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Everything posted by SansSuit

  1. It may be hard to believe but occasionally, an individual prefers not to bask in the glory of my nekkedness. So on those rare instances, I am forced to exercise a bit of modesty. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  2. Go for it! The cold, however intense, is only for a few minutes. The jump is yours forever. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  3. All the companies make them. Half the calories. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  4. SansSuit


    Nope. I don't believe in it anymore. I did in former lives but not in this one. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  5. That is better than most !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  6. Did you look to see if the belt is still on? Maybe in revving it, you threw the belt? That would be my guess if my NSSO (Non Skydiving Significant Other) told me the same thing. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  7. I'll be there! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  8. Just for the record, Marquette University is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, not Marquette, MI. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  9. SansSuit


    Now are those laws? Or are they suggestions like the BSR's? Any leeway on any of them? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  10. Yeah I also have a TV with a "standby" light. There is a red light to tell you when the TV is OFF. How stupid is that? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  11. Tell me!! How do they get you glued together so fast after he cuts you in half?? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  12. More of the basics. Not everyone cares about the latest record or about a boogie in East Bangladesh. However every jumper should know how a pilot chute works or how to load an airplane or the differences between a 7-cell and a 9-cell. Those who know everything already might even learn a thing or two. Call it a refresher. The USPA is concerned about retaining jumpers. Put in a little more content aimed at those on the fence. The magazine may be the only non-dropzone source of information they have. Experienced jumpers probably have all the resources they need. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  13. This one was taken by a FOF in Oz. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  14. This will make you think twice before reaching. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  15. I hang on to them. Every once in awhile somebody from here asks for an old copy. I did dump all of my old SKYDIVING mags, though. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  16. A large ice chest works great in lieu of a bathtub. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  17. 4 different copters, once nekked. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  18. I'm thinking that might be far enough apart to avoid any inbreeding part of things. But she is a whack job. Any of her kids would be bound to be a little "feaky". Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  19. Hey! Easy now. They are my kin. The Baldwins are my 11th cousins, once removed. That makes Kim Basinger my "ex- 11th cousin, once removed in-law". Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  20. I had the same thing happen on an Icarus Omni. (Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, but I fixed it myself.) Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  21. From back in the day .......... "Why do the English drink warm beer?" "Because they have Lucas refrigerators!" Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  22. Tanks That article jogged a memory. I remember that you did have to have good sized flow going in order to make the water hot. There was no such thing as getting a "little" hot water. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  23. OK, I have a question. I lived in Germany in the 70's. Every apartment I had was equipped with a tankless. They didn't seem all that complicated. Why are they such a big deal 30 years later? You would think they would have all the bugs worked out by now. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  24. Of course the ultimate solution is to wear nothing at all. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  25. Not really, it is the only way I can justify hanging on to them. I've sent more than a few to people in need. Otherwise I don't look at them but can't see throwing them away (recycled, of course) either. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving