American public) will not. And for the record, I include myself in this group.
  16. It's not ridiculous at all to presume that. You see the Klingon home world never built a tower of Babel. And therefore the Christian God wasn't there to create all the different languages. Come on, don't you read your history book? All the answers are right there.
  17. You need to actually read the good book of Genesis before asking questions. Either that you you seriously need some classes in reading comprehension. As the book was originally written in plain modern-day English it clearly stated that God created the animals first then man. Dinosaurs are not men so therefore they were created before man. This lines up perfectly with what those "science" folks are stating also. It is completely obvious to most of us but maybe you need some more remedial training. Just youtube John Morris Pendleton (or logicked's rebuttal which is much more humorous) and listen to his wise words. He speaks the truth! The dinos didn't eat humans because before the flood all animals (and man) were vegetarians. Nothing died, well except for plants - but we don't care about their feelings. It is all right there in the bible. All you need to do is look for it and ask Him to guide you in your quest for true knowledge.
  18. Actually what James was saying is that after they get the court order then they could not break into your car, rummage around looking for drugs, used condoms, illegal gambling receipts, etc. and then lock up your vehicle like they were never there. I'm perfectly fine with that, BTW. If they want to see what is on my phone, let them get a warrant and physically take the phone. Don't try and sneak in through the back door like a common burglar.
  19. Actually it is that you have a bunch of state legislators who are caving pussies. They should have said, "Screw you federal government. We don't want your free federal highway money. It is more important for us to protect our 18-21 year old voting citizen's rights and allow them to drink. We'll just raise taxes on gas here to offset your federal money." You need to be bitchin' at your state legislators for not saying the above. That is what FL did when the feds tried to make a helmet law part of the federal highway money.
  20. First of all, if it doesn't happen in NY, CA, TX, or FL nobody really cares. Little states like WV don't mean anything on a national scale. Secondly, I question the science of mountain top removal. You see I took a geology course in high school. In that class they taught me that mountains have been rising and falling for millions of years (or about 6,000 years depending on your belief of the origin of the universe). Tectonic plates collide and push up mountains. Rain, wind, and the sun combine to erode them down. I'm not sure that this mountain top removal is actually man made. It might me a natural occurrence. The miners might be there reaping the benefits from natural erosion. The first thing that needs to happen is we probably need a 5 to 10 year study to determine if the erosion is caused by man made by nature. This should include models being developed to "accurately" predict which mountains are being eroded and the affect of the erosion. Other mountains in the area need to be studied to see if the model can predict whether it will erode like the mined ones or not. If the models cannot predict which mountain top will be eroded (removed) and at what rate, then the whole idea of mountain top removal is junk science and should be abandoned. After this decade long study is complete and it is determined beyond a reasonable doubt that mountain top removal is man made, then we need to start a study on the consequences of that removal. This study should probably take no less than 20 years to complete. We need to be 100% certain of the long term effects of mountain top removal before we do anything about the practice. You cannot do that overnight. Now while you complete these two studies, we should not restrict the operations of the miners because they are supplying good American jobs to your fellow countrymen. And besides there are more important problems to conquer then this. Things like tax breaks which are expiring and oh, hey look -> a terrorist!
  21. I really like the contradictory article title. "Aliens Exist" - like it is a fact. "And Could Be Discovered" - oh wait we are not sure if aliens exist anymore. But we might know within 20 years... Also are we as a society that stupid that they have to dumb down this statement by adding the content in parentheses?
  22. BTW, I do know that this would never work in the real world. It was a philosophical comment for an ideological world. You know, the same ideological world where people think we actually have freedom. But to continue the discussion, you could start with the medical treatment until you verify the financial status of the patient. It would require an extra layer of staff to research this. Hey look at that I'm increasing the number of good American jobs. If they can pay, you continue treatment. If not, you throw them out on the street. The hospital is not out that much money. Prices will come down. Everyone will be happy (except for the poor). And then we can reintroduce wolves/lions/etc to take care of the weak & sick which in turn will help keep the rest of the population healthy.
  23. That is the real problem. If we have the FREEDOM to choose to not wear a helmet (or whatever vice you choose, i.e. skydiving, scuba diving, fucking crack-whore prostitutes, etc), then we should also have the FREEDOM to not get medical attention if we cannot pay for that in CASH (not insurance, medicare, credit card, etc). Although I'll open it up to include insurance companies if you also agree that the insurance company has the FREEDOM to raise your rates (or set them initially high because of your at risk behavior) and/or drop you as a client if you get injured.
  24. Yes! Bring that mentality here. Just because it didn't work in not one but two separate countries, doesn't mean it won't work here. And besides, we just be smarter than y'all.
  25. While I like the idea of having a GPS location of the canopy, PebbleBee is another interesting start-up company. Pros: Long battery life (1-6 years depending on configuration) Small Motion Sensing No need to turn it on or off Cons: 150 foot (46 meter) range