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Everything posted by SpeedRacer

  1. I want to upgrade from XP to Windows7, but Microsoft says I gotta transfer everything to an external drive, then install windows 7, then reinstall all my applications using the original discs. The problem is, for many of my apps I don't HAVE the disks. For example, when I bought my PC it already had MSOffice suite installed on it, and there were no disks. So how can I upgrade to W7 without having to reinstall everything? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  2. Less constipation? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  3. Ask Sean Connery Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  4. Persian cats are only destructive and bloody when you try to give them a bath or take them to the vet. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  5. It's all about the baby Jesus! Maybe it was one of the gifts of the Magi? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  6. Although I have heard different stories of the Mithra/ Christ connection. The Mithra religion was old, but it didn't become popular among the Romans until AFTER the first century AD. At that time, Christianity was starting to grow. So the Roman adherents to Mithra altered the story & added in the Virgin Birth story, to steal some thunder from the Christians. This is similar to the way modern Wiccans borrow old religions and then alter them. In the original story (pre Christian) Mithra is not born to a virgin mother. Instead, Mithra emerges from out of a rock. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  7. ...or this guy. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  8. http://www.lrc.state.ky.us/legresou/constitu/145.htm But don't forget, this is the same state that has the Creationist Museum. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  9. It is just as rude to blast liberal programing. Of course it is; I don't think he was saying otherwise, nor was anyone else in the thread. I'm pretty sure his reference to Limbaugh was meant to be a single representative example of a general idea. absolutely. I wouldn't think it appropriate to have Olberman or Maddow on either. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  10. Of course it's a cloaked alien spaceship! The government is just trying to cover it up to avoid a panic! Wake up, sheeple! Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  11. I have not been outed. I have an innie. Wait, this is about bellybuttons, right? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  12. Because the defeat of Obama/Pelosi/Liberalism would lead to that in the US. Um, no. I didn't bring up Obama or Pelosi. I don't think there would be too much of a radical change if they were defeated in an election. My post was about Liberalism. Conservative commentators like to go on about how awful liberals are, or that liberalism is a disease, but we only have to look at the various political factions in the Middle East to see that in fact, some degree of Liberalism can actually be a good thing, and even preferable to the more Conservative factions in those countries. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  13. I think it's rude to have highly charged political or religious broadcasting on at work where other people have to listen to it. But I have worked at two different places where someone was blasting Limbaugh for everyone's "benefit." Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  14. I would have to see some hard data to verify whether mental health problems are on the rise. Vague personal notions about an increase in mental health problems are not enough. Maybe they're just diagnosed better now. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  15. If so, check out what just happened in Egypt. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/story/2011-12-04/israel-egypt-elections/51641978/1 Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  16. "I'll have a slice with not so much rat in it." Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  17. http://izismile.com/2010/09/01/when_theres_nothing_to_do_at_work_63_pics.html Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  18. I'm not completely sure any of you exist. You could all just be a bunch of gnomes living in the Internet tubes, for all I know. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  19. Pepper spray is a vegetable. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  20. The purpose of our existence is to feed our cats. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  21. Also, if you add #in it will appear on your linkedin newsfeed. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  22. ..and start colonizing other planets.http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/11/18/stephen-hawking-space-exploration_n_1101975.html Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  23. WTF is wrong with all of you??? He was just a loony! Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  24. Don't blow it, Ravens! Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  25. I can tell winter is coming, because the cats keep trying to sleep on top of me. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------