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Everything posted by ACMESkydiver

  1. -could you explain that one please, Bill? -I jump the student rigs still, medium rig has a Pisa 290 in it...currently my DZ only has 1 small rig with a 230 in it which I prefer, but I'm kinda low on the totem pole to get to jump it...on the last note you mentioned, about initiating a high performance landing with front risers...I can't get anything out of front risers - there's just no way at all. Took a waiver on that on my A license card because there is just no way on God's green earth that I could even get an inch worth of pull on even one front riser yanking as hard as I could on that 290. Any ideas on something I could substitute to try to practice that skill? I'd like to get down to a 7-cell 190 in about 50 more jumps. Wingload on that would be less than 1:1, couldn't give you specifics because honestly I'm not sure what I will weigh in the next few months (trying hard to get smaller ). ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  2. Ya look just fine to me! Who cares, you're warm, right? I wear clothes that don't matter if they get dirty, or grass-stained, (oh no wait...I never get grass stains because I always stand my landings...)...or stuff I wouldn't wear out of the house anywhere else. I have a "PornKings" T-shirt I wear over my turtleneck out at the DZ because I wouldn't be caught dead in it anywhere else, and it's kind of a joke...if you ever saw me, you'd understand that -I look like a sterotypical mommy of 3 I guess... last person you'd ever expect to be wearing that. It always draws a smile
  3. That's a great you think requirements could be avg fall rate and not weight? ...not that I'm embarrassed at all about what a scale says.. Tho I fall faster than some others my weight, all due to the compact packaging. (That's a euphemism for "I'm so DAMN SHORT.") ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  4. What a great post! Thank you for that. I'm gonna save it in my 'Skydiving' folder on my laptop.
  5. ACMESkydiver

    Repo Men

    ..geez, you're all heart, man.. Oh well, nobody is takin' my Suburban! You'd never find it if I was late on payments! 'Course that'd prolly mean that I'm living out of it if it got that bad ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  6. Oh... naughty, naughty...and good thing I wasn't on the ground watching, I would have burst out in tears. I'm kinda sensitive; hide my eyes when they swoop even ...and they're all forbidden to even talk about their BASE jumps around me. I get too a-scared... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  7. Virgo here...yup...sounds like me ! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  8. Oh Jeanne! Darn bug!! My tonsilitis came back but it's going away again, but nothing like the yuck you're going through. Feel better!! Lotsa {hhhhhuuuuugggggsss} to be back at SDS soon! Geez girl, you're taking this weight loss thing just wayyyy too serious he hee...8 pounds in 4 days...eeesh....nice to be down, but lordy I wouldn't go through the crud to lose it if I had a choice!! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  9. Thanks for the link Skymama...and have a drink on me Mr. happy internet site provider. Yer the bestest!
  10. Congrats!! My 100 will unfortunately be a long time coming...nothing but 'perma-drizzle', as Amazon calls it, here in the great Pacific Northwest. I get in 2-3 jumps a week at the most ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  11. Um-hmm, that's what my instructors have always said; first point of altitude awareness is your eyes watching the ground...I have a very hard time eyeballing distance though. I'm watching my altimeter every time we go up to try to see how things look at every 1,000 feet...but I'm still having a hard time. It's bad I know, but 6,000 looks the same as 2 or 3 to me... I'm trying to get some sense of "trees are about this big at this altitude...the barns are about this big....the 'X' is about this big..." but I'm still struggling with it. Could be the reason behind my nightmare in the first place; I've never felt entirely comfortable with altitude awareness. I've done solo jumps for the sole purpose of getting better at altitude awareness, but I'm just not quite there yet. Sorry if I hijacked yer thread Chile !! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  12. Do you mind if I ask why you lost altitude awareness? Just so I can watch out so I don't fall into the same problem. -I'm a lil' terrified of losing altitude awareness...I have a ProTrack on my left ear, I just bought an older Dytter for the right, I wear an altimeter on my left hand, and I now have one for my chest strap...overkill? Maybe. Read my dream in the 'Dreams?' thread in the Women's froum and you'll see why...sorry, I don't know how to make a clicky to an old thread... I'm still jumping but the dream kinda haunts me. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  13. My hubby is in the military. Believe me, I make him feel good/happy every day...I'm about to go make him feel good and happy now... husband thanked you for your post last night, Sparky... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  14. Deuce that Ciao baby picture is priceless...the foot is just hilarious!! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  15. Uh-oh, sounds like that's coming from experience......I bet the pilot was not your friend that day... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  16. A cat in ancient Egypt; so I was told like 14 years ago. Spoiled rotten and worshipped. (
  17. ACMESkydiver

    Repo Men

    Yep, especially if you had to repo a P.O.S. '93 Ford Escort base model from some woman pregnant with twins, tears streaming down her's her only car, you bastages!! And her husband was deployed..."Just take my china you heartless fiends! It's worth more anyway!" >sniff< >a-hem< >sniff
  18. "Happy Birthday too youuuuuuuu...." HAVE A GREAT ONE!!! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  19. Holy crimany slipping off the step/strut of the Cessna in the rain has been my worst fear, but I've been allaying that fear by telling myself over and over "Nobody falls off the damn step, Jaye. Don't be ridiculous. In all this time I have never heard of anyone slipping off the step." -Now I know somebody had to have slipped off of that step out at the DZ I jump at, I just hadn't heard of it, so I was keeping my horror at bay. Thanks for giving my paranoia a boost, Deuce !! As a student, when I told my JM how afraid I was of falling off of the step, he replied, "So what if you fall? You were planning on falling anyway, right? That's why you have these," as he'd slap my rig and do another gear check... I jump with him now on fun jumps, and I still make him take the outside if we're exiting the Cessna and it's wet...or I door dive and make him catch me so I don't have to mess with that damn step and strut!
  20. Ok Hooknswoop, I'm just a dumb, why would you want to do that? Why is that a good thing? People out at my DZ are all scrambling to try to get those ratings -what is painfully obvious that I'm missing? ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  21. My hubby is in the military. Believe me, I make him feel good/happy every day...I'm about to go make him feel good and happy now... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  22. Congrats on your A license! I was so proud when I got mine in September.
  23. Congrats! Sunset loads are my fav... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  24. What a flair for story-telling; I wish I could relate my first static line jump that eloquently! I was laughing all the way through it... thanks for sharing that!