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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. He's not out yet, Robert. If we do get him out the next step is simple: grate his fat ass into dust like a block of parmesan cheese. Then, and only if you must, breath a sigh of relief but we are a long, long way from that moment. We need to stay focused.
  2. I don't get it either. You'd think those silly Yemeni's, Afghanistanis and East Egyptionarians would know how to run a postal service by now. And there is absolutely no reason our forces cannot deploy in place while their ballots work their way through the highly efficient military systems after their wives in the US receive them at the home address and forward them on. Crazy.
  3. I'd generally agree with the point but only to the extent it's broadly made. My disagreement, and I really wanted to let it pass, is specifically with how you represented the LGBTQ community. I know I've mentioned previously that I have a number of friends in that community. I don't know any who want to be identified by an alphabet soup nomer. But there are relatively small numbers of each group and they are all equally discriminated against so it works, I guess. Sort of like Native Americans instead of Sioux, Seminole and Crow, maybe. Just a thought.
  4. JoeWeber


    You missed the question part which was asking how will Q-balls spin Trump's loss. No matter, do you really think it was simple stupidity that inspired those yo's to grab their AR-15's and head off to a polling place to do who knows what? You see, Ron, that is nothing short of a full on display of how you believe only what fits your personal narrative. Conceding, for your arguments purpose, that stupidity can be inspiring I would argue that they were actually inspired by a red meat tossing, dog whistling, lying, manipulative jackass in the White House. As far as I know from reports there was not a Dumb Ass Convention at the Convention Center that day. In fact it was being used to count ballots for our Presidential Election. Really, man, you need to think a bit harder about things. Oh, and maybe, but we don't know for sure because we haven't yet been told what to believe, they were operators and not operatives? That would be more SpecOp, no?
  5. JoeWeber


    I was thinking more like: The plan is unfolding Deep State actors now identified More will be drawn into the trap Small losses necessary to final victory Patience and strength Winning WWG1WWGA
  6. JoeWeber


    Freakin' Q balls. I can't imagine how the dipsy doodles are going to spin Trumps loss. Ron?
  7. Could be, I sure don't know, but unless the seat is officially vacated you'd have two on one seat, seems to me.
  8. It appears both of Georgia's Senate seats, unless the leaders get over 50%, are headed for a run-off on January 5, 2021. So.......if somehow neither seat was filled by January 21 owing to Trumpian irregularities, shenanigans, court cases etc... wouldn't the Senate convene 48-48 with a Vice Presidential Tie breaker?
  9. And....... if the map shakes out as things are trending with 306 Electoral Votes Biden will have bested Trump by 2. That'll stick in his porcine craw like an overcooked McDonalds french fry.
  10. They're just poseurs until they do something besides kiss his ass pro re nata. I'm putting my hopes on Letita James and the SDNY.
  11. He can scream and cry all he wants now, with PA in the bag it's over. Unless Trump resigns for a Pence pardon Biden will be President #46.
  12. Few, I'm certain. On that excursion we stayed in a room on the second floor of the station above the common area in the terminal. Dip toilet and shower, etc. Not recommended by Conde' Nast as I recall but only 2 bucks. Below, sleeping on the floor, was an Indian Army unit of at least a couple hundred soldiers. At 4 AM all hell broke loose outside on the track side. I looked out to see the unit's brass band marching up and down the platform out of step and sync but blowing and beating with a vigor. The dosa's were extra good that morning.
  13. Interestingly, and it's completely understandable, a lot of folks were too embarrassed to admit they were voting for Trump even to a stranger on the phone.
  14. Roger that, Robert. Tossing Trump was the prize. The Senate would have been the Lottery. Once he's out, and he isn't yet, the goal must be steam rollering the asshole in state courts until he's as thin as Kamala's favorite dosa. (my favorite is just outside the train station in Jaipur if you don't read my food blog) It must be so or we'll see him nightly on Fox with Palin's old job arguing with free airtime for a second chance in 2024. With the Senate in McConnell's hands that will be the only real chance of lasting victory over Trumpism.
  15. No comedians? That's a shocker. I asked because of how you wrote the post. Here, FIFY. WI had seven wards with more votes than registered voters. STOP MI had a surprising find of more than 120K votes, all for Biden, none for Trump. STOP PA found 23K votes all for Biden none for Trump. STOP Lawsuits coming.STOP GA, NC, PA, & AK still not declared. STOP AZ may be a flip for Trump. STOP NV slim lead for Biden. END
  16. Because it's nice to have someone you can talk to?
  17. SC is a tough place to play dry humor. The difficulties are many as we are.
  18. What's missing is whether you personally believe McConnell was wrong to deny Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland and then jam through Amy Coney-Barrett. The thing is that sort of dishonorable act is simply anathema to my way of thinking and living. I wouldn't do it nor would I support anyone who did. But time and again I hear it simply rationalized.
  19. jakee, I am so sorry. I was trying to make a funny and should have done more reading first. Please forgive me.
  20. Which is why he must be hammered flat by the courts post election.
  21. Jeez, Comrade, I'm getting a little wet in the eyes now. There are few things, maybe more than a few, that I care more about than our Great American Peat Moss Farmers. Of course, our great American peat product isn't made of sphagnum like in Canada which, as you know, is that thick snot stuff you cough up after a night out.