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Everything posted by SpeedRacer

  1. Always auto. I learned to drive on an automatic, and have lived in & near cities all my life with lots of stop & go traffic, so I've never changed. Now I feel like I need to learn to drive a manual so I don't feel like a pussy retard if I ever have to drive a stick or go overseas. But I don't know where I'd learn. In the USA, almost all rental cars are auto. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  2. Steve Martin twitter: "Taking a no smoking pledge, just as soon as I put my foot out." Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  3. Ron Paul is running second, but FOX News will continue to try to make him invisible. Can Ron Paul win in spite of the mainstream media's Anti-RonPaul Cloaking Device? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  4. I agree with kelp about not reaching a plateau in terms of technology. New advances are coming thick & fast, much more rapidly than they did in the 70s. Of course I wonder how companies are supposed to function long term when the CEO gets paid a salary that could be used to hire 400+ workers. So high, in fact, that in one year the CEO makes enough to become independently wealthy for life, so what is his/her incentive to commit to long term growth? All you gotta do is hang in there for a year, if the company tanks after that, just layoff all the workers & retire young with a golden parachute. Maybe I should forget about my science degrees and just get an MBA. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  5. "We've got armadillos in our trousers. It's really quite frightening." Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  6. 11/11/11 Marty DiBergi: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder? Nigel Tufnel: [pause] These go to eleven. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  7. YAY! America is doing GREAT compared to 3rd world countries!!! Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  8. Yep, everything's just wonderful here in America. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  9. There is a disturbing trend in the US which makes its demographics becoming more like a 3rd world country: High unemployment, the concentration of wealth and power in the few at the top, the decline of the middle class, and the rise of religious power in politics to distract the people from their economic repression. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEOFDwWv4fk&feature=youtube_gdata_player Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  11. Hot chicks make political disagreements go away. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  12. They want jobs. Not handouts. I don't care about the TP or the OWS. I am a highly experienced, yet unemployed molecular biologist. I am working minimum wage gigs and busting my ass to find a real job (that pays a living wage). Therefor, I do not have time to protest. Nevertheless, there is something very wrong when highly educated and experienced professionals cannot find work, except for McJobs that don't pay a living wage. I am busting my ass here, and if something doesn't happen soon I will lose my house. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  13. Bush & Obama bailed out the banker & CEO millionaires. With our money. When will that trickle down to us in the form of jobs? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  14. My brother has a daughter in first grade. Religious Fundies forced the school not to have any Halloween type stuff. So the kiddies aren't even allowed to cut out construction paper jackolanterns anymore. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  15. So we got 1% 99%, 47% 53% bla bla bla What % do you belong to if you have a MS in Molecular Biology and over 12 years experience in research, But you don't have time to protest because you have spent the last year applying to every biotech/clinical research job you can qualify for, using linkedin & contacts, going to career fairs, etc, and still can't get a job in your field? Right now I am once again waiting in the lobby of the local "Labor Ready" minimum wage place hoping to make a few bucks. It won't pay the mortgage though. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  16. This thread is a real disappointment, from its title. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  17. I don't even own a gun, but people always tell me that I qualify as an arsenal. Or maybe I didn't hear them right. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  18. I thought it was Sauron who enslaved Orcs. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  19. Among the liberals I know personally, I can think of only maybe 2 or 3 who think guns should be banned. The rest of them are neutral or don't care much about the issue one way or the other, or they don't seem to disagree when you point out that more restrictive gun laws do not reduce murders/violence. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  20. It's all the same shit. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  21. In the Boston area you would always hear the word "retarded," even back in the 70s. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  22. http://www.southgatearc.org/news/october2011/family_radio_appeals_for_financial_support.htm The world ended on Friday, but Family Radio is still asking for donations. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  23. OK, now that we've finally got the End of the World over with, can we stop with all the END Times BS & get on with our lives? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  24. And that is exactly the reason he will never be President, he Hasn't thought much about the issues. (except the economy) Well, if in your perfect world, big issue that is going to decide where your vote is going is the candidates stance on abortion, then good on you. Your life must be wonderful. For a large chunk of the nation however, jobs are their priority. Quite frankly if I was Cain, I wouldn't take a stance at all on abortion, either way. I wouldn't even talk about it. It's a hot button topic that extremists use to polarize a debate. I would stay on topic.... jobs!!! I pretty much agree with this sentiment. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  25. It's a new religion: Bullshitarianism. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------