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Everything posted by SansSuit

  1. So if the "even crazier" do one every 100th jump. how would you label someone who does one every eighth jump? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  2. I know of at least one dropzone where it isn't a problem any time. Most nekkid jumps are done stealthfully. If you do a nekkid jump and land behind some trees - no problem. You land in the town square, people are going to raise an eyebrow or two. Chances are there have been plenty of jumpsuitless jumps made at your drop zone. and you just haven't heard. Traditionally, the first nekkid jump is done on the 100th. By then you should have the necessary skills to handle the situation. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  3. A few years ago I jumped a round with an intentional, pre-planned chop. The cutaway was just as cool as hanging under a round. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  4. Q: Why do the British drink warm beer ? A: Because they have Lucas refrigerators ! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  5. Be aware that just because the DZ is cool with the dog, not everyone who frequents the place loves (or even likes) dogs. I for one don't appreciate even the cutest, most well-behaved dog licking my hand or making any kind of physical contact with me or my stuff. I'm not afraid of dogs, I don't hate them, I just have no use for them or their secretions. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  6. Putting on a big ol' bunny suit and jumping out of an airplane. Isn't everyone? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  7. Get one of those 99 cent audibles. Go to the pet store and buy a doggy squeak toy. Securely fasten it to your chest strap. Make a jump. If you hear the SQUEAK of the toy, it's too late. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  8. Looks like I'm going to have a day and a half to kill in Vegas. I'll have the rental car and I'll be going to the dropzone whenever there is jumping to be had. But I need a plan B for when my wife is at a convention and I'll be on my own. My wife and I will be together in the evenings. Any ideas on cool stuff to do during the day? I understand the bungee jump is closed. I've done the "wind tunnel" there before. Ideas I've got working are: the Stratosphere (again), driving to Hoover Dam to see the new bridge (Is it done yet?), car museum, NYNY roller coaster. etc. Any help? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  9. On a related note: Marijuana Pepsi Sawyer Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  10. A long time ago, my mother said something about not being able to sleep at night worrying about me. I told her, "Don't be silly. I don't jump at night." Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  11. Does anybody here have experience with this outfit? Bootleg Canyon Flightlines It's a zip line near Las Vegas. Sounds like a touristy, tandem-type of thing but for a buck and a half it could be fun. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  12. SansSuit


    A guy wakes up in a hospital the result of a terrible car accident. He says, "Doctor! Doctor! I can't feel my legs!!" Doctor says, "Yeah, I know. I amputated your arms." Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  13. The heat may be uncomfortable, but the cold HURTS ! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  14. Did anybody mention Skydive Madison in Edgerton, Wisconsin? it was around for a year or two ca. 1997. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  15. I knew an acoustic song once. but I've since forgotten all the words. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  16. Winter jumping ROCKS !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  17. The other day it was so cold I saw a dog frozen to a fire hydrant! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  18. Then we could be related. Geo W. is my 10th cousin once removed, Geo HW, being my 10th cousin. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  19. Cool story even if it doesn't turn out to be the same one. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  20. I do not know the answer to that. I barely remember the place. I remember it having to be jump started with jumper cables though. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  21. Howdy- I made a couple jumps at Skydive Madison in Edgerton, Wisconsin back in 1997. I still have the T-Shirt. The dropzone was only around for a season or two. I would LOVE to have a picture of that particular C207 that was there. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? I was relatively new back then so I didn't pay attention to details like who was the DZO or who owned the aircraft, etc. Thanks! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  22. +1 (...and I KNOW from cold! ) Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  23. OBVIOUSLY, you could only do this at night! Uh, duh !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  24. OK, why is it that the earth rotates as it revolves around the sun (Somebody standing on the sun sees all the sides of the earth), but the moon doesn't rotate as it revolves around the earth? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  25. More than one new 182 pilot has been welcomed to our dropzone by seeing this going out the door. NSFAnybody Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving