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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Celtic, I think it was ~ jump #3. No, I have always been one that has had almost absolute confidence in the equipment. Heck, I was shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out that we actually had to wear a backup parachute ( the trusty, old reserve gut pack ) when making a first jump. Very true, before getting to the dz I thought everyone just jumped with one parachute. JerryBaumchen
  2. Hi Flyer, Back in the old Scravel Hill dz days there was this rather nicely outfitted, rather short, young woman who would pack standing on her feet & just bending over. When she was packing, all of the rest of the packing stopped for a great view. She probably cost that dz a number of loads not going up. JerryBaumchen
  3. Hi John, Wow, and how quickly he admitted it. They was robbed!!!! JerryBaumchen
  4. Hi Nick, Absolutely!!!!!!!! And a great one is: Double Indemity I've probably watched ~20 times; it used to be on the late show rather regularly when I was a kid. JerryBaumchen PS) Is my age showing? PPS) The late show was what was on before there was a TONIGHT show or a Letterman.
  5. Hi Speed, So why is it I just cannot put those two movies in the same category? JerryBaumchen
  6. Hi Slurp, That depends upon the specific TSO standard. C & D ( and probably E if it ever gets here { and I hope it doesn't } ) have enviromental standards; but B does not. Just to be clear . . . JerryBaumchen
  7. Hi warped, Might I then recommend Woody Allen's MATCH POINT? JerryBaumchen
  8. Hi Moms, Touche'. And if you ever get out to this part of the world, think about touring their campus. Fantastic grounds/facility for a business operation. JerryBaumchen
  9. Hi Moms, Nike's world headquarters is about two miles up the street from me; want me to stop in and see if they'll make you a pair in your colors? JerryBaumchen
  10. Hi TAXIWAY, A little story for you: A local jumper owned a beauty parlor; she called it United Hairlines. One day an attorney showed up & said that he represented United Airlines and that if she did not change the name of her company, they would proceed with litigation. Compared to United Airlines, she was a rather small business, so she took the smart route & changed the name of her company. It would be your choice to go along or fight. Think about the costs of winning? JerryBaumchen
  11. Hi paul, Other than colors ( which we all know about; don't we? ), the Dolphin offers everything, except a MARD, that any other rig offers. Unless Mike has changed something & I have no idea what I am talking about. JerryBaumchen
  12. Hi Zig, I much prefer things at 1:30 JerryBaumchen
  13. Hi steve, Shout out to Steve: It wasn't supposed to go in there! Those containers were tighter than H#%@ with just a 26 ft canopy in there. JerryBaumchen
  14. Hi Jim, Pfft . . I went from Portland to Brazil; and worth every mile. (didn't drive though ) I mean I didn't drive to get there. JerryBaumchen
  15. Hi out there, David Nelson of 'Ozzie & Harriet' fame has died. JerryBaumchen
  16. Hi Jim, Every married man knows exactly what you are talking about. Been there, done that ( way too many times ), JerryBaumchen PS) There only three people in the world who ever call me 'Gerald,' which is my real name. My mother, my ex-wife & my daughter; and only when I was/am in trouble. You can probably guess the tone that it gets said.
  17. Hi out there, When I was an engineering student we studies a lot of different types of engines; including this one. JerryBaumchen
  18. Hi riders, A couple of hours after I posted, I realized that I forgot to say that this testing did NOT include the light-weight stamped steel adjuster that is common on most rigs; and which is rated at only 500 lbs ( but that I am sure will go much more ). I only tested the stitching configuration. Just to make sure no one misunderstands, JerryBaumchen
  19. Hi Girl, For some reason I think you will do well on the POPS circuit. JerryBaumchen
  20. Hi James, Think you could wait 8 hrs or so? JerryBaumchen
  21. Hi bfd, First the disclaimer: I spent 30 yrs working in the high voltage electrical transmission business. I went to the site that you listed and simply do not see where there is a problem. Could you provide some specific details on just why these wind turbines will cause jumping to cease at that location? JerryBaumchen PS) I do support alternate forms of energy.
  22. Hi nigel, The vast majority of the stitching on a chest strap on a modern parachute system is a 3-point stitch pattern; either in-line with the MLW webbing or transverse to the MLW webbing. Just because I am a curious type & like to test things ( oh, did I mention that I am an engineer ), I did some testing of a chest strap mock-up. I took some webbing & stitched a 3-point pattern in-line with the MLW webbing ( because that is how I sew up a harness ). Then I pulled it tranversely to the stitching. In each case it broke at above a 2,500 lb load. I think you can rest easy that your chest strap will take the loading in the scenario described above. Just for your info . . . . JerryBaumchen
  23. Hi marine, Good for you. JerryBaumchen A-661
  24. Hi Peter, IMO this continues to be a developing idea. I think that all manuals should say something like this: The term limits for packing/repacking this parachute system are to be in accordance with the applicable FAR's at the time of the packing/repacking. Or something similar that is all-inclusive. What is also interesting is that in the Para-Gear catalog the Softie is listed as having a canopy rated at 240 lbs. FFE, who mfrs the canopy ( Preserve I ), says that it is rated at 220 lbs. And the Softie manual says: Use limitations will depend on the canopy weight and speed limitations and the TSO category under which canopy certification was achieved. JerryBaumchen
  25. Hi Jeanne, 2nd only to watching the Colts go down. Now I'm wondering just what tomorrow will bring. JerryBaumchen PS) GO PATS!!!!!!!