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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Not that it matters one way or another, but there is strong reason to believe that yes, he was grazed by the first shot fired. It also seems that he just happened to turn his head as the shot was fired, or it likely would have killed him. Some will believe this was an act of God, some will call it good luck, and of course some will call it bad luck. If he had been killed someone more right wing and capable would have been nominated and probably would be a stronger candidate. Because of that I'm calling it good luck. Harris can beat him, but only because so many people are never Trumpers. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/26/us/politics/trump-shooter-bullet-trajectory-ear.html
  2. Half the population is below the median.
  3. Yes, this is the basis of what is called "identity politics". And it has been working and used by both the left and the right in the USA. It is the reason large numbers of Americans vote against their economic interests.
  4. She will use the Biden/Harris money. The Rs will complain to the FEC who will "investigate". In about a year's time it will issue a ruling that will not matter.
  5. You had a series of primaries that resulted in Trump and Biden. Pretty much proof that democracy has failed America.
  6. Canada did no better and in some ways worse during both of the world wars.
  7. gowlerk


    It was probably different for us. Here in Winnipeg there were very few black people at the time. None that I knew personally. The N word was used in the usual childhood rhymes and we used it against each other. Not black people. It wasn't really about racism. Our particular flavour of racism involved fear and distrust of native peoples. This would be early 70s at the latest. When I became an older teenager I began to understand why it was wrong.
  8. gowlerk


    In the early 70s nearly everyone used that word freely. We also used all of the now forbidden words that described people with non-approved gender preferences.
  9. How much does it weigh? How much does it cost? Those would be the key things needed to know in order to answer your questions.
  10. Yes of course. You are just the guy who reposts the offensive meme and then says it has nothing to do with you, you are just passing on the message. Well.....let me tell you, that shit fools no one.
  11. Isn’t that what Trump calls “a sucker”?
  12. I’m pretty sure that to winsor anyone who is not explicitly anti-woke is a woke nitwit. Including you and me.
  13. That’ll backfire quickly. It’s not even really a dog whistle. It’s in your face racism. Edit, I can find nothing about him actually speaking that word. What he did was call her ungrateful for the country. Other people are saying that means she is uppity.
  14. Somehow you think it's wrong for her to have had a sex life? Do you believe that young marine didn't have one? Normal people have sex. Even your parents had sex. Are you pure, or just a misogynist?
  15. And to think, all it took was a brutal 4 year war with many hundreds of thousands of deaths that still divides the nation. A nation that still cannot manage to pass the ERA.
  16. I would propose a slogan or at least a theme for Harris. "Moving America Forward" Putting an emphasis on leaving some of the chaos behind. Kind of the opposite of maga. Framing Trump as a man of the past.
  17. I don't know if I said that here, but I certainly believed that. My prediction record is about 25% correct.
  18. I was going to comment about poor turnout in national election for the US. But maybe I'll just bite my tongue because it is actually almost identical to Canada's at about 63%.
  19. gowlerk

    Biden out

    When in reality Bishop Grandin was a force behind the residential school system that did so much damage.
  20. Harris will be the nominee and will ignite excitement within the party and the electorate. But maybe not in the crucial swing states leading to the possibility of a historic popular vote lead and an electoral college loss.
  21. gowlerk

    Biden out

    Winnipeg recently changed the name of a major road from Bishop Grandin to Abinojii Micanah. The local right wing is losing their shit over it.
  22. gowlerk

    Biden out

    I know what you mean. Sometimes I fill that role here.
  23. I'm sure you are well aware of what those numbers mean and where they come from. Who to trust? Hanging either 220 or 254 lbs under a 113 sq. ft. 7-cell non ZP means that if anyone uses it they will need to be fully capable of flying it and landing it. If they are incapacitated in any way, or untrained or inexperienced they are taking a large risk. The manufacturer is not lying.
  24. And the voters say........he must go.