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Everything posted by SansSuit

  1. Hey, pubes are never a pro (Never mind, too much information, I know.) Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  2. In my grubby little fingers. PM me an address and it is yours. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  3. "The spot is only important if you care where you land." Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  4. In all the searches I've done so far, that one pops up more than any other by far. I maintain that dude is particularly "mis-endowed" for such an endeavor. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  5. I'm putting together a page of naked jumping links. I'm looking for links, videos, and web pages on the fine art of naked parachuting. I have a few, but I'm sure there are a bunch more. What are your favorites? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  6. It's like my dad used to say...... i DON'T CARE WHO THE HELL YOU ARE !! GET THEM DAMN REINDEER OFF MY ROOF !! Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  7. I know of about 3 guys who would point out that the real question is why YoU were carrying the basket in the first place? You don't have a woman? I, the enlightened person I am, would never even think of anything like that. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  8. Yeeee haaaa !!! Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  9. I have to disagree with this statement. After the d-bag comes off the canopy, a standard PRO pack can become immediately "un-s folded". A Psycho pack takes just a little bit longer because it has to physically unroll. Take my canopy, PRO pack it or Psycho pack it and I'll tell you which way it was done every time. And lets not downplay the packing "ease" factor. How many newbies have you seen who were frustrated to tears with packing? Any of them give up because it was just too much? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  10. It's on my list. Except I don't want Bodacious or Cyclone or any of those you see on TV. I want a bull named "Mama's boy" or "Pussywillow" something similar. But it will be cool! (To do once. ) Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  11. lisfranc.gif (88.0 KB) OMG !!! THEY DID IT ALL WRONG !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  12. OK, I have a question for you. This seems to be the first course of action in most cable problems. And in most problems I've had, that fixes it. WHY THEN, don't they put some kind of master disconnect switch on the boxes ?? "Unplugging" the thing is so last century! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  13. Not one of them had a decent arch ! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  14. One Hippopotami (Parody of "What Kind Of Fool Am I?" by Sammy Davis Jr.) One hippopotami cannot get on a bus, Because one hippopotami is two hippopotamus. And if you have two goose, that makes one geese. A pair of mouse is mice. A pair of moose is meese. A paranoia is a bunch of mental blocks. And when Ben Casey meets Kildaire, that's called a paradox. When two minks fall in love, with all their heart and soul, You'll find the plural of two minks is one mink stole. Singulars and plurals are so different, bless my soul. Has it ever occurred to you that the plural of "half" is "whole"? A bunch of tooth is teeth. A group of foot is feet. And two canaries make a pair--they call it a parakeet. A paramecium is not a pair. A parallelogram is just a crazy square. Nobody knows just what a paraphernalia is. And what is half a pair of scissors, but a single sciz? With someone you adore, if you should find romance, You'll pant, and pant once more, and that's a pair of pants! -Alan Sherman (of "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah" fame) Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  15. If you jump, you have to have 100% confidence in your reserve, and by extension, the guy who put the whole thing together. If you don't have that 100%, get a different rigger! Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  16. This is from the same people who brought you: SKYDIVING - Sport of Presidents and SKYDIVING - Y2K Fix WTF? Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  17. OK, just curious. What DO pull up cords cost? Are they like pennies a piece? 50 cents? A dollar a shot? I know it would depend on quantity, but I'm just looking for a rough idea. (Hey, I just noticed, there is no "cents sign" on the computer keyboard! There was one on my typewriter. Where did it go? What replaced it? The dollar sign is still there. Hmmmm.) Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  18. First jump: 06/94 GW# 6584: 07/04 DW# 2655 07/07 Just the record, there are tons of jumpers who never bother with getting the awards. Me, I like the purteee certificates for my wall. Yeah, and the tradition. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  19. OK, lets assume for a minute that these are females. They do all kinds of exercises. How about the Kegels ?? Assuming a proportional increase in strength, what would the result be? Yeeeee haaaa ! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  20. Quincy 1998 Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  21. Cigarette holder ?? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  22. A teacher cautiously approaches the subject of sex education with her fourth grade class because she realizes Little Johnny's propensity for sexual innuendo. But Johnny remains attentive throughout the entire lecture. Finally, towards the end of the lesson, the teacher asks for examples of sex education from the class. One little boy raises his hand, "I saw a bird in her nest with some eggs." "Very good, William," said the teacher. "My mommy had a baby," said little Esther. "Oh, that's nice," replied the teacher. Finally, little Johnny raises his hand. With much fear and trepidation, the teacher calls on him. "I was watchin' TV yesterday, and I saw the Lone Ranger. He was surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of Indians. And they all attacked at one time. And he killed every one of them with his two guns." The teacher was relieved but puzzled, "And what does that have to do with sex education, Johnny?" " It'll teach those Indians not to fuck with the Lone Ranger." Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  23. A young lady was sat on an airplane when she suddenly sneezed "Aaaaatchooooooooo! Ooooooh oh yeah" The man sat next to her asked if she was ok, she replied "I'm wonderfull, never felt better" A short while later she sneezed again "Aaaaatchoooo! Oh my god oh yeah" Again the man enquired if she was ok, she replied "Ooooh wonderfull, never felt better" A few minutes later she does it again, "Aaaatchooooooooooo! Oh uh uh oh yeah oh god yeah!" The man by this time was a bit concerned, he enquired again,"Are you ok, what's with all the moaning?" She replied, "I have a medical condition, every time I sneeze, I orgasm" "Wow", replied the man, "Are you taking anything for it" "Yes", she answered, "Pepper" Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  24. Do they have some plan in place to keep scuba divers out of the water intake? I heard that happened once and the scuba diver ended up getting dropped into the fire ! Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  25. A few years ago I was jumping at Finger Lakes in New York. I was under canopy on final. As I was descending, about 50 feet ahead of me was a Red Tailed hawk. He was maintaining altitude in the wind. I, of course, was not. But for that few seconds, the bird and I were sharing the same hunk of air. It was one of the coolest feelings I've ever had under canopy. Peace, -Jeff. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving