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Everything posted by SansSuit

  1. I would argue that this is a good reason for NOT wearing a suit at all! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  2. I did the same thing once. My first thought was, "I hope it doesn't kill anybody, the helmet has my name in it." After the jump, I was at the display case, pricing another helmet when a friend walked in wearing the helmet I lost in freefall ! It had fallen in front of him under canopy and he followed it to the ground. The helmet and the Dytter inside both survived. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  3. Sky Knights SPC in Wisconsin does NOT accept SR certificates. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  4. SansSuit

    Rubik's Cube

    I had one back in the day. With the aid of a book I got to be fairly fast at solving it. One day I was complaining to my dad that the cube had gotten tight and it was slowing me down. He got out his trusty can of WD-40 to "lube it up". Instead, the WD-40 melted the cube into a solid block. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  5. For years I had the FAR SIDE daily calendar on my desk at work. Then it went away. Couple years ago my wife was in a calendar store and saw a sign .... "If you liked FAR SIDE, you'll love Rubes." Same type of humor, although some of them take a moment or two of thought in order to "get it". Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  6. Negative. Science tells us that if it hasn't ever happened, it can never happen!
  7. Statistics prove it !! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  8. Been there, done that (more than once) ! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  9. That would be Vinko! (And yes, I did get it.) Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  10. Isn't there a thread going on about what to do with expired Cypres? Here is the answer. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  11. Hiya- The other day, someone (with many years in the sport) presented me with the factoid that there has never been a skydiving fatality involving a naked jumper. I'm skeptical. Do any of you historians have the answer? I'm also thinking that the possibility exists that even if there had been one, fellow jumpers might have "covered up" the fact to protect relatives. Thanks! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  12. I had this idea like 10 years ago. I would LOVE to see somebody make something of the idea. T-Shirt idea Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  13. Absolutely no desire to give any doo-doo, even my own, the possibility of contact with my rig. How would you remove that? Treat it like mud? Wait until it dries and then take a stiff brush to it? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  14. Kinda related Chevrolet crash Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  15. Oh it is. But when you think about it .... Anytime we expend any energy to arrive at exactly the same place we departed it is inefficient. The efficient thing to do would be to stay on the ground. I did the glider at Rantoul twice. On the climbout, I could talk to the pilot through his canopy. The second jump, the pilot had his eyes averted for good reason. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  16. Hiya- Are there any places out there that regularly do glider jumps? There was a glider at the 2006 WFFC. And by doing a search I found that a DZ in Slovakia has a jumpable glider. Is there anywhere else where one can make a glider jump (preferably in the US of A)? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  17. Most sports have different rules, equipment, leagues, etc. for men and women. Boys and girls are just not created equally physically. HOWEVER, in our sport physical strength is not as important. We all can play together on the same field and with the same ball. I think that could be a great selling point to get more women into the sport. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  18. Why is the dog eating Chinese food? Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  19. Yeeeee haaaaa !! " ....... skyydive naked from an aero plane !! ..." Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  20. Yep. I'm current. 18F on January 9. The ass is still there. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  21. How about a zip line down the side of a mountain? Way cool. Bootleg Canyon Flightlines Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  22. And probably just about as pretty! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  23. I believe that is correct. I'm thinking somebody should organize something! Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  24. The shrinkage is only temporary. (Just a couple of days.) Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving
  25. Mind over matter. The Army Engineer instructors at Ft. Belvoir, VA told me that there is no such thing as cold. Cold is merely the absence of heat. So days like this are just a bit less hot than others. Peace, -Dawson. The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving