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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Chubb group is listed on the NYSE and is incorporated in Zurich. It is an S&P 500 component. So if you hold any ETFs based on that congratulations, you are a part owner. Bonding judgements is not listed as part of their core business. It's hard to say what could possibly motivate them to take on this venture. They are already taking considerable heat for getting involved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited
  2. The wheels just keep on turning and slowly grinding away.
  3. Aerodyne is the only company that makes both canopies and containers. The lesson here is don’t put all your eggs in one ordering basket. One of the components is holding up the whole order. Tell them to ship what is completed and that you will fill the rest with another company’s product.
  4. Don't forget being forced to get an AOC and writing an Ops manual.
  5. The real question is why. Why is a law like this needed? It is not needed at all. It is merely an attack on those who are different for no reason other than scoring points with the base. It doesn't really matter exactly how it is worded. It is evil at its heart.
  6. They did what they had to do to get an agreement. Each of those colonies had to choose between independance, staying a colony or becoming part of a larger nation. Politics then and now is the art of compromise and the posible.
  7. Statistically either one is very likely to live long enough to finish out another term. That is not necessarily a good thing when you factor in the effects of aging on performance. A POTUS can be called upon at any time to make momentous decisions.
  8. Well....its true that immigration is often a wave-like process.
  9. I'm glad you feel that way. based on your posts here you are among the people I hope won't be voting anymore.
  10. Yes, and I'm happy for the way it turned out for both of us. I actually was self employed for 9 years and reasonably successful. But I also found it annoyingly stressful to deal with being pulled in too many directions by people with needs opposed to each other. I'm sure you know what I mean.
  11. I'm sure you did. But you also did not sail north to the homeland and get it done there at union rates. I'm not criticizing you though. I'm just pointing out what you already know. My first job was also pumping gas, it lasted a month. I was 15. But unlike you I am still workin' for the man. Well, sort of. I'm semi-retired. Which is why I sometimes have more time to engage here and sometimes not.
  12. America is the promised land. The shining beacon on the hill. Actually western Europe has even more problems with unwanted immigration from the places known as shitholes. The G7 countries are places that are so freaking rich that truck driving labourer types can afford to buy lift tickets from rich yacht owning DZOs and go skydiving. Ask Grimmie how many Costa Ricans can afford skydiving on the wages they can make washing your boat.
  13. Maybe so relatively, but they are small with a population of less than 10 million between them. They are not going to be the savior of the USA.
  14. Those countries are small and poor themselves without the capacity to hold them. Mexico does have capacity and that is where most of them are being held back right now. Whether or not Mexico will continue to do that depends entirely on how much its government weighs reprisal and reward from whatever POTUS is in power at the moment.
  15. Reminds me a little of this....https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/ellis-island-millions-immigrants-united-states-america Also a difficult journey.
  16. Well, I can't say I know a lot of Newfies. But of the ones I have met I've never met one I didn't like.
  17. We bribed them to join. I'm not really sure why, but there it is.
  18. I do believe that more Canadians are starting to feel that the rate is now too high. The housing shortage is really pinching hard and goodwill is wearing a little thin in places. The whole country can feel the pendulum swinging to the right.
  19. I do believe that is the plan here for managing the public debt. GDP growth seems to be the sum of population growth and inflation. Population growth for Canada in 2021 was 0.5% compared to 0.1% in the US. Maybe it is time for a new wave of immigrants.
  20. That same video is making the rounds on social media labeled as "Tesla truck runs of of power on icy road". In any case getting up the hill is about having enough traction. The EV is probably always near the weight limit on the drive tires because of the batteries. For some reason that video shows it coming to a stop.
  21. Absolutely. The US and Canada are both greatly underpopulated compared to other parts of the world with large areas of arable land. However, the people already settled here don't really want larger cities and more population. Do you? Do you want large scale immigration to be the new normal? It would seem like you are not happy with the current inhabitants of the nations then. Is it really so filled with slackers that you think newcomers are the only answer? In a way it is, but not for that reason. Population growth would be negative without immigration. And yes, once again I only have questions not answers.
  22. When I say partially justified mostly I mean that sheer numbers could get quite high if nothing is done to control them. How high is really unknown and that is what scares even those with more tolerance for immigration. If there truly were an "open border" how many people would flood across it? Seriously I don't know but likely several 10s of millions per year. That supposed number justifies an amount of concern that runs into fear. It could cause large scale disruptions of economies, even more extreme housing shortages than now, possibly 3rd world style slums and other unknown changes. I do know for sure that any political party that does not call for control of immigration will never win any elections.