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Everything posted by SansSuit

  1. Thanks for the help peoples. But this is going to be the big bugaboo right here. The club mandates insurance for all demos. No insurance, no tandem. I'll have to sell something else. Thanks again. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  2. That and the fact that their are no Twelve Step clubs for us altitude addicts. We're on our own. Somebody better not do anything about that. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  3. I know this has been discussed before, but I'm looking for the latest info. BSR Section 2-1-J-3 talks about the requirement for Level 2 landing areas. 2-1-J-5 talks about stadiums. I did a quick search and couldn't find any thing about Level 1 demos with a tandem. The idea is that I want to put a tandem with a student (first time) into a Level 1 landing area. The TM is PRO rated and a tandem examiner. I could swear that I heard/read that it is cool now, but I can't find anything in writing. Any help? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  4. "You can always cut away from a line over but you can't cut away from a nut under." Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  5. Perfectly Good Airplanes Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  6. I had a Contrast CT scan a couple years ago. They were looking at something that turned out to be cysts. The report comes back and says that what they were looking at wasn't a problem. But in the report the doctor said, "There is a compression fracture of the L4 vertebral body .... It may be related to a remote trauma." WTF ?? I never broke my back! Thinking back, the only time I could remember even hurting my back was landing with some broken lines, over 7 years before. My log book just says "landed a little hard." I even made another jump that day. Had a broken back all that time and didn't know it. Of course, I had them make me a copy of the x-ray that showed it. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  7. Have you ever thought about the fact that when we jump there is nothing between us and certain death? Physically, it is something from behind us that grabs us by the shoulders and keeps us from going in. There has to be something metaphorical about that. I'm just not deep enough to figure it out. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  8.;#2973585 Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  9. Helpful hint #437: Shrink tube also works great for replacing the little plastic ends on shoelaces. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  10. You can also peel the stickers off and put back on.
  11. "nowadays"? Back in the day, I bought one of the books. I did just what you said and could solve the thing in under 4 minutes every time. And then, like now, I wasn't an Asian baby or any other sort of genius. Funny story. I was showing my dad my skills. He figured I could do it faster if the cube was lubricated a little. So he got out the trusty can of WD40. It reacted with plastic and melted it into one sticky block of goo. Peace, -Jeff.
  12. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  13. SansSuit


    It's OK. My NSSO (Non Skydiving Significant Other) didn't think it was all that funny either. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  14. Mind if I steal that quote? (Last one for me was a couple weeks ago. Ground temp was about 20 degrees F.) Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  15. SansSuit


    It's little things like this that keep me laughing. This was with my Burger King Cini-mini's this morning. Caught me off guard and had me laughing out loud. I wonder if this was intentional. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  16. How about this one? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  17. But they are super high tech. They have microphones that can pick up ground sounds like car horns and tire screaching without picking up the sound of the rotor. Peace, Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  18. Why are divorces so expensive?? . . . . . . . Because they are worth it !!!!! Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  19. It isn't so much the ones who decide to quit. They have thought about it and for whatever reason, made the decision. I would bet that just as many, if not more, never make the decision. Stuff gets in the way and the rig that was never out of your sight is now in the back of the closet. "When I (fill in the blank), I'm going to get a repack and get current again and jump my ass off". Tomorrow never comes. How many of those rigs are still sitting in peoples' closets becoming obsolete? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  20. It must be all about the feet. I was wearing shoes on this jump. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  21. Or........... you can go the other direction. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  22. No! No! It's all about how long the knife is! I have a LONG knife. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  23. Here's mine. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  24. OK, I missed the memo. When did we change from "Cutaway handle" to "Riser Release Handle"? I was just rereading the Safety Day article in the February Parachutist and saw the term which I had never before seen. I'm still trying to figure out if'n I like it. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  25. Uh DUH! They drive on all four of their wheels !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving