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Everything posted by hexadecimal

  1. She's probably already fucking you... you may as well fuck her back
  2. I generally just avoid taking advice from people who I don't know and trust. If someone I don't know starts trying to give me advice, I'll let them talk, and I'll give some thought to their advice if it makes sense... but otherwise, it's in one ear, out the other. There are quite a few 100 jump wonders who like to "coach" people at my home dropzone, but pretty much everyone knows who they are, and newer people are usually warned to ignore them. There's also a certain level of common sense which should factor into whether or not you listen to someone's advice. Usually, bad advice isn't hard to spot once you've been around for a while.
  3. I've heard the same. I think some of them actually quit over it.
  4. It's kind of sad to see the McLaren name even associated with this car... especially after the F1, a car which still holds it's own among some of the top supercars, 12-13 years later.
  5. I guess I can add these then... Boat: 95mph (speedo indicated) Waverunner: 70mph (radar)
  6. Cool car... too bad about the gearbox.
  7. I posted this in the bonfire a couple weeks ago... it's actually a Boards of Canada music video. Footage is awesome, though.
  8. Great car... lots of fun on the track
  9. With me driving: Car: 170mph Motorcycle: 160mph (or somewhere in that area... not exactly easy to focus on the speedometer at those speeds) With others driving: Car: ~190mph
  10. Bad: Landing in a christmas tree farm after a bad (self inflicted) spot by myself and another jumper. When you're breaking off and tracking with no dropzone in sight for 360 degrees, you know you're in trouble Good: Landing in the snow this January was a blast
  11. Rent for a while, talk to your instructors, and you'll end up with a better idea of what you need later on... and probably save yourself some money in the process.
  12. Anyone who has said that, has never encountered a green tree python or emerald tree boa Maybe they just meant they don't bite for no reason. Not that poisonous ones will, but they tend to defend themselves a little more rapidly than a non poisonous one. Possibly. No snake really bites without reason, though. It's always either a feeding response, or self defense.
  13. Anyone who has said that, has never encountered a green tree python or emerald tree boa
  14. Used to keep emerald tree boas, amazon tree boas, green tree pythons, and some others. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of them when work took over my life.
  15. They're awesome canopies... The Safire 135 I've been jumping for the past 80 or 90 jumps is great.
  16. Would your response have been identical if the same thing was happening with John Kerry as President? John Kerry is just as much of a scumbag as Bush and the rest of them.
  17. Theoretical situation... Say you're at dinner, and someone at your table comments that their steak is slightly burnt, what do you say? Do you tell them something like "well why don't you try eating burnt human flesh soaked in piss then, suck it up"?
  18. Is she jumping into the wedding ? I'd pay to see that
  19. I've heard it... sounds pretty good, though Maynard definitely sounds different. I prefer his old style, but maybe the rest of the album will be different, who knows.
  20. I wasn't suggesting that people shit in the shower, but unless you also wash your ass over the toilet, there is always going to be something left over going down the drain in the shower.
  21. Couldn't be any worse than the things that come out of your ass and other unpleasant crevices, could it?