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Everything posted by jonstark

  1. In Massachusetts we have six months of good sledding and six months of not so good sledding.
  2. If it is not attached with anything more than velcro or snaps as a passenger convenience item are you sure you need an STC?
  3. I certainly won’t be there but can imagine some reasons some might attend. For the uninitiated there are rigs and experts to ease them into the onetime, bucket list jump. For the experienced it’s a good way to stay connected or to reconnect. Jon base 593
  4. It’s like asking how to brake for a stop light. This is a dynamic situation that has even more variables. Thankfully your on-board computer is amazingly powerful and learns quickly to adjust on the fly. Keep your wing level and pointed into the wind throughout landing and you’ll get the best and most consistent results to add to the database. Those last twenty feet are the crux of it all. Jon
  5. I'm gonna go a different direction... There are going to be lots of times when you have the opportunity to get on a plane without your usual group of friends and acquaintances. There is going to be a student wanting to jump with ANY body. That could be YOU. But, only if you have a coach rating. You're right in saying it can be fun. The experiences can be priceless! It's a great way to give back by encouraging a new jumper who might just pay it forward someday. Go for it! Jon
  6. Can't think of anything to hold you back. Relearning to unconscious muscle memory is going to take some effort! I'm betting you'll get a LOT of looks too. It'll be strange to watch you practice. Go for it Tom! Jon
  7. Tell her to turn left!
  8. How does anyone breaking the law get away with it? Duh! Nobody is watching that gives a real shit and the Feds are clueless. That's how.
  9. Years ago most if not all skydivers wore motorcycle helmets. They were heavy but what did we know! ALL our gear was heavy. This was well before any full face helmets were around though. Visibility from the old helmets was just fine. I can't think of a modern full face moto helmet that would be as good. I'd be inclined to look into an open faced one. Jon
  10. Hey Doug, Any of the Alabama Boys still around? Used to see Fred Leslie's name and pix but it's been years. Jon
  11. I concur. They are devastating an already delicate balance.
  12. It was probably a car cover in Paducah, Kentucky by the 90's.
  13. Why add the weight? You looking for sound deadening? Jon
  14. Went out at dawn to do some yard work to avoid the heat. As I clipped the hedges a mylar Happy Birthday balloon came slowly descending into the yard. It was my daughter's first birthday. Jon
  15. If your aircraft is included in the STC's AML or Applicable Model List then the process is very simple. An A&P can install the unit, an IA inspects his work and returns the aircraft to service with FAA form 337. Piece o cake! If your aircraft is not in the AML then wait! It will be. Check out the Garmin G5. Their AML is very extensive. Jon
  16. When if asked "boxers or briefs?" you respond "depends".
  17. We've got an old rig that sits out by the swoop pond for water training. It's in about the same, sun faded, crispy looking shape. Jon
  18. jonstark

    Scotty Carbone

    RIP Harvey Soss! Oh! My mistake. Soss was killed on his bike and lost his head. Thought you were referring to that.
  19. I usually reply... "You may be right!" and "It's not for everybody." If they persist on calling me insane the conversation is over. If they're curious we can talk. If they're interested we can really talk. Jon
  20. Some operations pay by the head. (~$1.25) Some offer a guaranteed minimum or show-up fee. If you don't fly you still get something for sitting around. If you do fly you get paid beyond that after you have flown the loads equaling the show-up. It's piece work. Flying part time on the side isn't a salaried position. Taking a full time slot might be especially if you are posted out of town. There's little to "negotiate". The business is such that pilot's pay is pretty much set in stone. The tail doesn't wag the dog. Jon