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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Well that's bullshit. Let 'em use their own crappy, lichen fouled peat moss. I might be willing to trade for some Canadien whiskey, though.
  2. That's just outrageous! What about good old American Peat Moss? Goddamn Nafta!
  3. Sorry! Not this instant I saw it on an instant messaging feed. So you saw nothing in person it was on F'n Twitter. Of course, if you had you'd have seen it in person it would have been in Germany. Please do get back to what you have going on. Sheesh.
  4. Nope. He calls them fairies. Pussies is too good for them.
  5. Bill, Conceding for arguments sake that a Trump vote in 2016 was justifiable for any reason at all, I submit that as soon as his true self was on display post election it was then time to move on. The guy has taken a wrecking ball to our institutions, fomented racist violence, used the office for personal profit, destroyed critical international relationships, enabled authoritarians around the world and did it all while screwing off playing golf and tweeting insults like a school boy. He's been doing it all since the beginning to where this election should be no more than a procedural ouster with margins well above a hoped for 8%. So, no, people aren't going to just move on. I for one am pissed off. If Biden wins I want to see Trumps Presidency negated and I want the police and the National Guard to deal firmly with the militia idiots who seem all but certain to raise violent hell come Wednesday. Maybe then I'll want to move on.
  6. Well then, that's about as first hand a report as we could hope to get. Thanks.
  7. That makes sense given it's Trump. You know, Counselor, that ECV is a breech birth procedure, don't you?
  8. JoeWeber


    When several voices in your head guide your day you can have it as many ways as you like.
  9. Some do, I don't. I am simply pointing out that the re-supply undereducated white males in the next Presidential election shouldn't encourage conservatives. Especially as there will be 4 more years of attrition to the mostly conservative voting +65 year olds in 2024.
  10. It's not sustainable otherwise. Something like just under 1/2 of 15 to 17 year olds in America are white. So even if the entire male half drops out of high school and pledges allegiance to Trump the base of uneducated white male voters will continue to shrink.
  11. Not me. I've never wanted an abortion and that's unlikely to change. I'm not opposed to gay marriage but at my age, given how slow I learn new things, it's probably not for me. I'm already on medicare and I'm in good shape financially. So really, the bottom line for me in this election, is if the disadvantaged and disaffected ie, the young, women and people of color and the rest don't come out in force to defeat Trump then I'm done caring. Instead of voting against my wallet I'll start voting in my favor. Why should I not?
  12. Holy crap, I apologize. Now I understand-enindg. You grade papers at a private school, right?
  13. When this Trump disaster is done and the country is a divided wreck it won't be because the leftist bird and bunny people who like to hug and forgive can't get over it.
  14. Hot Yoga, if yoga at all. Ride a bike for cardio. Otherwise just lay on your belly with your insteps on the couch and press down and arch with your head up arms bent at 90 degrees while watching watching whatever raunch you desire. Ignore all books and for advice (except mine). Listen to your instructors advice and follow it. After every jump think of the positive things first and the things you want to improve second.
  15. Coreece, it's not hypocritical. Sort of it's a Sophies choice, right? If you are involved you need to make a choice that gets you somewhere close to what you hope for. Protest votes for people who will only get a few percent max in a contest where a few percent determines who will win are worse than not voting. Just how it is.
  16. Right. And at his Montoursville, PA rally he gave the morons a shout out for doing it. Any Trumpies on SC willing to condemn the morons who assaulted the bus and Trump for egging them on? No? Go figure.
  17. I'll give it a go: Totally Hamburgered the Covid-19 crisis creating widespread disagreement over whether his selfish incompetence caused 100 or 150,000 needless American deaths thereby causing what now seems to be a Never Ending economic and health crisis causing the United States to be a world laughing stock-again. The point being that there really isn't any way to improve it without lying.
  18. Maybe. I'm guessing I'm not alone in wishing ill on some jackass government employee from time to time. But this looks like more of a short term play to exact revenge on top people, experts with necessary and valuable institutional knowledge, who don't want to play the Trump loyalty game. For that reason, and because I expect nothing but hell from Trump now, I'm not excited. As an aside, I will say that as pissed off as I've ever been at a US government employee, the worst one I've ever experienced in America wouldn't be qualified to carry the lunch of some in South America and India.
  19. Anyone can beat a dog until it howls.
  20. Yup. Reminds me of the Shirt from our 2017 Boogie.
  21. You are joking, right? What else do you do here other than wait for someone to post something and then attack?
  22. Aren't you in advertising? Do you really believe the report was written first and then the department of Trump Honesty worked through the night on the best, most truthful and conforming title?
  23. Absolutely. Nothing like winning an American baseball championship in a truncated season where just over a third of a normal seasons games were played in front of no one to turn the corner on a crappy year. Winning!
  24. No, I heard it elsewhere off and on lately. Sorry.