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Everything posted by TribalTalon

  1. hmm all i know is they need to shrink that thing from a 7 foot tall monster to a pair of sunglasses.
  2. count me in too!! *runs in zig zag pattern, dodging all the misc. objects thrown at the offending male*
  3. hmm what if this dz waits for the tm, even though the person may be always consistantly late.
  4. holy shit. they're cute but damn i wouldnt wanna piss em off.
  5. mainly fitness wise. it was just something i was thinking about *shrugs* like if there's some TI that's always dragging ass and holding up the plane or whatever. hypothetically it could piss us other jumpers already on said hypothetical plane off.
  6. damn it somebody beat me to the 2 girls at one time thing. eh. honestly. i have no idea. i'd really like to get a motorcycle though. i've always wanted a sportbike, and i might end up buying one this summer .we'll see.
  7. this is a pretty controversial question, but where do you draw the line at who is not physically fit to be a tandem instructor? just curious as to what the world thinks about this. (basically, i'm talking about size-wise, either too small or too tall, too heavy, whatever, but can also apply to injuries or whatever) and also, should the dzo say something to the instructor, or is the instructor expected to pull themselves out if needed. ready... set... go.
  8. thanks for listening to me ramble. you know who you are.
  9. hmm. 1.) i got meningitis when i was about 1 1/2 years old, and lost my hearing and almost my life. i consider it to be one of the best things thats ever happened to me. the friends, benefits, and luxuries of being able to "switch off" the world is priceless. :) 2.) for a long time i led a double lifestyle, during the school year i was the cool city boy that played football, baseball, wore baggy jeans and a baseball cap worn backwards. During the summers i would go to my mom's ranch, wore wranglers, boots and cowboy hats and even did a bit of competing. it was two totally different lifestyles and totally different cultures. Felt weird wearing baggy clothes at the ranch and vice versa in the city. *shrugs* its not that cool but thats something about me. lol.
  10. i've always ridden western, used to compete back when i was younger. mom got tired of carting us around the state and also the costs of rodeo living were pretty expensive. *shrugs* havent ridden in quite some time now. i miss it. i'm one of those weird people that liked getting up at the butt crack of dawn to feed my horses and maybe go for a ride and welcome the sun.
  11. woah. people actually want to meet me. i'd have to say.... conundrum daizy jumpinfarmer billyvance chuteless peachsouthern and all the other hot single women of haha ah i dont know. those were just some names that came to mind. i'd like to meet everybody!
  12. i'd have to say either pulling high on a sunset load and watching the sun go down, or making the summit of a mountain and just sitting there taking in the sights. God i love that. its the simple things in life..
  13. NO SHIT! Thats exactly what i thought when i first saw that post.
  14. its not working for me either. i get that webpage under construction thing. bummer.
  15. well what i did was go to Vegas, Atlantic City, Hollywood, Daytona (on occasion) and NYC every weekend. but that got old pretty quickly, but i bet we spent over a half a mil last summer. we were using my friend's parent's private jet. to be honest with you, if i came into that much money again, i'd take it, and run. go to some other country, get a bunch of land, build a dz, and get myself set up to where i dont have to worry about anything. NO SHOES, NO SHIRTS, NOOOO PROBLEMS
  16. hmm. if i see somebody landing off, and i have no chance of landing at the dz, i'll go ahead and land where the other person landed, if the area is cool. that way we have somebody to bitch with about the horrible spot.
  17. hahahaha. boy thats a tiny helmet you're holding.
  18. yep. thats about right. lol. i am not gonna say anything else about the quality of this scr ceremony because my big mouth tends to get me in trouble and i get to go through wonderful occasions such as this one. so i know nothing.
  19. what about limpy? i call chicks chicks too. but i also call everybody dude too. that pisses some chicks off so i call em dudette. (when i can remember to, anyway)
  20. this is what happens when you evade the scr ceremony for like 3 or 4 weeks. lesson to be learned: do the ceremony the night you get the scr formation.