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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. So around the world, not just in America, the pandemic is spiraling out of control because people just can not be trusted to do the right thing. "Rules" aren't as real as laws and that's the problem. Thanks for the update. Also, a shout out: we liberals here in your former country are most appreciative that every other nation on the planet is playing along with our crazy conspiracy to oust Trump. Thank you all, even non Christian heterosexual white folk.
  2. Again, he can not be pardoned for state crimes by a President. If the SDNY or AG James has real evidence of crimes committed by any or all the the Trumps, and they sure act like they have the goods, my hope is they be prosecuted. You think that's bad I think that's good. And before we talk Presidential pardon let's first see what's under the rock.
  3. Why? I stated the why on SC multiple times: to keep him off the ballot in 2024. Whereas a felon can run for president I suspect it would be, at the minimum, debilitating to say the least. Running from a jail cell or while being prosecuted for multiple crimes in several separate cases is also likely to be distracting. The MAGA base will be an impediment in this country for a long while to come. I think it will be worse if he gets his bully pulpit cost free. No good options is no good reason to not try.
  4. Wish thinking and trumpthopomorphizing. Unless you want him running in 2024 and stirring up his angry mob the next four years then you should wish for a felony conviction on anything as fast as possible.
  5. Robert, Wendy, et al., I simply do not understand why anyone is bringing up Andrew Jackson, Richard Nixon etc. Trump is a new page in history. What he has done and is doing right now demands a new response. He and what he stands for is a new disease and the courts will be the vaccine. It is time for toughness not truth and reconciliation.
  6. That's pretty much the definition of a closed mind. It's not that the Presidency must be protected, it's that he personally must be emasculated. The only hope of doing that is with a felony conviction. Take his money and his cult will send him more and subscribe to his new reality show for good measure. Think of it as step one in bending the arc of world history away from right wing authoritarianism. He must be pulled down and kept down. It's the courts or nothing.
  7. You can? Please direct our attentions to your past predictions and promises that would require us to take you seriously. Hyperbolic predictions left unrealized seems to be a common trait amongst the right wing lately so please forgive my doubts.
  8. You have to feel the love from Cessna, 10% off or no, $7K US is a huge percentage of the value of some of the affected fleet. Brutal.
  9. Not yet, but once the power of the Presidency is in his past and Barr is no longer his personal lapdog attorney I suspect the score will run up nicely.
  10. I'll wager a nice bottle of Burgundy that you're about to hear that it is being blind, gullible and obtuse that allows you to see the similarities.
  11. Yingling has the kits at $6740.85. The AD is not going to be rescinded. There is always a chance that when you need the kit they'll be in short supply. Get ahead of things, if there was ever an awesome Christmas gift for your wife this is it.
  12. Well, we don't know for sure just how guilty he is. In the words of my dear old dad just after his hand bounced off the side of my head: " I don't know what you did, but I know you did it."
  13. Methinks you're joking if you think Trump will say "sorry" for a pardon. He'll be more like the girl in the pit in Silence of the Lambs, threatening to break preciouses legs if he's not let go. In any case no President can pardon him for state crimes and that's, if there is a there there, the best chance for a relatively fast conviction. He knows that and it's the specter of state prosecution, because he sort of has an idea he's guilty, that makes him willing to destroy confidence in our democracy on the off chance he can stay president.
  14. Screw that. Pardoning him, or simply not prosecuting him for any real crimes committed, would do nothing to stop the trend of right wing authoritarianism around the world and now here in America. For one thing it would bring his 2024 Presidential aspirations to a screeching halt now and give his cult a few years to cool down. It would also serve to give the next such brazen asshole pause, at least in America. No more same thing, I say.
  15. It's held together with a piece of break cord and a bungee? WTF, were they out of packing bands? They put a half knee in my starboard rudder 6-8 years back and it's been talking to me again. I was wondering what was next, now I know. I'd say your advice to not wait once you start getting slowed down is spot on. You gotta keep movin', 'cause if you don't the birds will get you. Glad you're back and well.
  16. I guess we can add paranoia to your list of cognitive infirmities. Were you military, I would next have asked if mindsets like yours were prevalent in your unit. Now I know it's much simpler: you are just an angry old man, unhappy with your lot in life, who finds validation in lashing out bitterly at make believe enemies. The internet and this forum give you a channel to behave as abysmally homophobic and prejudicial as you like without fear of retribution. I'll further guess that in your little circle at home you take pains to be well behaved lest you be left without even the pretense of friends. Old age is a time for mellowing out and enjoying the days you have left not hating ever more intensely. Go find some good in something.
  17. Mark, Are you in the military stationed in Germany? Joe
  18. And still you avoid his main point. You won't be taken seriously, Bill, until you post a GIF of you doing some Lesbian dancing.
  19. Sadly, the enlightenment came and went and left us behind. We ain't got sense, can't cipher and are short on grasping the germ theory of disease, that's a fact. But we got's po-boy's, Glocks and the fecund abridgment!
  20. Because it's blasphemy to defame Christ's chosen ones. Oh, but if the Muslims get all twitchy when the Prophet is defamed that's intolerable!
  21. For Ron, there are no better sources. It's no longer a mystery how Goebbels was able to pull it off, that's for sure. Nothings changed in the last 75 years. People are as racist, xenophobic, credulous, wicked, self serving and vindictive as ever. It's very hard to believe our species will survive ourselves.