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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. The parties have no plan for succession? What if a candidate dies mid campaign? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  2. So, talk has sort of begun about Trump dropping out and being replaced. If this were to happen would Pence not become the nominee? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  3. And you consistently ignore the fact that we already know what works. The experience of every other first world country is that if you restrict guns you will have less gun violence. America stands alone in ignoring this lesson. The real solution is a change in your laws. But it is not politically possible at this time. There is no other solution. And there is no need for people to walk around armed. Proven all over the world. Even if you show that deaths are down this decade, they are still 5 times higher than the neighbor next door. They are even higher than your neighbor to the south, even with all their crime problems. But you close your eyes and call gun control advocates "nutjobs". Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. So what did Jesus say that made him a piece of shit? Edited to scoundrel, but not in time. But to answer your question, he claimed to be the son of god. Making him a lying scoundrel. It's not hard to argue that anyone who claims to be the Messiah is a POS. But I'll back down from that as it is a meaningless insult and too vague. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  5. Don't start with the question, get to know people a little first. Like I said earlier, the whole thrust of your thread is what other people need to change in their lives. What really matters is what you can do to change your life. This sounds like a good start. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  6. They were mostly potheads. And as you know potheads don't have the energy to commit much crime. Most of the simply grew up and re-integrated successfully. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  7. America is currently at the best it has ever been. Norman Rockwell only painted the good scenes. I'll never understand your darkness. And I'm glad of that. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  8. No rip offs there. Except in the sense that all religions are about the same thing. Answering the unanswerable questions that being human and aware brings up. And supplying an organizing hierarchical force for leaders to dominate in. Manson, Jesus, Noah, Moses, Mohamed, Buddha, Smith, and all the many others. All lying scoundrels. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  9. Or you could make the sacrifice of giving up collecting killing machines and keeping them as toys. And carrying them around "because others are and I need to be ready to shoot back". If people have guns they will use them. Mostly in anger. Gun control advocates are not "nutbags". Most of them don't care even enough to vote on the issue. Those who love their guns are far more emotional about the issue. But most of them are not "nutbags" either. Gun control will not solve society's problems. It will just make it safer for everyone. When the police no longer need to assume that everyone they deal with is armed perhaps they will feel they have more time to think before they shoot. Suicides are by far the majority of gun deaths. And you are right, everyone just glosses over that fact. You may feel differently when someone you love has a bout of depression and also a convenient gun nearby. Maybe they will borrow yours to do the job. The right to die does not cover the type of suicide gun users suffer. And you know that. It's a completely different issue. I didn't know you had an opinion on that, but you seem hostile to the idea. Most people who are think God is against it. What is your objection? More "nutbag" talk and name calling? Having all the cool toys to play with is kind of nice, but not worth the price. I'm not a nutbag I'm just a little pissed at all illegal weapons being smuggled into my country from yours. And to judge from your comment you don't need to be a strong black family to resent immigrants. You seem to have enough resentment by yourself. The most impressive thing about gun lovers is their gutteral anger and fear about the possibility of any restrictions. This is the reason for the pejorative "gun nut". Many of them do get a little nuts about it. Happiness is a warm gun. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  10. They may be losing. But so is your country. Y'all do a pretty good job of ignoring the death toll, speaking of ignoring things. Just because the solution is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. One day the tide will turn. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. I was completely against Ms. Clinton getting the nomination 8 yrs ago. However, I watched her performance as Sec of State and found that she will simply work her butt off for the people of this country. That observance led me to educate myself on her performance as a senator; and found that she was held in very high regard by her cohorts. Jerry Baumchen Especially those afraid of her power paybacks. And look at how deftly she handled the Benghazi debacle. And, do not overlook her skillful ability to offer BS to the surviving families of the four patriots lost. How about all the meaningful Senate bills she drafted that were passed? President HR Clinton is going to do a fine job. She will be about as effective as a Democrat working with a Republican Congress can be. She will work to move the country slightly to the left in most policies when she can. And you will spew vile hateful words at her here because that's all you can do about it. Sucks to be you. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  12. This is what is meant by "nanny state". Skydiving is an adult sport. Adults should be informed of the risks and then make their own decisions. There is no need of a "committee". Your working group would not be able to show a clear line at 55. or 50, or 60. Because there is not one. People are individuals, not averages. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  13. Anyone with a face like hers is bound to be an angry person. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Cheaters never prosper. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  15. I've taken a week or more to think this over, and the only answers I can come up with are weak tea. Clearly despite the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms in America is subject to limitations already. The line of what is constitutional and what is not has not been determined. Like other issues, the SC takes into account prevailing public feelings and even the predominance of state laws in controversial decisions. You were asking what regulations I would put in place if it were up to me? I guess I would start with what I know, which basically is a series of hoops to jump through and prohibitions against certain products. Along with strong rules about storage and securement of weapons. In other words, something along the lines of the methods used to discourage women from accessing abortions, like waiting periods. (Couldn't resist) Education would be mandatory, but I believe it often already is in many places. Both open and concealed carry would be for the most part illegal. You would need a hard to get permit and a strong reason for either. None of this is possible in the current climate. But it could conceivably become possible in the future. America's love of guns is a complicated thing. They are a symbol, and a tool, and a statement of who a person is all at the same time. At least half the population would be against these rules, and half of the other half don't care. But enough murder and mayhem, along with demographic change, will eventually result in a backlash against the NRA and gun makers propaganda. I'm not sure what you mean by this. I went back and reviewed the thread and the only interaction I can find between him and I is a short discussion on the legalities of automatic weapons. I did learn something from his comment, but it was only about legal history. This is a really good topic for another thread. I have no strong feeling about this. Just an interest. I did try the link to the Forbes article, but no luck, it's gone. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  16. Police are like any other employee group in this aspect. They will resist change in general, and strongly resist change that brings increased accountability in particular. Policing can often be a dirty, gritty , nasty line of work. Highly stressful at times and exposing LEOs to the worse society has to offer. Because we need them, and need to respect them, they have always been given the benefit of the doubt. Some of them take advantage of that, and many of them allow that to happen. I would speculate that most of them turn their heads away and ignore wrong doing because they can never be sure when they will be placed in a similar situation. We must both respect the job that police do and at the same time demand they only kill people when they need to. Almost all police killings are justified. But clearly almost is not good enough. And clearly the culture of protecting each other before protecting the public has to be changed. They phrase "protect and serve" too often has meant a culture of protecting and serving each other first and the public second. Every profession is guilty of extending "professional courtesy" to other members of the fraternity. It should come as no surprise to anyone. It starts with LEOs who let their brothers off with a warning at traffic stops. Or allow them to drive home after drinking. I know of one local fatality caused by a drunken off duty cop who could never be convicted because his investigating brother deliberately sabotaged the sobriety testing at the scene to protect him. Even though he had just killed a young mother. Both lost their jobs, but the killer walked. When accountability comes to policing public confidence will come back as well. Until then it will not. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  17. They are even worse than "libertarians". They want to enjoy all the benefits that belonging to a successful human society give them. But they don't think the rules that allow for these benefits to happen should apply to them. SovCitizen is just another word for sociopath. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  18. Amen Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  19. Desert DZs like Eloy and Perris have lots of dust and grit for you to get all over your gear. Eloy have a little more grass than Perris, at least the last time I was in Perris. But you should also know and accept that you will not always land in the grass at either place. It is dangerous to get fixated on the idea that you need to. When those places get busy it can often be far safer to land slightly out. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. Yes, I've done similar mods. Any reasonably well equipped rigger can do that. You likely have bought a new generic pilot chute and bridle and need a #5 grommet to accommodate it. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. Western Canadians mostly frequent Eloy AZ, and to a lessor extent Perris CA if they want maximum opportunity to jump in the winter. Both have tunnels onsite. Eloy is generally favoured because the weather is a little more dependable. There are very few down days there. You can easily do more than 5 jumps a day there and any sort of coaching you desire can be had. The place is full of some of the best skydivers from all over the world in the winter months. And their fleet of aircraft is incomparable. In short, it is Disneyland for skydivers. There are many other great southern DZs, but if your goal is the most jumps possible Eloy is your place. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  22. You should listen to NPR more often then. I believe it was Obama being quoted in one of their stories that you heard. http://www.npr.org/2016/06/28/483874306/obama-trump-hasnt-captured-zeitgeist-of-the-country That does not affect my post or belief. I know. Your beliefs are what you choose to believe. Like everyone else. I only remarked because I hear that word frequently. Usually on NPR from commentators. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  23. You should listen to NPR more often then. I believe it was Obama being quoted in one of their stories that you heard. http://www.npr.org/2016/06/28/483874306/obama-trump-hasnt-captured-zeitgeist-of-the-country Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  24. I think that POTUS is such a unique job that no one can be fully prepared or trained for it. The job calls for such a blend of intelligence, judgement, political skills, management skill, being an icon and symbol, leader within an organization and through media to the country and even the world, and a host of skills and qualities that no one person could excel at all of them. A successful business person has as good a chance of being a successful POTUS as any other highly motivated skilled leader. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  25. Yup, it's a crazy system you have down there. Single payer baby, it's the way to go. That is, if you want your healthcare system to be about...say....healthcare. If you want it to be mostly about insurance company profits, well, keep going down the road you're on. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.